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The What We Call Us

The What We Call Us


Chapter One

"Nicco Salvador, three points!" The announcer said. 
We are here at the school court watching our school team competing against other universities. I was here with my best friend, Khianne. 
The name mentioned earlier was the school team, star player. Which is actually a 'player' (ya' know what I mean). He dated so many fucking girls and leave them if he already got what he wants. Obviously ahm, you 'know'. 
"Men, this is so damn boring! Let's just go back to our room and sleep. That's much better," Khianne hissed. I look at him. 
"We can't. This is our project, remember?? To cheer for that team of ours??" I said in a convincing tone. The side of his lip rose and nodded as if we had a choice. 
I chuckled and turned back my attention to the game. 
Nicco was aggressively playing. He's doing his usual 'dirty tactics'. He was pushing his opponent, but the referees didn't call any foul! It was so unfair. But, I must admit that he is a very good player. Every time that he shoots, his fans are shouting and yelling to the point that the nerves in their throat are almost coming out. 
And then suddenly, a girl caught my attention. She was wearing a cheerleading uniform and holding a banner. 'GO NICCO SALVADOR!! I LOVE YOU!!' That was so freaking lame. 
So he is in a serious relationship now. Or not. 
I shrugged, and tapped the shoulder of my best friend. 
"Come on. Let's freaking go back to our room just like what you have said," I said. 
"But I thought it was our project to cheer them on?" He answered. I laugh sarcastically. 
"They do have a lot of cheerers, dude. They don't need us so, come on!" I almost shouted just for him to let me do what I wanted.
I don't know why my mood suddenly ruined. 
He arched his brow. "Bruh. What made you change your mind?" He asked again and now I'm pissed. 
I pulled him, so he could stand up. 
"Come on, cocky! Don't piss me off." I said with a little madness in my tone. 
I dragged him out of the benches, but something hit my face that made my head spin! 
"Fuck!" I muttered a curse. 
I held on to the nearest railing so as to not lose my balance. 
It hurts!
Khianne ran towards me, so he could see my face clearly. People started surrounding us. 
"Shit, Pierre! Your nose is bleeding!" He shouted like I was already dying. 
I held my nose, and there... I saw a lot of blood. It pissed me off! 
I looked at the group of people but the person who's holding the ball pissed me off more. 
Damn, Nicco Salvador. 
I wipe the blood on my nose and walk towards Nicco Salvador. I held his collar and moved his face near mine.
"What the heck is your problem?" I ask, calmly. 
"Oppss. I'm sorry!" He playfully said. I tightened the grip on his collar. 
"I said, what the heck is your problem?" I ask again, getting mad now. 
"I didn't mean it," he answered. 
I pushed him. "Bullshit! Do you think I would believe you?!" 
I know you mean that. 
"Dude, calm down. Let it be, let's go to the clinic." Khianne whispered, but I didn't pay attention to him and to what he said.
"Why did you push me?! I said it unintentionally!" He yelled. 
People are just watching us, together with his teammates. It's like that, they don't want to be part of our fight. 
I was about to say something when someone talked behind Nicco. 
"Babe? What's happening here?"
Oh, the girlfriend. 
"We're having a fight, I guess?" I said sarcastically. She was so shocked when she saw me. 
Probably, she noticed who I am.
"Why did you push me?!" He was about to punch me when Khianne and his girlfriend stopped him. 
"Babe, you can fight with all the students here, but not to him." His girlfriend said. 
I grinned. Tsk, tsk. 
Khianne didn't say a word. He's just standing there, waiting for what will happen next.
"Why?! Who's that guy? And why should I not fight with him?!" 
"That is the son of the Director of our school," she whispered to him, but I heard it.
I smirked. Now, let's see. 
"So?!" Nicco shouted, again. 
I felt dizzy, so I held onto the railings again, but it's too late. I already lost my balance. 
"Shit. I said, let's go!" 
Khianne helped me to stand up. My head was spinning when I looked at Nicco that had no reaction on its face. 
I pointed my finger at him. "We're not yet done, Salvador." 
"Here, put this on your nose." The nurse gave me an ice bag. 
I'm now lying on the clinic bed. Khianne was beside me, busy playing with his phone.
"Thank you." 
I carefully put the ice bag on my nose. I'm feeling better now. 
"Are you okay, dude?" 
"Yes. Thank you, by the way." 
"Shooo! A short-tempered guy like you-!" 
"Oh, please. Not now, Khianne," I cut him off. 
I know he will scold me anytime, so I immediately stopped him. 
"Okayyy. Anyway, I texted your dad earlier." 
"Uh-huh! You need to go to his office later," he answered.
The side of my lip rose. "Let's go." 
I get my bag, and put it on my back. Khianne followed me as I started to walk. 
We're not yet done... 
I continued walking even though I already passed my Dad's office. 
"Hey!" Khianne shouted when he realized where I was going. I ran so fast. 
I just want to talk to him. Likewise, I won't start a fight. 
"Damn! Pierre, stop it, will you?!" 
When I enter the court, I immediately look for Nicco. There's no sign of him, so I walk toward the bench where the whole team of Salvador was seated. They're still watching the games. 
"Excuse me, guys?" 
"Oh!" They shouted in shock.
"Where is Salvador?" I asked them. 
"He left with his girlfriend, eh." Their coach answered. 
"By the way, are you feeling okay, Mr. Valderrama?" 
"Yes, Coach." 
"You have to be patient with Nicco, ah. He's kinda pissed earlier." 
I did not answer him because Khianne came. He's panting. 
"Are you out of mind?!" He shouted. 
"Uhm... we'll go first, Coach." 
"Ah, yes. Sorry again." 
I just smiled at him, and then we went to my Dad's office. 
I caught him sitting on his swivel chair. He's reading something. 
"Uncle! Pierre made me tired!" Khianne complained to him. We sat on the sofa. 
"Tsk. Don't make your cousin tired, Pierre. You know he has asthma.
Yes. Khianne is my best friend, and cousin at the same time. His father and my father are brothers. 
I just rolled my eyes. 
"How did the ball get to his face? Knocked out?" He playfully said. Well, that's my Dad. He's so cool! 
"Hahahaha. Yes, Uncle! Hahahaha!" 
"Dad, I was hit by a ball! Aren't you going to ask, how am I?" I ask in irritation. 
"Hahaha, just joking! I already know you're okay." 
"Can I go home now?" I ask. 
I don't feel any more pain now. Not only that, but I'm still not in the mood, though. 
"Huh? Why, Pierre Nixxon?" He said.
"Daaaddd! I felt awful." 
I lied. 
"Fine! Tsk. You're lucky because you were hit by the ball..."
"Can I also go home now, Uncle?" Khianne groaned.
"Why? Did you get hit too?" Dad said, sarcastically. I laughed at him. Khianne pouted. 
I fixed my stuff before leaving my dad's office. 
When I arrived at home, I saw my HALF brother looking for something. 
He was conceived after my mom and dad separated. After 5 years, my mom came back to us, but she already had a child from an unknown man. Fortunately, dad was kind, he took the child.
I was 5 year older than him. He's in 3rd year in High School now. 
"Nixx Lucas!" I ran to him. "What's up, little brother?" 
"Pierre!" He shouted and hugged me. 
I playfully messed up his hair. "What are you looking for?" 
"Aww. I lost the last money our mom gave me," he answered while pouting. 
Last money? 
"Why last money?" 
Is mom giving him a hard time again?! 
"Nixx Lucas?" Speaking of. 
"Oh, Pierre. Y-You go home early. Why is that?" 
I hid Nixx in my back.
"What do you think you're doing?!" I shouted angrily at her.
"Pierre?! What are you trying to say??" 
I turned to Nixx. "Go to your room." 
When Nixx left, I confronted mom again.
"Beware of your actions, Pauline," I called her by her name that made her eyes widened. 
"How dare you, Pierre??" She can't believe I just called her by her name. I laughed at her.
"See you later, mom." I pretended to say goodbye to her before going upstairs.
I immediately changed my clothes because there was still blood on it and I did not want to see it.
Asshole, Salvador... 
I already ate lunch at school, so I just ate snacks after I changed my clothes. 
While lying on the bed, my phone rang. 
*Khianne is calling* 
"Hello, Ianne?" I answered. 
"Yow, dude! How are you, hahahaha?"
"I'm doing well." 
"Hey! This is really very formal! Hey, I'm just your cousin. Stop it!!"
"You also don't need to shout!" I scolded him.
"Hahahaha! You're still pissed, dude?"
"Well, yes." 
"You want me to talk to him, dude?"
"Are you serious?!" I asked in shock.
"Of course... NO! Hahahaha!!"
"Damn you, Ian." 
"Hahaha! See you tomorrow, dude. I'll still watch. Byeee!"
After that call, I fell asleep and woke up exactly for dinner. 
While I was on the stairs, I heard my dad shout. 
"I told you, Pauline! Never limit your child!"
There they are again. 
Actually, it's not new to me to hear them yelling, also to Nixx. But every time I heard them yelling at each other, I felt anger towards mom. Dad and her wouldn't be like that if she hadn't gone crazy before.
I lost my appetite and just went back to my room and slept.
To be continued...

Bình Luận Sách (83)

  • avatar

    it's amazing,,hope it's nice to read more story from the author,,please maintain the verry romantic episode to more reader's like to read your story,i hope you consider my advice author,,


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  • avatar

    aye will cp game call of duty if that the case then we're we almost experienced the same thing hahahahaha I said and he smiled widely


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