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Chapter 3 - Knowing Jace's alters

"Olivia? You're here early." Leo exclaimed as he opened his arms widely to hug Olivia.
Olivia looked at him with her eyes judging his action. He noticed this and awkwardly closed his arms. "You told me to come here early, right?"
Leo squinted his eyes, trying to recall something. "Ah, yes! Please come with me."
She gladly followed; her gaze traveled around the hotel once more. Olivia can't believe that the owner of this hotel is a fool.
While following Leo, she notices that he leads her somewhere more private.
They entered the room. She is surprised at how fancy the staff lounge is. This is rare; usually, the staff's lounge is not fancy.
"This is the key for your locker, your uniform is inside." He said as he handed the keys to Olivia with a big smile.
"What do you need?" Olivia asked as she crossed her arms, "People tend to smile a lot when they need something. What is it?" She asked as if she was not talking to a millionaire person.
"I'm glad you asked!" He exclaimed, quickly turning his back on Olivia to grab something from the shelf.
"Sit on the couch."
"What's that?" She asked curiously as she pointed to the folder he was holding.
Leo handed it to Olivia instead of telling her what was inside it. "Classification of Jace and friends." He jokes.
"Oh, the guy..."
She opened the folder and saw various photos of Jace Williams with different items of clothing and aura. It amazed her how she managed to look like a completely different person in every photo.
Though he believes that he owns my hotel, he is a harmless alter. Daniel was diagnosed with OCD when he showed up as one of Jace's alters. Make sure that everything is perfect if you know that he is the one in front of you. He usually wears suits, so it's easy to recognize him. Just pretend that he is your boss, or he'll clean the fuck out of you.
He is smart and outgoing. He loves adventures and acts like a toddler sometimes. We still don't know his exact age, but he is harmless. If you see someone wearing a dirty jumper with mud trails, Oliver.
3. ACE
Smells like liquor.
Has a small dick.
Always goes to my hotel with his PRICEY car... and a girl on his tail.
He doesn't only fucks girls but also my business. You'll know him if he breathes annoyingly around boys but breathes like a choking squid around girls.
The french-born alter loves to cook, paint, and take a picture of anything fresh from his perspective. Plays any instrument. EXTREMELY FLIRTY. He looks harmless, but he is dangerous. One thing you'll know is you're moaning french.
He is an alter of Jace, an emperor from South Korea's Joseon Dynasty; he rarely comes out. He is extremely dangerous since he thinks everyone is an enemy.
He is the real owner of the body. He never comes out as he already gave his body to his alters for an unknown reason. If he ever shows up, CALL ME. You'll know him if he is sluggish, always sleeping, and extremely quiet.
Watch out for more possible alters... Some are latecomers.
"Half of the alters here are dangerous, what do you expect from me if one of them shows up?" Olivia whispered and shouted at Leo.
"Are you up-"
"No, this is like taking care of 7 deadly sins in one body, and he is sick he needs help!" Olivia said while standing up with much disappointment.
Leo's eyes widened. "No, please! You're my last hope! There is a reason why he is not in a hospital." He pleaded.
"I've changed thousands of workers in the past five years... Help me out." Leo kneeled as he begged on his knees. He is really desperate to look for someone who can watch his friend even if it's wrong.
Olivia gasped in disbelief, "Why don't you just get rid of him?"
"I can't.. even if Jace doesn't show up i know he's there. I am waiting for him... I can't just give up on my friend." He whispered as he held both of his hands.
"If anything happens that goes against my rights, you'll be held accountable!" Olivia said as he had no choice but to accept the offer.
"Don't worry you only need to avoid two alters! The rest is harmless I swear."
Olivia is unsure if she'll give this work a chance; this is no ordinary work. But she's up with trying new things.
"Fine, get out. I'll change to my uniform."
Leo immediately looked up to Olivia, still on his knees. "Really? Okay, I'll give you some space! You can meet me in the lobby."
"Damn, he is too cute to be a Hotel owner," Olivia whispered with her lips turned into a thin line. She grabbed the folder that held the different personalities of Jace Williams.
"I guess I might need a bigger notebook in case I discover more of him."
Olivia squinted her eyes as she looked at the mirror, "What the fuck? This is too tight!" She exclaimed.
Her curves show because of the blouse, pencil skirt, and blazer. It perfectly complements her body.
Let's hope Ace doesn't show up today.
"Olivia, You look great!" Leo complimented his newly hired employee in between his excitement.
The other staff stared at him in disbelief. "We look great too, you know."
"Yeah yeah, but we have our P.A of Jace Williams here!" He screamed while presenting Olivia from head to toe.
The other receptionist's face brightened. "Really?! Finally!"
"What's the celebration all about?" Olivia asked as she walked towards them.
"We'll tell you later, maybe after OUR BOSS scoots away." She sassed as she eyed Leo on the side.
"I wouldn't mind if i am given the chance to poke your eyes the whole day." Leo said as he averted his attention from his old employee to his new employee.
"You'll do great today! Jace visits everyday, So goodluck!" one of the employees cheered Olivia.
She tried to pull on her fake smile while fake cheering, too, as she could feel an uneasy feeling in her gut.
She walked over to her very own desk, which is separated from the main desk. "I thought I'll be able to join the other girls." Olivia pouted as her gaze locked on the cheerful girls on the end of her side.
"Hey, You're Olivia Young right?" A voice asked that came from the walkie-talkie resting on her table.
She grabbed it to answer back, "uh yes... who are you?"
"I'm Ruby Elliot!" The girl exclaimed. Olivia saw the girl Leo was talking to a while ago waving her soul behind the desk. She smiled at how cheerful Ruby was.
There are three more girls behind her too. "Nice to meet you Ruby. Who are the other girls behind you?"
"The girl with blonde hair is Casey, the girl with short hair is Lianne and the girl with long brown hair is Tala."
Olivia smiled after knowing all the names of her co-workers. Maybe this will work out perfectly, she thought. She was about to reply when someone entered the hotel door with a mud trail.
Her eyes widened as she hurriedly scrolled the folder Leo gave her. And based on the description she'll be dealing with...

Bình Luận Sách (971)

  • avatar
    John Weshley Javier

    this is good


  • avatar
    Love Mary

    nice story and will bring you to a unique love story and will make you want to read the next chapters more and more without that heavt dramatic feeling. Satisfying! This is a great word to use because it promises readers that they will have positive feelings after reading the book. It is also a good way to describe a book that checked all the boxes for you in terms of the story and the quality of writing. Will definitely would want to read more novels from this promising author. Thank you much!


  • avatar
    Albert Rushzel Natividad

    Absolutely delightful to watch this drama. I love Zhao Lushi and Yecheng, great chemistry, both are good looking and they acted naturally. Although I love watching Yecheng on martial arts not the bloody magic coming out from his hands, I still think he is charming in every aspects of this drama. IJust finished watching 25 eps. on Amazon Prime and the last 5 on Youtube because I couldn't wait. Both main casts are so lovely and did an awesome job. This is the second time I watched Zheng Ye Cheng


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