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"No." He growled.
- Come on, Kaguya. - He said. – I'll hold on, but I'll be more energetic, you've already recovered part of your strength, you'll be able to hold on longer. - He said as he caressed her hips.
- Medea. - He said in a warning tone. – It's not a good time.
- Come on, Kaguya, I'm asking. - He said. – You can speak now. - He said licking her neck.
- I think... - But when he finished he was interrupted.
- Come on, Kaguya.
- You are insistent. – He groaned.
- I'll go a little faster. - He said. - You can handle it harder.
Kisses and caresses, caresses on her hips and he began to moan and beg. - Kaguya lets go. - He said.
- All right. - He said.
- Can you lean against the wall? – Asked Jandur Jogun.
- I do not know. – He said, realizing that he was still urinating.
He was pushed, holding on, he on the wall holding on, feeling the Jandur Jogun move away, heard him lowering his red underwear, and looking back.
When she saw my god, she thought Jandur Jogun's penis was a barbed tip curved penis, thick, wide and long, it had entered her more than once.
- Which he was asking as he approached and as he positioned himself and placed the tip of his cock at her entrance.
- Did you like my dick? – asked Circe.
They had returned some time ago to Earth towards their cave.
At that time, she really blushed, then looked at her lover after a while.
Their relationship was a perversion.
- Yes. - Kaguya said.
- Let's go back to the room. - Said Circe standing up then, pulling her with her from the chair taking her hands, in which she felt the semen drip from her puckered pussy between her thighs.
When they went to the strong room, there Hecate and Jandur Jogun were still sleeping, in which they lay Circe at the far end beside Medea, and Kaguya in their midst.
So when she was lying down, in which the king stayed in bed until he started to sleep, it was at this time that she was hugged from behind by a broad arm and green was on her back and firm hands and a muscular arm in front.
It was Jandur and Medea, and they sniffed at her and kissed her neck and nape, started rubbing against him and sucking and groping his body.
Fucking horny alphas, so someone climbed on top of them hugging half kisses all over their body, then soon stopped, at which Circe got off him after a while.
In which they lay and still until Kaguya spoke.
- I'm not totally straight, I have to repeat. – Kaguya said looking at the four around her in retrospection.
- Can I have sex with you? - Asked Hecate affectionately asked, while she looked at that penis.
- Yes. - Kaguya said.
Therefore, when she was slowly massaging from the tip of the base and so her hands were taken by Rei Jandur and placed on his penis, in which Rei Jandur's penis was not very different from the others, in which it was a large red barbed tip with three penises that weren't really separate and a central head half intertwined and not really splitting...
There, in the head of the center, there was a rope with a stinger in the middle, small transparent blue eggs and the extension of his penis, in which it came with spikes around its length, thick and large, and there he had what they were not but hair. were tentacles around the penis.
As the alien crawled towards him and got between his legs he opened them wider and placed them in the middle of him, spreading his legs, a finger elongated like an eel, he stuck his fingers inside his asshole.
When she lifted her ass in her lap with Hecate kneeling on the bed so he started to slowly thrust in and out of him and fuck him with her tentacles when he started to moan and wheeze.
Then it would come with its groans and yelps and so hitting a point where it made him gasp and moan almost scandalously each time he stuck it in and out, he would slowly and carefully insert it, which he gradually went faster and faster made him gasp wherever he went. hit inside and outside of him, at that time he saw Rei Jandur approaching Hecate putting his hand on her shoulder and saying while using his x-ray vision
- A little deeper and a lunge. - Said Circe. –
He was then inserting his tentacles with more speed at that point where Rei Jandur said and seeing Kaguya shake her legs, reflexively he tried to close his legs with the spasms and her screams.
– That's right, right there. - Said Medea.
In which making her shriek and arch her back. - Right there. – Said King Jandur on his shoulder.
Then hitting again. - Ouch. - Said hitting this point again making Kaguya see stars.
In which the sorceress Circe started to go faster hitting this spot faster and faster with higher and higher screams...
- Where... - And he shouted amid deep thrusts of something wanting to make him stretch and gave a piston so strong and accurate at that point that made him scream and moan arching his back... - Or not.. .
- Your G-spot - Medea said, and while pumping his cock with the same speed as he multiplied his hands and had hands pinching her round breasts being sucked, licked and suckled.
In which they were pulled out by Circe and King Jandur on either side who started sucking on her round breasts being sucked, licked and suckled one on each side, and Hecate holding her thighs apart and fingers inside her, in which Kaguya was moaning and screaming and trembling with spasm and coming in Hecate's hands...
Soon after he put that cock inside her opening his walls of muscle hitting inside her at that point repeatedly, she was squeezed and swallowed all the cock that was trapped inside her.

Bình Luận Sách (523)

  • avatar
    Rones Erich Dawn

    beautiful story it's fantastic


  • avatar

    I love


  • avatar
    Michael Loh Kent Luck

    Too bad👎 Got missing chapters


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