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Chapter 5

"Are you done checking her Doc Vin?" Axiel ask with no emotions on his face.
"Yes, Master Axiel" Doc Vin nodded.
"Get out!" Axiel ordered so Doc Vin and the nurse leave the room. An awkward atmosphere filled the room.
Axiel walk toward her and sat down on the side of her bed.
"Are you okay baby?" he questioned her with a smile. A bipolar guy. He is always changing moods easily and anytime. It's hard to catch up on his changing moods all the time.
"I'm fine!" Lyn answer but she is not fine after all. She didn't want Axiel to worry about her either.
"Don't lie baby, uhhmmmm..... I know your not feeling okay. It's obvious on your pale face baby. Don't worry coz no one will hurt you again. They will see my true color if they do that again. I love you baby!" An obsess guy with an angel actions.
Axiel is obsess on his baby but he respect her. He can't take advantage on his baby girl because he didn't want that she will be scared at him when he do it.
In a relationship, boys must respect their woman and don't take advantage. Don't use your relationship to threat them that if they didn't give what you want, you will broke up with her or him. Some girls give their virginity to their boyfriend just to preserve their relationship. Some girls also take advantage on boys by making them their banker or let's just say girls become a gold digger.
Girls and boys can take advantage on their lovers but what will happened to the relationship you have? Trust and respect will fade and a broken relationship exist.
"What will happened to my study now?" Lyn ask out of no where. She just ask that question randomly.
"Don't worry about it baby, just leave it to me, it's our university after all baby!" Here we go again in OURs. We are not married to have real property to divide when we get divorce, right?
"YOUR THE OWNER but how about the knowledge I will get on attending class? Can you give it to me ALSO?" she roared, questions with capitalize words with an evil smile.
'Hahahaha how about my last question. Is it can be answered with OURs or YOURs now?' Lyn thought on her mind. Not every questions are joke sometimes it's serious.
Axiel chuckles on Lyn's question. His baby is smart and hard to play with when she is serious mode.
'My little innocent angel is now a little cute serious demon!' he thought that cause a smile on his lips. He misses the way his little angle change mood like him randomly like before when he bully her.
"How about marking your card with all 100 grades on it every subject baby?" he can't hold to laugh after he say it. She will be the smartest student in the university when he made it.
A fist punch his chest. A little hand of his little angel.
"You're out of your mind!" Lyn shouted. She is pissed off on what Axiel say, his jokes are not in line, she's serious about her study but he's just making it as a joke. She want to be a professional someday to have a good and stable work.
"Hahahaha....okay okay you won hahahaha." now he's laughing at her.
"Hey stop laughing!" she pouted. Axiel stop laughing because he is attracted on her lips. That lips of her is so sweet and attracted.
"Hey are you okay?" Lyn asked to Axiel, that is out of his mind now.
"Can I kiss you baby?" he suddenly ask. She's about to answer but a soft lips shut her mouth. Lyn stunned because of shockness and her body become a jelly. A man ask permission to kiss her, not letting her to answer and immediately attack her lips.
Axiel bite her lower lips that make her open her mouth and moan. Axiel grab the opportunity to taste her mouth and begin to seek for her tongue. The sweet kiss end up when they need to breath. Lyn's face turn red like a tomato because of embarrassment.
"You're cute when you're blushing baby." he pissed her off. Not minding that his baby is a short tempered person.
"Why did you kiss me?" she scolded him with an angry face, bit Axiel laugh at her. Is this man stressing her to death.
"You're my baby, so tell me if I didn't permitable to kiss my baby everywhere and everytime I want huh?" maybe it is not a question from a normal guy but a crazy one.
"I'm not your child tsk." she surrendered to this lion that making her like his prey.
"Hahahaha but your always be my baby!" he ended the topic with a kiss on her forehead. A kiss addict guy out there.
"You're getting discharged after you finish some test on you, maybe tomorrow you're be out of here so don't be a hard headed okay. I will be here with you until you discharge. You can rest on your apartment for one week and if your totally recovered, you will continue your study. I will tell them to send you modules to have your activities finished even when your at home, okay!" he command with a sweet voice. He's always sweet and caring when it comes to her but cold and heartless to others, it's unfair!
"But how can I understand those lessons and answer those activities if I'm having a self study? I'm not that too much smart to understand it all and finish those activities in time." Lyn explain her side with a disappointed voice. She can't be so productive when no one is explaining it to her, so she need something to guide her when she will have modules than face to face class. It is not a good idea after all.
"Don't worry about that baby, I will solve it for you. You're teachers will have time to teach you about your lessons, so don't worry about that. I will not let my baby have a hard time on studying while at home. My baby must live like a queen to be respected not a servant to be abused." a sweet words that make her smile. She will be the most happiness woman in the world when the man named Axiel will always be in her side.
She lean her head to his chest and rest. He is sitting on her bed now and lean his back and head at the headboard of his baby's bed. Nurse came and bring their dinner with the medicine of Lyn to take 30 minutes after her meal finished.
Time pass and evening came. Lyn is peacefully sleeping on her bed while Axiel is watching her. He is busy on his work at his company but his baby is more important than those paper works and meetings. He's watching her from a far to make her life peaceful. She can't remember him but he can't do nothing to make her remember him. He's scared on what Doc Vin, his uncle tell him about the case of his baby.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Is she okay uncle?" he ask to his uncle who checked his baby when they arrived at his hospital.
"You already know that she have an amnesia right?" his uncle ak him so he nodded.
"How about her heart problem, do you also know it?" a question that scare him. Another sickness? He just shock his head as an answer.
"Well, she have a weak heart, when she's stressed, depressed or even when she over cried, her heart will pound so fast that block the air pathway on her body that make her out of oxygen on her body, that cause her to faint, just like what happened to her this morning or the worst effect is she will die. When no one immediately bring her to the hospital or do some first aid to her like putting oxygen mask for respiration. She have this when she's young and carry it until now, because it didn't have any cure in her case right now. So, please take care of her and avoid those situations that make her sickness worst." Doc Vin explained her situation.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A heart problem that slave her not to enjoy the world nature and experience those good things she must do when she's still young even now. He promised to his self that he will take care of her, protect her and love her at the same time.
He lean his head to her bed and let the darkness pull him asleep holding his baby's hand.

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    Oui Ben



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    Anne Lim Cna



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