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Chương 6 In Danger

I remained calm the entire day as I lazily lay on my bed, reading my favorite books which I collected on my shelves. It is already four o'clock in the afternoon and sooner the sun shall set and hide beneath the horizon.
"Why do I seem to feel uneasy?" I mumbled and had a glimpse of the window. It is good to go out and gasp for fresh air. I sigh and let myself calm down, sensing the soft bed. I hugged my pillow and frowned.
I close my eyes and whisper, "What a life, this is not what I wish to have." I attempted to recall certain memories of what occurred in the forest yet I feel so empty, it only frustrates me.
The door swung open and I beheld the countenance of my dearest pal, Ezekiel Harold. His worried complexion greeted my sight and I glanced at him, "Kiel," I noticed how he twitched his lips as his feet proceeded to approach my direction.
"... Terra, how are you?" He questioned and as soon as he reached for my bed, his hands touched my forehead. "Your father told me to visit you since you and Sage Williams did not have a nice start for the day," he paused and took a glimpse of my arm, "... You are wounded, I see."
"Perhaps, I am doing alright." I took a deep breath and caressed my wounded arm. "Sage did this, I do not know what has gone in her mind but she thought my soul was taken by a witch, and she wants to find out about it."
I wanted to frown even more about the thought, it really disturbs me. There are a bunch of tales in our village and I do not know what to believe anymore. They are all quite frightening and I don't want to guess if it is really true. Unless I see them with my own eyes.
He chuckled, "That face of yours appears to be an unbeliever of myths, haven't you heard of the witch in the forest?" He asked me and I gave him a confused look, so he believe in such a tale?
"Is that even real to believe?" I questioned back and he let out a smirk, his charming smile was revealed and his hazel irises had their sparks as soon as the sun rays lightly hit his countenance. He sat on the stool and gazed at me as if I mentioned something unbelievable.
"Everybody believes in it, and it is not just simply a myth… it is real, Terra." He retorted and raised his thick bushy brows, convincing me.
"Is that it? How come I never knew about it?" I felt troubled, I have not heard of such a legend ever since I was a kid. He didn't respond though, instead, he shrugged off.
"So how do you feel?" He asked and so I glanced at his countenance and he looked so worried. "Do you want to eat something?"
"I already told you that I am not certain of what I truly suppose, anyhow, have you gotten me any meal? I am expecting you to bring anything," I responded.
"Sage already prepared you some grubs downstairs, I see that she worked hard for it, what do you think?" I simply rolled my eyes before him and flipped my hair. I knew he saw the portion which was cut yet I did not show any care at all.
"What went on with your hair?" His voice became pressing and my eyes rounded upon his sudden action. He leaned closer to me and examined the chopped bangs.
"You gotta be kidding me, Terra. Who did this to you?" The tone of his voice became serious and I could not help it but feel the tension.
"I did it out of boredom, my apology." Yes, I lied. Everybody does it so why not? Anyhow, whatever he is thinking right now, I know it is not good.
"Once the authorities find out about this, you are doomed!" He warned me which caused my heart to jump off my chest. No way, there is no way that it will happen.
"... You won't report it, don't you?"
I heard him sigh, "Terra you know how I care for you. You know that once they find out about this, you will surely be put to prison. I am telling you this because it will never be fun to be stuck in the dungeon," I can see that he is scolding me. Yet, I know to myself that I did wrong considering that I let someone touch my hair.
Now, I have a trust issue.
"What should I do?" I asked him, I saw how he closed his stares and pinched the bridge of his nose before even glancing at me. "I did not mean to be harmed, Kiel. Someone attacked me in the forest," I retorted.
"Then you better be watchful the next time around, how could you become so careless?"
He is really scolding me.
"... You know that I easily trust, perhaps that is one of my weaknesses." I attempted to soothe myself by leaning my back on the headboard. I took a deep breath before peeking at his reaction, what a shame, Terra why did you tell him your weakness?
"Do not take unnecessary action, has your father seen this?" He was serious with his advice, I simply shrugged my shoulders and tucked my hair.
"I am not quite sure if he has seen my hair, however, Sage was glaring at me right after the moment I strangled her, I doubt that she noticed it." I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head, this is a bit frustrating. How come this went too far?
"Are you allowed to go out? I am planning to go to the cropland and probably you'd like to come with me," he stated and so I glanced in his direction. "I know you as someone who admires peace," he added.
I smiled at him, "You really know me that much?"
"Are you in?" He asked and I nodded my head.
"As always, Kiel."
It would be incredibly nice to behold soothing scenery, it somewhat caresses my soul and it reminds me of being calm as ever.
I began to get up and he assisted me with my hair, yet I paused upon recognizing that he was staring at me. "What are you thinking?" I asked him, yet he shifted his gaze and distant himself.
He is constantly behaving this way whenever it is just the both of us. Perhaps he finds it embarrassing?
"Nothing, I just find you beautiful," he responded, which made me keep silent. Ezekiel is always like this, he constantly throws compliments at me which makes me feel so nice about myself. It flutters my heart, and I guess nothing's wrong about it?
"You keep on asserting that, yet still, thank you…"
"You cannot blame me, Terra. Your beauty seems to be like a flower which blooms unendingly, you repeatedly lure anyone because of your fragrance as well." I chuckled at his phrase, he never fails to make me smile.
"Is that your way to win my heart?" and I chuckled. "If I am compared to a flower, what am I and why?" I asked, testing him.
Meanwhile, he thought about it before he could finally say his answer. I saw how he stares deeply at me as if his eyes were telling something to my soul. A thrilling smirk exited from his edges and he spoke, "I can pertain you like a rose," he retorted and eyed at me once more.
"You appear to be a rose because of your alluring smile, your softness as of its petals that arise to be fragrant. You can be anyone's favorite, for you give beauty to the days of their life." He paused for a moment and his deep regards were mesmerizing my countenance.
"Yet, you have those deadly thorns which once pricketh onto their cores, they shall surely lose their life." He chuckled and pinched my cheek which caused me to frown at him. "You know what I mean," he added.
"That is a rude truth," I told him and laughed at his face. His description of me as a flower is quite unsure for me to believe. I never reckon that I am like that.
"So, what do you think?"
"Let us keep going,"
We left Sage at the cabin and we proceeded our ways to the mountains. The cropland was located at the top of the hills, which is a good thing to behold because of the nicest sceneries we could glimpse as we traveled on foot. Yup, we definitely hiked over the long road.
"Terra," he called out for my name and so I turned my back to see his complexion.
"What is it, Ezekiel?" I responded and I saw how he became hesitant. I tend to mention his name too, I like the idea of grabbing his attention.
"I would like to know about what you recently recalled of the incident that occurred at the woods," my feet halted from drifting over the land upon his unexpected question.
Oh, I see that he has become interested in it. That's a bit odd to guess.
"... I am unsure about it," I replied and glances at his expression.
"May you heed the words of your father, Terra," He stated and that made me twitch my lips in disagreement. What is he trying to say?
"I don't get you," I responded and shrugged off.
I heard him sigh as if he has been dragging a heavy burden within, "You cannot go back to the woods, your life is in danger…"
Upon hearing his words, it rendered me to understand what he is aiming to spill. I'm in danger? How come?

Bình Luận Sách (203)

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    Yaasy Garcia

    thank you


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