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Chapter 5

I was still on the floor when Daisy entered the classroom. "Are u okay?"she asked concerned, I nodded in agreement before she pulled me up. Just then, Adam walked to the front of the class, "excuse me" he said trying to get their attention. "As a very good friend of Amelia, I wish to beg those who planned to bully her to let her go since she's confirmed to be two weeks pregnant" he said mockingly and the whole class gasped  turning to me, there eyes filled with hatred.
I looked angrily at Adam who was peeling off the skin of the banana he was holding. He threw the peel at me and that seemed to wake others from sleep as they began to throw all sorts of items at me. Daisy tried to make them stop but she was shifted aside as they continued to insult and throw things at me. Some went to the school's kitchen in search of flour, tomatoes and eggs which they used in ruining my uniform and hair. They stopped immediately a teacher came in and I grabbed the opportunity to run out of class with Daisy calling me back.
I hid in one of the empty rooms in the school shivering as a result of cold as my uniform stuck to my skin. I don't know how long I was there but I know I never came out till school dismissed. Daisy came into the room and sighed in relief, seems my whimpers helped her to find me. She wrapped me with the towel she came in with and I hugged her tightly, tears falling from our eyes.
I walked out of the room with Daisy supporting me. "Stay here, I will get you something to eat" she said helping me sit as she ran out. I was still seating quietly when I began hearing footsteps approaching me. It turned out to be Adam, but what is he doing in school during dismissal?.
"Hi Amelia, hope you got the pictures I sent to you?" He smirked. The pictures from earlier was my nude pictures which must have been captured the day I was abused. "What did I ever do to you Adam?" I asked tears falling from my eyes again, he tried wiping it but I pushed his hand away. "Nothing baby, nothing. I just enjoy doing these stuffs" he shrugged. This young man here is a psychopath, "you mean you just like inflicting pains on others? How cruel of you, now what have you gained in ruining me!?" I screamed at him and he laughed out loud. This Adam here is scaring me, someone please come and save me.
"Dear Mel" he slurred touching my sticky hair which he cleaned on my skirt. "I really enjoyed being inside you, at least I was the first to enter you know..." He laughed again, "I will make it simple for you, you don't deserve to live Mel, look at what you've been facing, from bullying to being betrayed, then raped and now you are pregnant, do you think you deserve all this? Why not do something about this situation and relieve your parents of the shame you will bring to them when this basterd is born"
Somehow, he was right, I can't bear to see my parents ashamed of me, my future is  ruined too and this child I'm carrying may not be able to survive being called a basterd, I looked at Adam and he smiled mischievously, he leaned to my ear and said, "Why not end your miserable life?, with this, I'm sure no one will remember you or the shame you've brought upon your family" with that he walked away just as he came.
I sat down trying to digest all Adam told and I concluded that what he said was the right thing to do, I stood up abruptly just as Daisy came with the snacks.
"Where are you going to?" She inquired,  I walked to her and pulled her into a hug and then smiled brightly at her. "Thank you Daisy for Everything, you are truly a good friend, please take care of yourself and tell my parents that I'm sorry" I began walking away, "What do you mean Amelia, don't tell me you are about to do something stupid!!" she yelled at me. "Don't follow me, Daisy, I'm begging you, Don't" with that I ran up the stairs as fast as my leg could carry me till I got to the rooftop. I could hear Daisy calls as I ran up, but my heart is made up, I need to do this to set things right. You may be wondering why she didn't go after me, well that's because I spoilt the door lock immediately I entered so as to slow her movements.
The cool evening breeze on the rooftop was heartwarming and I smiled as it scattered my hair all over my face. I got close to the rail and began to cry all over again. I looked around the rooftop which seemed strange as I have never been to this part of the school, but it is going to be the last as I will not be heard of, nor be spoken about. It is for the best and I hope you all understand.
I held the rails and climbed on it. I tried to balance so as to jump out with ease. "What are you doing?" Someone asked and I froze.
*Sips coffee*

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    nice 👍


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    NajihahNurul syifa

    bestt 🌷🌷🌷


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    Chlo Lim



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