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- All this, with your own strength, and willpower. - Said Circe.
– You are a great warrior and have the potential to increase your powers further. - Said Jandur.
– And with my help you will be able to learn incredible techniques, new tricks, ways of fighting and magic. - Said Circe.
- Is there any condition for me to be the holder and mediator of forces and contacts between the other villains with each of you? – asked Batman.
- And because you're helping me, even because you're interested in humiliating them both, haven't we been through this already? - Asked Kaguya.
“I know you don't do anything for free, and you always have a thought for something in return. – Kaguya said. – Even our relationship is driven by the interests of the galactic alliance. – Kaguya said.
- In addition to my own hatred towards Miraculous Woman. - Said Jandur. - I am interested in true warriors, good shows and potential men and women, you rose in my esteem, when you beat Selene and three other aliens, and my very life is based on humiliation and stripping Mitaculous Woman of her pride and source of inspiration. - Said HJandur.
“And you have potential, you interest me in so many ways. – It said. – Destroy Selene in various ways. - Said Circe.
- I will not kill Selene, my grudge and personal opinion against those two does not include killing. - Kaguya growled.
- Destroying a god does not include murder, humiliating and destroying a god is done in many ways and not murder and one of them, there are several ways to destroy a god. – Circe said.
– Without resorting to murder. - Said Circe.
- And yes, there is a condition. – They said at the same time.
- I knew. – Said the woman. - And what would be? - She asked.
- I bewitched Selene a few hours ago and some time ago, she was taken by Astro-Star to her infamous Doctor Fate next to the martian. - Said Circe.
- At that moment he managed to undo part of the spell and when he gets the rest, they will run towards you, but I have already planted other traps that will not undo unless I want to, and thinking that I bewitched you and turned everyone into animals animals they really are. – It said.
– And she will soon with the Warriors Society invade this place. – It said. “Perhaps he will beg her for you to leave my side. - Said Handur.
– Run after her and beg her to date her along with Astro-Star and the Martian. - said Circe
- Then? - Asked Kaguya. – Do you want to help me destroy your morals? - He asked.
- Yes. - They said at the same time.
- I want to take the heroes seriously. - Said Jandur. – Have sex with us now. - Said Jandur.
- You accept? - He asked. Jandur.
- Only with you? - Asked Kaguya.
- With us. - Said Circe.
- Both. - Said Circe.
- First with me. - Said the sorceress.
- Makes them jealous and very angry. – Said Jandur.
- Imagine the humiliation. - He said in his ear, but close to his body caressing him in a languid movement up his thighs.
- I want you to be my disciple. - He said. “And be my occasional lover, just imagine what they'll feel every time I fuck your ass, jealousy, they'll think it won't be enough. - He said. – Hand over your ass and pussy for me to come train on my island once in a while when I call you. - He said. – Then we spent some time in Jordaki-Haa.
- Hand over my ass and my penis? – He retorted. – How can you know I'm going to give you this? - He asked.
- The scent of claiming the aroma of musk, you really don't want to experience tight pussy or let me take your pretty ass, your body needs to be claimed by a woman like me. – It said.
“I also know it doesn't take a bite to reveal. – It said. “I also know that the scent of claim, and the pure, pristine pheromones in you, weren't mixed, not the mating scent, from the first sexual act of skin-breaking.
- He said. – Mating is not in you yet. – It said. “Imagine experiencing being with someone like me,” he said.
– To learn with me and in exchange to have my body. - Said Jandur.
- And the clamor of a sweet aroma from the heat. – It said. – Imagine learning from the goddess of magic, the art of seduction. – He said, he smelled the air.
- Arresting the art of war. – Jandur said.
– You smell of a beautiful and seductive woman, of a protective cry, of a dark and powerful soul, without the claim without the true a powerful fruit. - He said.
“You've never had sex with a goddess like me, plus you've never been touched by Selene and the Kryptonian, you don't know what you're missing. - He said. – Let's let us fuck in front of them. - She asked.
“There's no scent of alpha dominating you. – Completed.
– I want this. - He said pointing towards his penis running his hands on his thighs. - Want you.
– Completed. – Jandur. “I've never wanted a human more than I wanted you. - He said. – We are gods together. - He said. - Let's fuck their faces. – Asked the king by his side.
- You have potential. - Said Circe.
– You can grow up to be big. – Completed Jandur.
- I want to fuck you. – They said.
- And in return I just need to humiliate Selene. - He said. - And give my body to you. - He said. “That's a good form of humiliation. – Kaguya said. – Did you notice that they like me, then? – Kaguya asked.
- Exactly. - Said Circe.

Bình Luận Sách (523)

  • avatar
    Rones Erich Dawn

    beautiful story it's fantastic


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    I love


  • avatar
    Michael Loh Kent Luck

    Too bad👎 Got missing chapters


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