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Chương 2 The Runaway

"Are you still there?" The man asked over the phone after a moment of silence.
Rue went back to her senses when she heard him speak.
"Oh. Yes, thank you." She replied and cussed on her mind for being mesmerized with a flashback.
He chuckled as he noticed her sudden clumsiness. "Don't forget to eat, okay?" He softly said.
"I won't, I promise. I don't have much to do right now, I'll just clean some mess." Her lips formed a smile.
"Okay sweetie, I'll hang up and focus on driving. Take care, I love you." She felt the warmth on his every words. Just hearing those words from him, she felt loved and cared.
"I love you too." Her smile still plastered on her lips, she couldn't ask for more.
The call ended but the smile on her lips didn't disappear not until the man on the back seat speaks,
"Woah. You're really a different person just a while ago." Atreus commented at the back because of her sudden behavior, pretending to be surprised.
She just rolled her eyes and just look straight on the road.
"From a tiger to a meek cat, I'm always amazed with your transformation." He continued teasing her.
"Will you shut your mouth and mind your own business?" She said firmly and annoyance on her voice.
"I should have taken a record. Hahaha" He ignored what she said, laughing and holding his tummy.
"I'll drop you off here in the middle of the road or you will shut the hell up? Don't try my patience freaking demon." Rue said as she looked at him on the front mirror, her eyebrows ceased.
"Don't call me with such names. My heart can't take it. It's Atreus, your Highness." He said then act as a butler then slightly bow to her.
"I don't care with your name moron. Just disappear." Rue remained composed as she looks at him with a dagger in her eyes.
'How many times he'll say his name? I'm even more annoyed just hearing his name.' Rue ranted on her mind and speed up her car.
"I see, you always have a bad day. You will easily get old when you are always mad." He joked but the woman didn't bother to laugh.
"Vampires don't get old idiot." She rolled her eyes at him.
"Alright. I'll leave you already, you have no fun." He replied as he let out a small laugh and vanished.
'Why didn't father send one of our servants instead of that freaking demon? I can't even stand him. He is not even scared of me.' She protested on her mind and took a heavy sigh.
And she's Rue Williams, her mortal name, the runaway vampire and disguised as a secret detective, solving mysteries, she also loves her freedom and love she's craving.
She arrived at her office passed 8 in the morning, she took off her sunglasses and coat before settling onto her swivel chair.
"What a mess." She murmured as she looks into her messy office.
Her workplace has a dark interior design, her table is full of paperwork, and she is on the corner next to the transparent glass with a black curtain, but she only raises the curtain when it is nighttime and she can plainly see the city lights from above.
Another table with smashed papers and photographs in the center of the office, with a little kitchen on the side where she made her coffee. There is also a bedroom and restroom just next to her table.
She was cleaning her office when she heard a doorbell ring.
'Right. The food.' She said as she walked towards the door and opened it.
"I-I need your signature here, m-ma'am." A man said stammering as he hands a small folder. She signs it and returns it to him, but he can't even look at her.
"Thank you." She replies, the guy only nods nervously and walks away.
"Weird." She shrugs as she puts the meal to above the table. She cleans her hands before preparing the food, but before she begins to eat, she walked to her table to check her phone but she then observes her image in the mirror.
"I need blood." Her face is pale, her lips aren't dry, but she appeared she have run out of blood on her body.
"No wonder why that person acted strangely." She didn't feel thirsty for blood because of rouge, a substitute for blood created in a liquid similar to a wine. It's also her emergency blood.
It reduces the need for blood once it is consumed. But unlike blood, it doesn't supply entire energy and does not make the appearance to shine.
It comes from a friend, who is also a fleeing vampire from a separate clan. She's relieved that she's not the only one who's a runaway.
She went to the fridge to obtain some plastic bag blood and put it on a glass, it looks like a red wine, but blood is more ticker. She had a sufficient supply of blood, but it was not new blood. This made her crave for fresh blood, that's why she uses the rouge most of the time if not necessary.
She was about to take a sit when her doorbell ring again, she unconsciously rolled her eyes in frustration then put the glass on her table.
"What brought you here? " She inquired the person as she opens the door, her tone sounded annoyed.
"You know I don't have anywhere to go." The girl remarked, wearing a cap and wearing a loose tee with jeans, her hair pulled back, holding a folder on her chest. She rushed inside without her permission, taking a seat at the middle table.
Her name is Althea, and she is an investigator who works on the office. And Rue as a disguised vampire, she prefers to live a lowkey profile, she is her outside connection.
Rue is a private detective, people with money comes to her for help. Every time she has to deal a business with other people aside from her client, she's with Althea.

Bình Luận Sách (58)

  • avatar
    Kadir malangJana

    very good


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    Bilal Drrz



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