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Chương 6 The Contract 2

I ignored him and walked to the door, opening it. There were two girls in the room. One was laying on the bed and the other sat beside her. The girl seated looked surprised when she saw me. I walked into the room and closer to them. The other girl laying down sat up quickly.
Jason held my hand. "What are you doing?" he whispered.
"Ask them what their names are" I whispered back.
Jason turned to face Arden. "What are their names?"
"I don't know. This is my first time, meeting with them"
"Then can I ask them their names?"
Arden nodded. "You can"
"What are your names?" Jason asked.
"Alaila" the one seated at the close end of the bed answered. "And she is Xavia" she pointed at the other girl.
Jason stared at me. "I want to see the Alpha," I told him.
"Can you get us the Alpha?". Arden nodded and left. "What do you want to do?"
"I want them"
Jason furrowed his brows. "You want what?" he said almost in a yell.
"I want them. I don't what them as a gift. Pay for them"
Jason brushed his hair backward. "Is that the reason you came here?". I nodded and he groaned. "Does this have to do with your dream?". I nodded and he sighed.
Someone walked in with Arden and I presume him to be the Alpha. "Speak to him" I whispered to Jason and he walked closer to the Alpha.
I did not listen to Jason's conversation with him. I kept staring at nothing. Jason walked back to me.
"He agrees to it"
I stared at the Alpha and I could see a smirk on his face.
He must have wanted to get rid of them, I thought.
I nodded to Jason and he smiled. "He will pay as much as you want," he told him.
"They do not worth much" the Alpha replied.
"Then can we sign up the contract?"
"Let's go to my office for the signing of the contract"
I shook my head. "I am sorry, he doesn't want to..."
The Alpha smiled. "I understand. I will get my Beta to get the contract ready"
I whisper to Jason.
"He will like to write out the contract himself," Jason told him.
The Alpha furrowed his brows. "A handwritten contract?"
Jason nodded. "Yes. He wants you to have one, he will also have one and each of the girls will have one too. If that is ok by you"
The Alpha spoke to Arden who left after a while. I stared at the two girls who looked so confused. Arden returned with some papers and handed them over to Jason who gave them to me. I pulled out four papers and handed over the rest to Jason.
"You should sit over..."
I waved my hand and Jason stopped talking. I brought out a pen from my coat pocket and placed it on the papers lapped on each other. Closing my eyes, words began to appear on the paper. I opened my eyes and handed it over to Jason, whispering to him.
"You can sign each of the papers. Each of the girls will sign too"
I had expected him to question why I wanted a handwritten contract and why I wanted the girls to sign the contract too. He did not bother to read the content of the contract either. He handed the papers to the girls and they signed them. Alaila took the papers to give them to Jason and I clicked my fingers together, changing the content of the contract.
"What do you want to do with the girls?" Jason asked me on our way back home and I shrugged. I have nothing to do with them. I have no reason for paying for them in the first place. Jason stared at me through the rearview mirror.
I shook my head and he furrowed his brows.
"Don't tell me you don't have anything to do with them?"I nodded and he frowned. "Why did you make us spend such an amount of money on them?"
I chuckled slightly and he sighed. "I can't believe you find it funny. Isn't this the first time you are smiling in a while"
I shrugged but said nothing. I rested and closed my eyes. After a while, I suddenly opened my eyes and sat up.
"Are you ok?" Jason asked.
"Stop the car" I muttered.
"Stop the car"
Jason sighed and stopped the car. "What is going on?"
"Let the girls go"
He turned to look at me. "Y-you want me to do what?"
"Let the girls go"
Jason furrowed his brows. "Is this the reason you bought them? To let them go?"
I nodded and he sighed. "I can't believe I am doing this," he said and stepped out of the car.
The other car had stopped in front of us. Jason walked up to them. I watch him speak to the girls. The door to their car opened up and I had expected the girls to step out and leave but they walked down to meet me. I stared at them through the tinted glass. There was a slight knock on the glass and I ignored it, but when it became intense, I opened it up.
"What do you what?" I wanted to ask but I only sighed.
"Did you buy us to free us?" one of them asked.
I stared at the two girls. I still don't know who is Xavia and who is Alaila. Surprisingly, I can not recognize their faces with their names.
I gestured to them to leave. "Do you want us to be indebted to you?" the first girl asked and I shook my head. "And you don't want us to work for you,"
I nodded. "I do not need anyone to work for me" I wanted to say.
She stared at me waiting for my reply I guess. I could not stare at them because I can not speak to them. When Jason walked closer to me, I breathed a sigh of relief. He opened the door and sat beside me. I whispered to him.
"He wants you to go back to your homes," he told them
"We are not going back," they said in unison and my eyes widened in shock.

Bình Luận Sách (696)

  • avatar
    De ramosJeferlyn

    so adorable novel .the characters in novel is very good ..the way i read it still in my mind ..


  • avatar
    Arjhun Siray

    I love the story hahaha if i am alaila i will definitely to the same to her because i wonder if my friends get caught by me I could not forgive myself of being careless to my friends i already accept the pain i have right now and I hope there's more person there to save me but being good friend to alaila is good to have him because she is brave and strong independent woman i will cry alot if she caught and killed by bad people so i really love the story hahaha this is the best I've ever read hha


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    Ernest Ernest

    Jason stared at me so you haven’t spoken such a long sentence in a while, he tell he was happy , he want to take a walk around the pack house


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