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Chương 5 The Contract

As I get ready to leave for the Ice pack, my mom would not stop following me around. I kept stealing glances at her knowing she has something to say, but she wasn't saying a word to me and that made me feel so uneasy. I suddenly stopped moving and faced her. She stared at me and then walked to the couch in my room to sit down.
"Why do you want to visit the Ice pack?" she asked, after a few minutes of silence. "Why do you suddenly want to leave the pack? You haven't done that in a while"
I moved closer to her and whispered. "I had a dream"
She furrowed her brows. "A dream?". I nodded. "Can you tell me about the dream?"
I shook my head. I wasn't the type to talk much. I also do not feel comfortable with people around me, aside from Jason and my dad. I wasn't too close to my mom and found it difficult to relate to her. She left me with my dad when I was two and I grew up thinking I had no mom until she showed up when I was fifteen. Speaking to her has become more difficult after my father died.
"Do you want to write it down? I mean the dream"
I moved away from her and sat down on the bed. "Jason" I cooed.
My voice was so low I doubted she heard me but surprisingly, she did.
"You want me to get Jason for you?"
I nodded and she stood up. She left the room and returned a few minutes later with Jason who moved closer to me.
"Are you sure you want to go to the Ice pack?"
I nodded slightly.
"He said he had a dream," my mother told him and he furrowed his brows.
"A dream? Why did you not tell me about it?". I stared at him and he sighed. "Is that the reason you are visiting the Ice pack?". I nodded and he sighed. "Should I be asking you to write down the dream?". I shook my head and he nodded. "Then I will go get the car ready"
After Jason left, my mom moved closer to me. "Axel, is there something you want to tell me?". I shrugged. "You don't have anything to tell me?". I nodded and she sighed. "Is there anything you want me to get you for your journey?". I shook my head and she groaned slightly. "How long do I have to keep doing this?" she muttered, staring at me.
I knew how frustrating it was for her to try to get me to open up to her and it is not working out. She left the room and returned after a while with a scarf and wrapped it around my neck.
"It's cold out there. You should keep this around your neck"
I held the scarf and nodded slightly.
"The car is ready" Jason announced and I stood up.
My mom walked closer to Jason. "Jason, you know how he is, right? You have to keep him safe. Don't let him stay in a crowded place. Don't let anyone get close to him. Don't..."
Jason smiled. "I understand that you care. I won't let any harm befall him. And he can take of himself. You know that. He might not get along with others but he can take care of himself"
"I know that he can". She stared at me and sighed before whispering to Jason who stared at me too. From the look on Jason's face, I knew immediately what she told him.
"I am not going to lose myself" I wanted to say but when I opened my mouth no word came out. I sighed.
"He is going to be fine" Jason assured my mom before gesturing to me to follow him.
My mom held my hand and I blinked at her. I could only blink to assure her that I will be fine. I pulled my hand away from her and followed Jason to the parking lot.
"Your mom really, cares about you," he said when we got to the car and I nodded. He held my two hands. "You won't lose yourself, will you?". I stared at him and shook my head. "I take that as a no". He opened the door."Let's get you to the Ice pack in time so we can return before nightfall"
I entered the car and he drove off. The journey was quiet since I wasn't the chatty type. Jason was also busy with his thoughts he said nothing to me. When we finally got to the Ice pack, Jason handed me a mask.
"They can't see your face," he told me.
I wore the mask and stepped out of the car. Our guards who had followed us in another car covered me up. As we walked from the parking lot to the packhouse, I thought I will meet with people but there were none. I wondered if Jason had told them not to let anyone outside. When we got to the pack house, there was someone to welcome us. He introduced himself as Arden and tried to look at me. I could see the disappointment on his face when he saw my mask.
"It's nice to finally meet you, Alpha Axel"
I stared at him wondering why he called me an Alpha instead of the King every other person calls me.
Jason spoke on my behalf. "He is happy to meet you too. Where is the Alpha?"
"He will join us shortly. I will lead you to the..."
I pointed to the left direction and Jason moved closer to me. Arden who must have wondered why I pointed, stopped talking.
"I can feel an aura" I whispered. "I want to go this way"
Jason stared at me. "You haven't spoken such a long sentence in a while". I could tell he was happy. "He will like to take a walk around the packhouse. You don't mind. Do you?"
"No, I don't. And the Alpha won't mind either"
Arden led the way while we followed. When I got to the room where I felt the aura, I stopped walking.
"What are you doing?" Jason whispered.

Bình Luận Sách (697)

  • avatar
    De ramosJeferlyn

    so adorable novel .the characters in novel is very good ..the way i read it still in my mind ..


  • avatar
    Arjhun Siray

    I love the story hahaha if i am alaila i will definitely to the same to her because i wonder if my friends get caught by me I could not forgive myself of being careless to my friends i already accept the pain i have right now and I hope there's more person there to save me but being good friend to alaila is good to have him because she is brave and strong independent woman i will cry alot if she caught and killed by bad people so i really love the story hahaha this is the best I've ever read hha


  • avatar
    Ernest Ernest

    Jason stared at me so you haven’t spoken such a long sentence in a while, he tell he was happy , he want to take a walk around the pack house


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