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Loving a thousand you

Loving a thousand you


Chapter 1 - Luck

Third Person's POV
"Olivia the moving truck is here, hurry up!" Mrs. Young screams as she bangs the closed door in front of her.
"Mom I already packed my things," Olivia grumbled out in irritation. Purposely surprising her mom by popping out behind her back.
Mrs. Young rolled her eyes at her grumpy and weird daughter, "Don't cry if you left some of your things here."
"Sure," the grumpy daughter waved her hands as she dismissed her mother.
"Finally!" Olivia screamed as she let the euphoric feeling take over her.
"Olivia shut up, you're embarrassing me." Her mom covered her face in embarrassment.
"I can't believe this is our last stop, we almost travelled the whole USA because of your work!" She stated as she shook her mom on the shoulder.
Her mom, Mrs. Young, showed her a warm smile, "I am glad too!"
"And that means you can find permanent friends too!" Her mom added a big smile as she thought about how her daughter will build a relationship with people.
Olivia scrunched her nose in repugnance, "What are friends for? I seriously don't know the point of having friends."
"Ah, you'll know when you find one!"
"Holy crap! Our house is huge." Olivia exclaimed in wonder as she eyed the house that looked pretty average as a home in Florida.
Mrs. Young's eyes widened because of what her daughter said, "Stupid, you know cursing is bad right?"
Olivia stared at her mom, confused. She now knows where she got her personality. Cursing at each other is a sign that both are on good terms.
"Anyway after we finish unpacking, I'll immediately look for a job." As she started placing the box on the porch, Olivia stated that she patiently waited for her mom to open the door.
Her mom nodded then they both entered the fancy place. It was a small space with great interior and exterior design. That's why Olivia thought it was a big house. Big for two, she meant.
Mrs. Young couldn't help but stare at her daughter. At the age of 26, she has no friends and no experience with almost everything. All of the blame goes to herself.
But Olivia doesn't blame her mom at all; she is aware that being a single mom is hard, and she knows that her mom is trying hard to provide for her needs.
"Mom unpack our things, I'll find a job!" Olivia said with a smirk as she rushed to the stairs leaving her mom to do all the work.
"She obviously used that as a lousy excuse." She shook her head then started unboxing.
If she were a YouTuber, she would gain a billion views just by unboxing her favorite Pink lamp eight times but on different locations every month.
After half an hour of unpacking, she saw her daughter walking down the stairs wearing semi-formal clothes.
"What are you wearing?" She asked her daughter.
"I'll try to attract some luck today. Wish me luck buddy!" She said while opening some of the big boxes, obviously trying to find something.
"Your shoes are on the other box." Mrs. Young pointed the box near the door,
"Ah, Thanks!" Her mom shook her dumb daughter off; she had no choice but to live with a dumbass. I mean, she's her own blood. Dumb.
"You should've helped me unpack at least."
"Unpack what you are able to, leave the rest to me when I come back home." Olivia chirped, thinking that her mom would disagree with her.
Mrs. Young's expression lightened up. "I guess I'm done unpacking. Oh, how my back hurts!" She fake cried while massaging her lower back.
"Bye buddy!" Olivia screamed as she stepped out of the door, leaving it with a loud bang.
"That lamb better get a job, Jobless donkey."
Olivia felt like she was still in a daze. This is all too good to be true. Surrounded by thousands of lights with no dark corner at all made her feel safe.
People are staring at her because she is twirling across the entire street.
"She's crazy."
Silent murmurs were heard from the people who passed by Olivia, but she shrugged their opinions off. Humans are haters, after all.
"Hmm, what kind of job am I gonna get?" She stopped twirling and started thinking about a serious question that needed an immediate answer.
She held her resume with both of her hands. Olivia waited for this moment; She prepared tons of different resumes for the moment she was waiting for.
A Permanent Job.
"What work doesn't require human interactions, hmm..." She thinks about possible jobs while walking slowly.
Suddenly, a man bumped into her, making her fall to the ground. Her resume flew up in the air. She watched in horror to see how the perfect set of papers landed on the dirty pavement.
"I'm so sorry, I was in a rush." The man who bumped into her said as he gathered Olivia's paper across the street.
No words can be described how much pain her butt is feeling right now, "Ouch,"
"I really am sorry, I was in a daze..." The man apologized again as he handed Olivia her papers.
But his expression changed from worried to interested after seeing that it was a resume. He scanned it instead of handing it back to Olivia, and his eyes averted to her and the paper repeatedly. "You're looking for a Job?"
"U-uhh, yes I was..." She whispered as she stood up, knowing that the tall guy in front of her would not lend a hand.
As she stood up, the man spoke with much eagerness to his voice, "I might have a perfect job for you."
A hotel receptionist?! So much for non-human interaction work.
"I'm sorry, but I am not comfortable smiling at random people." Olivia shies away as she tries to grab her resume back.
The man smiled as he held firmly on the paper resting on his hands, "Oh, Before I discuss this to you let me introduce myself. I am Leo Mclinster, the owner of this hotel."
Olivia's eyes widened, "W-what?"
"Seeing your resume, I noticed your big avoidance of interaction with random people. Well, I got a different job for you..."
Olivia nodded, signing him to continue.
"You'll work on the reception desk but you don't need to smile at random people. Only one." He smiled with his dimples on show. Olivia doesn't want to trust a person with dimples.
"If you are able to put off this random guy, I'll triple your salary."
Once again, Olivia's eyes are so close to popping out of their sockets, "Who is this very special guy?" She voiced,
"His name is Jace Williams, and he has DID."

Bình Luận Sách (971)

  • avatar
    John Weshley Javier

    this is good


  • avatar
    Love Mary

    nice story and will bring you to a unique love story and will make you want to read the next chapters more and more without that heavt dramatic feeling. Satisfying! This is a great word to use because it promises readers that they will have positive feelings after reading the book. It is also a good way to describe a book that checked all the boxes for you in terms of the story and the quality of writing. Will definitely would want to read more novels from this promising author. Thank you much!


  • avatar
    Albert Rushzel Natividad

    Absolutely delightful to watch this drama. I love Zhao Lushi and Yecheng, great chemistry, both are good looking and they acted naturally. Although I love watching Yecheng on martial arts not the bloody magic coming out from his hands, I still think he is charming in every aspects of this drama. IJust finished watching 25 eps. on Amazon Prime and the last 5 on Youtube because I couldn't wait. Both main casts are so lovely and did an awesome job. This is the second time I watched Zheng Ye Cheng


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