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Ternyata Bukan Cuma Lintang

Mito tersenyum. "Masuk bulan keempat. Dikerjain beneran aku. Harus ekstra sabar."
"Hee ... hee..." Da

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Chi phí 24 kim cương

Sự cân bằng: 0 Kim cương ∣ 0 Điểm

Bình Luận Sách (48)

  • avatar
    nazzuha azhar

    very good storyline and make me feel like i’m in the story right now. and very good author that you have make a good story about it . it really impressive and strong emotional when i was read the novel . i hope i can read more novel from this author. Such a beautiful & great story and i think must to interpret i real tv movie


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    Mhyn Mhyn

    kurang ajar sekali yah mas mito.. 🤬🤬


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