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Chapter 6: The Unexpected Friends of Mine: "Jan and Henry"

Jan and Henry is the dog and cat in our group, always fighting and arguing about nonsense topics and problems. they are on different polar, Henry is a girly-like man, while Jan is the model of all man, he has the characteristics of that but on the other hand he is hot tempered guy. before we met Jan and Henry, they know each other already, they were already friends since their childhood, well not almost friend I say because they were always fighting. aside from being friends, they are neighbors and their family are closed to each other. so there's no doubt they are closed to or should I say. but aside from being that, always fighting and always arguing, they trust and help each other in times of need, I think in our group they have the strongest bond out of the six of us.
Jan grew up in a well mannered family, his father and mother are always busy on work so he is the one looking for his twin siblings Rio and Mia. not gonna lie, Everytime I saw him babysitting his siblings, it felt so cute. well, his siblings are very cute and sometimes, me and my friends often hang out to their house and babysits his siblings, the only problem is that Everytime they saw Henry, they were scared because on how dillusional Henry is. Henry wants to babysits them too but the children were scared of him that's why Everytime he goes to Jan's house, he often bring things just to impress the two ( like chocolates, toys, foods etc ... ) , but the real problem was on him, his unchanging character that makes everybody get nerves on him.
While on the other hand, Jan was a reliable big brother, if I was to choose who will be my big brother, i will choose Jan.
Jan do all the chores in their home, he is also the one who buys groceries and take care of his two siblings. a perfect brother to be exact.
Talking about Henry, Henry grew up in a family full of muscles, yes that's true he's the only one who is not belong in their household, because everyone aside from him work as a gym instructor. even myself were curious on how Henry becomes like that even though his family is a full of muscles. his father and mother are gym instructor, while his older brother are fitness instructor and sometimes his part time job is to be a coach of a basketball team. by the way, he's the youngest and only has one sibling, his older brother Hero. big brother Hero is full of muscles through out his body, but he has a kind heart, reliable and trustworthy. his name is true for his deeds when in the past, he saved us, me and my friends from being harmed by those bad guys.
one weekend, Jan invited the four of us to hangout in their house and take care of his siblings.
while on their house,
Jan : " thank you guys for coming "
" nahh, don't mind it "
Rio and Mia: " welcome to our house big brother Kai, big brother Reisse, big brother Vance, big brother Ares. "
"oh my god they are so cute"
Reisse : " hey Jan, are you sure they are not your children?"
Jan : " huh!, excuse me but I'm still f*cking 16 years old virgin guy "
Reisse : " okay, chill I'm just joking ha ha ha "
Ares : " hey Jan, is it okay if I pinched their cheeks , he he he ", " it's okay Rio and Mia, I will not hurt you " - while giving them a perverted face
Jan: "stay away from them, listen Rio and Mia, don't get too close to big brother Ares okay?, he's a bit weird, he might eat you"
and then, suddenly out of nowhere a guy entered the house with chocolates on his hands saying, " good morning Rio and Mia, what a beautiful day it is for a beautiful being like me, isn't it? , I brought you some chocolates as sweet as mine " , " come on, don't be shy, here take this ".
yes, it was Henry the very dillusional guy who think he is the most beautiful being in the world.
then the two children started to cry and grab their big brother as hard as they could,
Rio : " big brother Jan, Henry is here again, he's here again brother hu huh huh " crying out loud.
Mia : " I am scared of him brother, he's more scare than big brother Ares, he's a totally dillusional weirdo guy, hu hu huh " crying on Jan.
after hearing those sharp words, Henry got gloomy and we comfort him.
after that, we continue our paln to take care the kids, while Henry is still on pain, whispering on one of the corner of the house until the day ends.

Bình Luận Sách (880)

  • avatar

    I love her because he wants to not late in the school and she is a kind people or very nice peoplo and others are not kind


  • avatar
    Trumata July Mae Estrada

    Such a good story ahead. I would say I love the story in fact it gets me excite in every chapter ahead.🥰❤️


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    Maiandreson Gomes

    maiandreson maiandreson


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