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Chapter Two

I woke up this morning so early. I just ate my breakfast, and left without bidding goodbye to my mom.
That's how rude I am.
"Dude!" It's Khianne, who else.
"Hmm, what's up?"
"We don't have classes today, dude!" He cheered.
"Can you please tone down your voice? We're not far from each other, are we?" I said, getting annoyed.
"Hehehe. Yeah. Let's just watch the games, men."
"I don't want to. I'mma just hang out with our classmates."
"Ha?! But, they said that they will not hang out today. They are going to watch the game..."
"Enough with your lies, Khianne."
"You fat liar! Let's go!"
"Fine, fine." I answered as if I had a choice.
When we arrived at the court, the game immediately started. Volleyball was the first game to be played, and that made Khianne wild. Well, because of the girls.
"Dude, dude, look at that!" Khianne pointed something... Ahh, someone rather.
He was pointing at Salvador's girlfriend.
I didn't know she was a volleyball player, hmm.
"What now?" I asked Khianne because he keeps on pointing at her.
"You see?"
"Yes. It's Salvador's girlfriend, so what?"
"The heck! I'm not referring to the woman! That, oh!" He shouted and pointed at someone again.
He was pointing at Nicco and not his girlfriend. And, I didn't notice that.
"Want to have a round two?" He teasingly asked.
"Want to have a bruised face?" I said sarcastically, smiling.
"Lol. Just a joke, hehehe. "
"Better shut your mouth, dude," I said. I just divert my attention to the game, and as time passes by I'm getting bored and bored.
"Woohoo!! Go, girls!" Khianne shouted as he cheered for our school volleyball team.
I sighed. How I wish I was energetic as Khianne.
"I'll go pee." I told him, and he just nodded.
I went straight to the CR, and I wasn't expecting to see Nicco when I'm about to wash my hands.
"Oh! Look who's here!" He said teasingly.
"Oh! I'm here!" I blurted.
"You know? You are handsome."
What!? Did he just say that?!
I was stunned. I didn't expect him to say that because we just fought yesterday, and usually a man can't say that to a man.
"What the heck are you saying?" I tsk-ed.
"Hmmm." He just hummed, and left the restroom.
What the hell? What's wrong with him?!
My eyebrows furrowed as I exited the bathroom and returned to the court. After so many hours, Khianne thought about going home.
"Hey, dude. You shouldn't just wait for me. I'm sorry, hehe." He said as if he was guilty.
"Dude, it was you who said that I should wait for you. Don't act like you're guilty at all," I answered.
"Oh, Pierre!" He suddenly shouted.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing, hehehe."
I just shook my head to Khianne.
"I'll go first, dude." I said goodbye to him and got in my car.
When I arrived at the house, I found Nixx crying in the living room, so I ran to him.
"Nixx?! What happened?!" I asked worriedly.
"Brother.." He looked up, and he pointed to dad's office.
"Just stay here, okay," I told him and quickly went to dad's office.
When I entered, dad was sitting in his swivel chair with his forehead furrowed while mommy was sitting on the sofa, crying.
It's like they didn't notice my presence, so I just stay where I am right now because I think they're having a serious talk.
"Who's the father of that child, Lina?!?"
What?! This is the first time I heard dad address mom as Lina. Lina is mom's nickname.
"I-I don't know..."
"Damn you! Lina, please!. Can't you see that I'm so tired!?! If it weren't for the kids, I might have kicked you out of my house!"
What the heck is happening?!
My eyes remained wide as I looked around at the two of them.
"S-Sorry, Leandro. I did not mean it..."
"Enough of your lies! Do you really love me?!"
"If you love me, why do I suddenly find out that you are pregnant again!!?? And most of all, I am not the father!!"
I feel like I'm weakened by what my dad said.
What the hell is this again, mom?
M-Mom is pregnant and dad was not the father of the child..
"I-I'm sorry, Leandro... D-Don't leave me..."
"I'm so fed up, Lina! I try to encourage myself when our son and Nixx are in front of me, but in my heart I am hurting because I know you are seeing different men every day! I'm a human too, Lina! I have feelings and I can feel pain! How can you do this to me? You are no longer satisfied with Nixx, you added more!!" A loud shout from my crying dad.
"M-Mom," I stammered. They look at me in disbelief.
"S-Son," daddy called me, but I kept facing mommy who did not know what to say...
"A-Am I not e-enough? Tell me if we are not enough," I struggled with my emotions.
Mom tried to touch me, but I slapped her hands away.
"Aren't you satisfied with daddy?! Are you really that greedy with men?!" I shouted angrily, and a loud slap hit my face.
"Pierre, don't speak like that to me," she shouted.
"Is that all you can do, mom?! Go on! All of that is not enough to match the pain I am feeling right now! Go on! Slap me!" And then the tears I had been holding back came out.
"You have no respect!" She said while crying.
"Respect?! Wow! You know that?!" I said sarcastically. "You do not deserve to be respected, Lina! You are married, and you just let yourself be pregnant by a random guy?! Damn you!"
She slapped me again, and now I laughed with tears in my eyes.
"Stop slapping my daughter, Lina," dad said in monotone.
"You can't speak?! Because you know in yourself that you are wrong! Mommy... you don't feel sorry for daddy?! He works hard for us and that's all you can repay?" I asked depressingly.
"You don't know how I feel, Pierre! It is also difficult for me to know that I am the wife, but he does not seem to have time for me!" She shouted.
That's bullshit!
"Ah, so you got pregnant?! You have to admit, you are flirtatious-"
I didn't get the chance to continue what I wanted to say because she slapped me again, and I don't care.
I turned around, and a loud slap hit mommy.
"You have no right to hurt my son, Lina. Tomorrow you can leave my house. Bring all your stuff, and don't try to live here again," daddy said before leaving the office. I followed him.
"D-Dad?" I called him.
"H-Hmmm?" He replied with a forced smile.
"We're just here for you. Me and Nixx," I said, smiling. He nodded and went to his bedroom.
When I returned to the living room, I found Nixx sleeping on the sofa. He also has pillows and blankets, and I'm sure the maids did it for him.
I sighed before going out of the house.
When I got in my car, I quickly turned it on. I dialed Khianne's number.
"Tsk. Hello?!"
"Pierre? Wait! Wait a minute don't be naughty, I am talking to someone!"
The call just ended suddenly.
Tsk! I need some company right now...
I stopped driving when I reached a bar.
Even when I'm outside the bar, I can smell alcohol and cigarettes. The sounds are so loud.
"VVIP room," I said to the bouncer. He pointed me to the VVIP room.
When I entered, I sat on the sofa, and leaned my head back.
"What is your order, sir?"
"Uhm.. I want some Martell."
"Martell only, sir?"
"Ah, Macallan and some fries. Thanks."
"Okay, sir. I'll serve it in ten."
I took out my cell phone, and I tried to call Khianne, but he's line was busy.
Tsh, where is Khianne again?!
Soon after, my order arrived.
I drank a few alcohols, but I am still not drunk.
Tch. I didn't see this coming...
When I felt like I'm going to pee, I decided to leave the VVIP room and went to the CR, but I bumped into a stranger, and I poured my drink on him.
"Oh, I'm sorry," I was shocked.
"Sorry?! Look at this shirt of mine?!"
"I'm really sorry," I still said gently, but I did not expect the next thing he did.
He punched me and kicked me!
Because of the shock I lost my balance!
"You are stupid, eh?! Do you know how much this thing I am wearing?! It's even more expensive than your life, asshole! "
I slowly stood up.
"Why did you punch me?!" I rasped.
"Hah?! How arrogant!"
"Do you know me?!" I yelled!
"Why, huh?!" He shouted and punched me again.
Someone held both my hands, so I could not resist.
Tsk. That's why I don't want to be alone in this kind of situation.
They dragged me out of the bar and kicked and punched me.
I feel too much pain and my eyelids are getting heavier.
I'm not going to die. I'm just really exhausted...
"Hey, son of a bitch!"
Shouted by the person I did not expect to be here.
War freak.
And I finally lost my consciousness.
WHEN I opened my eyes, all I could see was pure white.
I'm not yet dead, am I?
I slowly sat myself down and there I felt how painful my body was.
Who brought me here?
I looked all over the hospital room and saw Khianne on the sofa, sleeping.
"K-Khianne?" I called him but he did not wake up.
"Khianne!" I called out loud, so he was able to get up.
"Dude?! Pierre?! Pierreeeee!! Thank you, Lord! Thank you and you are alive! Because I do not know where I will get your funeral money!" He shouted, and sat down next to me.
So extra.
"What?! Drink more! Go," he teased me.
I tsk-ed at him and tried to remember what happened last night.
Dad and mom quarreled.
Mom and I also quarreled.
I drove away from home.
I went to a well-known bar.
I drank.
I went out to pee, but I bumped with someone, and he punched me.
I can't remember what happened next...
I was wondering as I looked at Khianne.
"Who brought me he-"
The door suddenly opened.
My eyes widened as I saw a familiar figure. He smiled at me.
"A-Are you now okay?" NICCO asked!
Yes, it's Nicco.
"A-Ah, yeah," I answered.
He sat on the sofa, and laid the food on the table near my bed.
"He was so worried about you last night," Khianne whispered to me.
"Huh?" I asked innocently.
"I'll go out first, I'll call uncle," he said goodbye to me. "Nicco, you take care first."
He winked at me before going outside.
"Eat first," Nicco said to me and laid a folding tray on my bed.
"Y-You brought m-me here?" I hesitantly asked.
"Mmm. My friends and I agreed to have a drink, and then I saw you being beaten."
I averted my eyes.
Wow. This guy is really something!!
"Here," he handed me a spoon and fork.
I started eating, but he was just staring at me.
"What are you looking at?" I asked glaring. My mouth is still full of rice.
He just laughed at me and shook his head. He sat on the sofa and turned on the TV.
I just ate, and thought about something..
How did he get me here? Did he call Khianne? W-Why did he bring me here??
He is also good sometimes.
I'm about to eat again when I remembered something.
"Don't you have a class at school?"
I was surprised when he suddenly stood up.
"Oh, shit. I forgot!" he shouted before approaching me. It was only then that I noticed that he was already in a jersey.
"Get well. I will come back later," he said smiling before messing up my hair. He ran out and left me gaping!
What the hell is wrong with him!? Possessed by an angel? Tsh.
I am the one who arranged my meal after I ate. Soon after, Khianne entered with daddy and Nixx.
I wonder, where is my mother? Tsh.
"Pierre!" Said by Nixx.
"What happened to you, Pierre?!" Asked by daddy.
They approached me, but Khianne just stayed at the door and signaled that he would come out first. I nodded to him.
"What happened to you, Pierre?!" Dad asked angrily. I can't look at him.
"I got tripped, dad," I replied.
"Tripped?! Look at you! You have bruises and wounds all over your body!" He shouted again so I lowered my head.
"I'm sorry, dad," I apologized.
"W-What? N-No. Don't apologize. I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at those people who did that to you," he said pointing at my wounds.
"It's okay, dad."
"No! Nixx, call your brother Khianne. We're going to the police station," daddy ordered, and he obeyed.
We remained quiet and soon Khianne arrived.
"Yes, tito. I will take care of Pierre. "
"Okay, son. We will take care of the one who did that to Pierre first."
"All right, tito. I have fixed what needs to be fixed..."
"Okay. We're going."
"Okay, uncle."
I overheard them talking. I am lying down now and just closing my eyes.
I'm so tired.. physically, emotionally and mentally.
"Pierre?" Khianne called me, tapping my leg.
I opened my eyes first before answering. "Hmm?"
"We'll go home."
I glared at him. "Huh?"
Why so fast??
"Mmm. That's what uncle wants. You will just stay at home because your maids will surely take good care of you. He said he has a job and Nixx has a class."
Though confused and wondering, I nodded.
It was dark when we arrived at our house. I still had an IV when I lay in bed.
Daddy also hired a private nurse to watch over me.
I want to rest now. I'm not yet ready to face another problem.
To be continued...

Bình Luận Sách (83)

  • avatar

    it's amazing,,hope it's nice to read more story from the author,,please maintain the verry romantic episode to more reader's like to read your story,i hope you consider my advice author,,


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  • avatar

    aye will cp game call of duty if that the case then we're we almost experienced the same thing hahahahaha I said and he smiled widely


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