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Mysterious Detective Vampire

Mysterious Detective Vampire


Chương 1 Grumpy Morning

She is walking gracefully towards the elevator, wearing her black coat, paired with black cotton loose pants, white fitted shirt, black shoe in 3 inched heels. Waiting for the elevator to open and walks inside.
While waiting on her destination, even she's alone inside the elevator, she can feel someone's presence. But she just ignored it as she rolled her eyes.
'Again.' She uttered on her mind. She looks at her watch on her wrist with a creased eyebrow.
"You are always starting your day with that grumpy face." Someone appeared behind her, looking at her on the reflection in front of the elevator's door.
She ignored him and put her hands inside of the pocket of her coat.
When elevator opened, she walked with long footsteps into the parking lot to find her car. Thankfully, she's a VIP in the condominium, her car is just near the elevator.
'I can't stand his presence.' Rue ranted on her mind and rolled her eyes, she's wearing a hazel brown contact lenses to hide the true color of her eyes.
As she entered her car, she can feel his presence still following her and now comfortably seating on the backseat. She took a heavy sigh before she speaks.
"It's too early to spy me." Rue remarked and irritation can be heard in her voice.
"You know that I'm not spying on you. Mr. Genovese summons me for your safety." He explained, he's wearing a tucked-in white shirt with a denim blazer and blue faded jeans and a black shade on his head.
They are both looking at each other on the front mirror of the car. While she's glaring at him, he just winked at her with a playful smile.
He has thick eyelashes and charismatic eyes and full kissable lips that when he smiles, anyone who sees it would make them fell in love with him. Also, his curly ash hair made him more charismatic.
He an innocent yet playful look that's why wherever he goes the eyes of every girl is on him. He is a typical play-boy, he just wants to have fun and careless because he really loves to play with girls and leave them after he got bored with them.
But Rue is not one of the fools.
"Then report to him everything that I'm doing. What is the difference with that on spying?" As she raised her left eyebrow.
"It is his order." He stated as a matter of fact, shrugging his shoulder.
"I only follow what Mr. Genovese told me. You're just his daughter." He added confidently and smile that pissed her even more.
His name is Atreus and he's a Demon, guardian of the underworld, demon caster. Her father summoned him to protect and watch her in the world of mortals.
"Right, I'm just his daughter and I will kill you if you'll not get out on my car." As she emphasized her every word with glaring eyes like almost throwing daggers at him.
"How will you kill me then? Is it with your fangs?" He jokingly said as he imitated vampires showing off their fangs and licked his upper teeth.
"Or with your gun?" He smiled at her playfully.
She knows that arguing with him is just nonsense, he always annoys her every time they talk. She also knows that he's just spying on her every move then reports it to her father.
"Whatever. What's the sense of fighting with you." As she rolled her eyes and look ahead then started the engine.
"Do you want to me to drive for you?" He asked but she just shook her head and smirked, she knows that it is his way to get her girls.
"I can drive myself, get your own car and stop pestering me. And why don't you pester your girls instead." She said without looking at him, driving her car outside the building.
"Are you intimidated with me that's why you don't want me in your car or jealous with my girls for bringing them up?" He teasingly asked and slowly grinning, showing his perfect white teeth.
Rue swiftly grabbed the tumbler beside her and throw it to him but he managed to catch it with his hand, he once again shows a mocking smile.
She's about to explode when her phone rings, from the person she's expecting to call is on the screen. She puts her wireless earpad and give him a sharp look to shut his mouth before answering it.
"Hey, good morning beautiful." A man on the line greeted her with a warming voice.
"Good morning. You just woke up?" She asked as her voice turned into a calm one, the person at the backseat smirked as he heard it.
Rue noticed it and throwed glare at him once again.
"Just a minute passed by. Are you heading now to your office? I just ordered your breakfast, and it is on its way now." She smiled as she heard it, now looking straight on the road.
Gino Anderson is the name of her mortal boyfriend and she meets him 2 years ago and started their relationship last year. He's the owner's grandson of a company.
A flashback
As a person laying down on the floor and the room filled with scream in horror, she smelled a blood coming from a human.
'This can't be. Not now and not here.' The room is in total chaos, the people is finding its way to go out, but she didn't dare to move, she knew that if she turn around, it will be the end of her life.
Her blood thirst is lingering on her body, she felt an extremely dry on her throat while smelling the blood coming from the person shoot by a gun.
She felt her body trembles and held on to the table using all her strength to hold back but the fragrant of the blood is all over the room, the scent is becoming strong.
"Are you okay?" Someone showed up in front of her with worried voice. She lifts her head up and saw a man looking at her with anxious face.
She just stared at his dark brown eyes, she is too intoxicated by the smell of blood to open her dry and shaking lips.
"Let me get you out of here." The man thought that she is too shocked with the situation to respond, he put his tuxedo around her shoulder, leading her somewhere away from the room.

Bình Luận Sách (58)

  • avatar
    Kadir malangJana

    very good


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  • avatar
    Bilal Drrz



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