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Chapter 34

The school has its own parking lot but its in the outside.
‘Owwww, seems they are here to fetch someone.’
‘Their cars are the latest versions and brands!’
‘Looks like they have the authority to come in.’
‘Who's the lucky person that they are going to fetch here?’
‘I think the owner only have the rights to enter the campus without breaking the rules. Its his university anyway.’
‘Yeah, you're right. I think the owners are here.’
Gossips are everywhere just seeing the cars entering the university. Axiels subordinates jump out at their cars and manage the surroundings. They didn't let the students to be so close to their Master as they could.
Finally a noble man come out of the car when Lance open the door for him. Axiel is holding the white rose bouquet. He is wearing a sunglasses that add to his charming look.
Girls and even gays scream because of what they see. Its like theres a celebrity here in their school that makes it so noisy. A group of students who are having a meeting for their upcoming video that needs to be submitted after two week are so irritated about the noise.
“Why are they so noisy. They are like in a market attracting costumers to buy what they are selling.” Nissi stated while frowning.
“True sis” Lea agreed. Lea at the day but Leonardo at night, inshort gay.
“I can't focus” Lyn pouted while giggling at the pencil that she is holding.
“Relax lil sis. Your too high blood.” Elvs comforts Lyn. They are here in the cafeteria having snack while talking about their plan for their video.
The topic they pick is “How to take care of a pregnant woman?”. They decide that Lea would be the boy because its his gender before becoming a ‘her’ or a girl, and Lyn would be the girl.
Lyn didn't want it but they vote for her so she can't even say ‘no’.
“So, let's continue our meeting. Don't mind them because we can't make them stop anyway.” Elvs stated while studying the first plan they have.
“We have a problem.” Berna said.
“What is it?” Lyn ask.
“We forgot to plan about the settings in each of the act. We need a house and even a hospital room if we can.” Berna explain. She is the secretary of the group so she is the one who is taking down notes.
“What if in the house of Lyn? If Mr. Monteverde will agreed to it. Lyn is the only chance because me and Lea was just taking a boarding house and the house of this three sisters is under renovation. Is it okay to you Lyn?” Nissi stated. Lyn can't say ‘yes’ because the house wasn't hers, it Axiels property.
“I don't know if Axiel will agree but let me try to ask him.” she said.
“No need to let me know baby. I agree and you can use one of the rooms in one of our hospitals baby if you need that to your project. They are also yours too so you can use them.” Axiel interrupt their meeting. He heard their conversation start when its about the settings.
“How did you ---” they are very shock about knowing his presence at the cafeteria. ‘So he's the person that the students are screaming for earlier.’ Lyn thought.
“I'm here to fetch you baby.” Axiel say and come near Lyn and sit beside her.
“But we're having meeting about our video.” she demand on him. They need to finish the meeting now so they can start it every afternoon after their class to finish it early and pass it as soon as possible.
“But its time to go home baby.” Axiel said like a hard headed person.
“Let's end this meeting so Lyn can go home. So Lyn and Lea would be the husband and wife, we will use the mansion of Mr. Monteverde and one of the room of his hospitals. We must start it as soon as possible so I can edit it early.” Berna stated that make Axiels eyes narrow.
“Who is my baby's partner?” Axiel ask out of frustration.
“It's Lea, her true name is Leonardo but she is a gay. She can act like a boy because she's the only boy on our group.” Berna explain.
“I don't want it. Change the girl. Not my baby.” Axiel said with his cold aura.
“But the plan is finish Axiel. Please let me play the role. Please...” Lyn plead at him with a puppy eyes.
“I will agree if I'm your partner.” Axiel conclude.
She ask, “Ehhh..... but how?”
“You are not a student anymore to participate.” she added.
“But I can participate as I guess. I can tell your teacher about that and they can't do anything about it besides, it's our school baby.” he explained with a playful smile.
“We can get him and let's just tell his special participation lil sis. Lea would be your personal maid then. She's incharge on your needs all the time on the video. We are thankful that Mr. Monteverde will be acting with us. Thank you sir.” Berna respectfully said and welcome Axiel at the group.
“Its my pleasure to act with you guys. I'll let my secretary to arrange the room at our hospital. I choose Monteverde's Private Hospital for your video. I let the doctors and nurses there to accompany and help you through out the video so it would be the best one among your classmates.” Axiel suggest. He's so responsible about their video because his baby is with them.
He can sacrifice his time for it just to be his baby's partner not that gay. He felt jealous when they tell that gay would be Lyn's partner. Axiel consider Lea as a boy even its heart is girly.
“We're so thankful about your consideration sir. We are so happy about it.” Elvs speak so thankful with a respect on addressing Axiel.
“So we're get going. Just let my baby know if you need more help and I will help you whatever it is.” Axiel end the conversation. He stand and offer his hand to Lyn. Lyn accept it and stand too.
“We go first guys.” she stated and get her bag.
“I need to pay our snack first.” she added and get her wallet.
“Let Lance pay it baby. Let's go” Axiel has a short temper now. He want to hug and kiss her when they are in the car.
He didn't want to do it when her groupmates are around. It's ackward and respectless.
Lance knew about Axiel meant so he go immediately at the counter and pay the snack. He has a credit card that Axiel give him for expenses like this or when Axiel order him to buy outside.
Lyn wave her hand before leaving the cafeteria to her friends and groupmates. They wave their hands as well to her. One of the subordinates of Axiel open the door of the car for them so they can hop in.
As soon as they enter the car, Axiel pull Lyn to a French kiss and make her sit on his lap. He devour her lips like wanting it eagerly. This is his moment to cuddle her without any hindrance.
He knew that he can't cuddle her anytime at the mansion because of his parents. But no one would stop him if he want too. He will try his best to cuddle her in any circumstances.
“Are you sure about your decision on participating on our video? Are you not busy?” Lyn suddenly ask between their cuddle.
Axiel answer, “I don't want that Lea would be your partner so I insist.”
He's inhaling her scent at her neck that tickles her. She start to move to avoid his hot breath that touches her skin.
“Hey, don't move baby. I want to cuddle you now because I'm a little mad at you because of that Leonardo or Lea baby.” he hug her tightly so she can't move so much.
“But he is a gay.” Lyn demand. She know that Axiel is jealous right now. He need to calm so he is doing that to her.
It's easy for him to become jealous when it comes to Lyn. He didn't want other boys near his territory. He's too territorial that his property is his. Those who want to cross the line, they need to pass through his hand first before getting her.
“Gay is a guy too baby whatever you do. He still can get you away from me that I didn't want.” Axiels voice is so territorial and serious while saying it.
You can sense that he is not joking and need to take it seriously.
“Okay, fine. You win but I want you to be close to Lea. I don't want that you guys will fight when you see each other again.” Lyn advice and surrender at the same time. She can't win over him when the situation is like this.

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    Anne Lim Cna



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