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Chương 3 Meet The Prince

I stared at the mirror and witnessed my reflection. I sigh once more to recognize how foolish I am to agree with what my father desired, that is to be the eldest prince's bride. I could not do something to convince him, only if I have the power to disobey… in the kingdom where I truly belong, it is strictly prohibited to behave disobediently, either you shall be killed or thrown into the pit and embrace the endless torment you have to withstand.
"You look so lovely, Terra…" I rolled my eyes before turning my back to see the man who uttered those words.
"I know,"
"You should often smile, you look more beautiful whenever you do it." He spoke once again and walked near me, he let out a grin upon beholding my beauty. I hastily tie my hair into a bun before he could even notice that some portion of it was chopped.
"It is sorrowful to believe that you are foreordained to marry prince Gohan," he muttered which made me gaze at him with confusion.
"Of course it is, but why do you appear to be someone who visits a grave?" I questioned as I examined his countenance.
"It brings grief within my heart considering the thought of not owning you for the rest of my life," I halted upon hearing his words. It seems that I cannot process them into my brain, I gaze at his expression and I see sincerity.
"Ezekiel… what are you saying?"
I could no longer utter any phrase, I felt distracted upon his sudden confession. He bitterly smiled at me and tapped my shoulder, "Forget what I said, your father must have been right… Anyhow, get ready for yourself and have a good night, Terra."
My eyes followed him as he gradually stepped back and had to leave. I was left dumbfounded. I momentarily locked my sight and sigh, why is this life even tormenting me? Why do I have to suffer in this kind of situation? Being forced to marry someone I never love is different.
I untie my creamy platinum hair and comb it down to my waistline, it feels so soft and smells so fragrant yet the front portion of it is leveled on my chest, I cannot attain to have such an ugly cut. In our territory, women must grow their hair down to their waist—it is implemented as one of our regulations that need to be obeyed. They say that it adds to the beauty of a lady, yet if the authorities found out that one's hair is cut, they shall send somebody to kill that woman.
In my case, I would tie my hair so nobody could behold it. "Terra? Are you done preparing?" My chest pounded out of its normal beating the moment I heard the voice of my father.
"... Father," and I stuttered. I always feel uneasy around him, I could not comprehend why he needs to act so authoritatively in my sight, he appears to be different, it feels like he is not the man whom I used to know when I was a kid but still, I always miss his presence, I only see him whenever I tend to fail his orders.
"Why do you seem to be anxious?" He asked.
I lowered my head and slightly shrugged off my shoulders, avoiding his stares. I plainly tucked my bangs on my ears and faced him, "... Do I really have to do this, father?"
"We already discussed this, Terra. You must accept the offer of the king, you will marry the prince and become his princess… I don't have any daughter other than you, do this for me." I heavily breathed before tardily nodded, he pulled me into his chest and gave me a tight hug. "I am doing this for you, Terra… this is the only way for us to be safe," he mumbled which put me into curiosity.
"My apology, father…" I wonder what he has been planning.
"Come and let us have our way toward the palace," I nodded and obeyed his words. We led our feet outside our home and as we rode the royal chariot, I gasped upon beholding the countenance of Sage Williams. She comfortably sat in her seat and as she shifted her gaze to see me, she smirked.
"You look so elegant with that dress, Terra." I did not respond nor heed her words, I recklessly sat beside her and purposely thrust her toward the window.
"Ouch! Take it easy," she hissed yet I rolled my eyes before her.
My father sat in front of us, and he spoke, "How are you, Sage? Have you prepared the lists of the prisoners?" I eavesdropped on their conversation and I figured out that she is his assistant.
"I am done rewriting the entire names, captain. Also, I discovered that one of them escaped." Right after hearing her words, his eyes grew widened and he cussed. I lowered my head avoiding his stares, now what does it have to do with me?
"I will let the rest of the leaders know about this,"
As we arrived at the palace, I witnessed how the beauty of silver crystal dazzled in the entrance. As we stepped into the stairs, my heart suddenly hastened to beat. "Are you feeling better, miss?" Sage asked after recognizing the sweats on my forehead, and I nodded.
We reached the hallway and I saw the king and queen with their two sons, Prince Timothy the youngest, and Gohan, the eldest prince. I felt my knees trembling in anxiety. I never expected to behold their faces, their presence makes me fear them. There's no way this is happening!
"Good evening, majesty," my father, Theodore bowed down before them and so I did the same. "Behold, this is my daughter, Terra Elliot…" he mentioned, and I could not enunciate any word for I am puzzled and overwhelmed by the luxurious atmosphere.
"What a delicate beauty, Theodore, indeed your daughter is lovely." I heard the king's compliment, and so I had a glimpse of him. His grin was plastered into his countenance and I gulped the moment he threw his gaze on me.
"Why don't we let the two of them have their moment? Let us head back to the dining hall," the Queen affirmed and they turned their back at me and headed their way on the said hall. I sigh once more before beholding once again the complexion of the Prince.
"Good evening, milady," Gohan spoke and held my hand and kissed it, he appears to be gentle yet I know that he is not. "How are you? Did you enjoy your day?" He once again asked.
I nodded my head although the occurrence which took place was the exact opposite, "I did, what about you? What do you most like to do inside the palace?" I questioned him.
"I often proceed with my paintings, along with my brother Timothy who does with the music instruments, he makes me calm down whenever he plays his violin." I nodded upon his response, and as we walked in the hallway, I noticed how he felt so confident.
"We shall be spending the entire night with one another, what can you say?" He spoke, which made me halt and gaze at him. I saw how his amber irises dazzled.
"May we have our dinner first?" I muttered, I distanced myself from him and proceeded to walk ahead.
I dislike his aura.
We continued strolling until we reached the dining hall, I saw the royalties discussing a matter with my father, and my eyes caught Sage having her grubs and quietly drinking her wine. "Poor, Sage…" I mumbled and I heard Prince Gohan chuckle.
"Probably she is not comfortable to be around with my brother," he replied and so I look at him with a confused countenance.
"Do they know one another?"
"Timothy often visits the town because he likes archery, he secretly sneaks with the players and aims to be in the top five, perhaps he saw her and recognized her face." My eyes widened considering that his brother is having his game with us at the butts.
"I never saw him at the field," I muttered and I saw how his brows met.
"What do you mean?"
"I am one of the archers," I stated and his countenance shifted, he remained silent and as we arrived at the table, I sat beside my father.
"It pleases me to see my son's soon-to-be bride, what a lovely view to behold, right Theodore?" The king praised them, and they drank their wines. I kept quiet as I began to have the beef broth, I could sense that the princes were gazing at me.
"So, what do you usually do, Terra? Your father has been a great captain of thousands in our kingdom, and I assume that you possess such bravery, too." I heard the queen speak and so I paused from chewing and gazing in her direction.
"That is right, your highness. I often read books about archery, because it is what I relish to do." Upon my response, I saw how she glimpsed at my father and raised her brow. I suddenly felt disturbed.
"I like her," she added and beautifully smiled at me, which made my eyes widen in surprise. I heard the king pretending to cough before he took a sip from his wine.
"Mother, shall I invite Terra tomorrow evening to the town's hall? I would like her to witness the lantern's show off." I gripped tight on my spoon right after I heard Prince Gohan's words, I saw how a grin formed on his lips and I lightly glared at him.
"Oh my, I couldn't agree more, my son." The queen spoke and so I halted from breathing, I felt a hand squeeze mine and I gaze in my father's direction and I saw him nodding his head at me, and he whispered.
"It will be fine, Terra."
I forced a smile at them before I could even utter a word, "... That would be nice, I would like to," I almost stuttered the moment I saw how the king stared at me, did I do something very awkward in front of them?
"I am glad that both of you look so good together, anyhow, it put me into the curiosity of how Timothy would respond as soon as he meets the woman whom shall he bound with," the king spoke, and laughter echoed in the hall's roof. I could sense something in his voice, an opposing vibe.
"That would be unbelievable to imagine," they commented. Prince Gohan Ambers faced me and whispered something. "See you there, milady…" he chuckled and continued with his food, the rest of them discussed their personal matters and I sat still observing everybody. Is this even right?
Right after a nice dinner with the royal family, I head my way to the balcony of the palace and watch the lights from the village. I sigh as I gaze at the gloomy sky, where I could not see any bright but only darkness alone.
"I saw how you fake your response, Terra." I momentarily closed my eyes before turning my back to the man who spoke.
"What is it to you?"
"I am being a gentleman to you, miss. I understand that you never wish to be betrothed at such a young age," he added and walked near me, as he paused in front of me, he stroked the tips of my hair, and I stepped back preventing him to untie the portion where it was chopped by a random guy at the forest.
"I respect you, Prince Gohan, my apology for behaving in such a way."
"So are you truly certain to be my date tomorrow?" He once more asked and I parted my lips as my brain recklessly thought of something to reply.
"You can't disregard your father's wish, Terra…" he added, and I got stuck between my mind and my heart's outcome.
"I hope to make him delighted, yet not in a way where I have to lose myself… too much sacrifice will never do good,"
"It is just that night, my mother and father are expecting something great from you, don't fail them." I don't know, I felt pressured. I stared at his irises and all I could do is to let go of a deep sigh.
"I never assume to be in your arms, yet for my father's sake, I would surely accept your request," I replied and I saw him smirking before he could even lean his back on the wall.
I heard him chuckle, "I'm so offended that you didn't even wish to be my date, you know that most of the lass in our country were drooling over my daring body?" He crossed his arms and slightly shook his head whilst staring at me. "You are unbelievable, Terra. How can I even make you fall in love with me?"
I momentarily shut my mouth and gaze at his features. He is indeed attractive and alluring, but I can't fall in love with a man like him. I will never let myself fall into such an expensive ornament, I am nothing but dust in this world yet I strive for value.
"Don't yearn for it, your highness. A diamond cannot dwell with such a simple rock like me, you are fated to be with a dazzling gem…" I uttered and smiled at him.

Bình Luận Sách (203)

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    Yaasy Garcia

    thank you


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