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Chapter 4: It's not A dream

Felicette's Pov
I'm Walking in the house of old woman and thinking if I'm dreaming again or is this really happened but if it's just a dream why is like this?
I looked at my mom and his boyfriend named craion they look good together and happy together
"What would I do here hayst such a boring" I said and sit in the oldest sufa here
"you feel bored? here clean the house" I looked to someone who said that and it's old woman
I smirked at her
"Why would I do that grandma attitude! In our house my mother don't let me to do that ayysh I'm going out! bye-bye" I said
I start to walk but suddenly old woman baston kicked to my head
"awwttsss! what is that for!! " I said and hold my head
she act like she gonna kick her baston to me again
"I don't care to your mother! Go clean the house, I'm pretty sure you don't have place to go! now go clean and obey me ayssh what a spoiled brat" She said and she leave the whisk broom behind me
I take that and start to clean
"hayst why I need to do this, this is only a dream tsk" l said while wheeping the floor
I looked to my mom and her boyfriend and I realized that she never like that to my father maybe it's true that the first love always win
"felicette right? " I looked to old woman
I smirked and stop wheeping the floor
"yes? old woman" I asked
she kick her baston to me
"awtts! why you always do that to me" I said and crossed my arm
"do you have a boyfriend? " she asked
I nodded
"why? is there a problem" I asked
she smirked and shake her head
"make sure before you leave here you didn't changed anything, you know what I mean right, don't let your feelings drive you, focus in the future not in the past" she said and get my broom
I was stuck in shuck because I really understand what she say
that means I'm not dreaming because I'm traveling
now I understand why I can be here and can be there
to be honest I'm still confused but the most important now is I'm not dreaming right
I know someday, I will know everything what is happening now
Fianna's Pov
I can still remember before rico leave in our house that he admitted what's happening I know since before that the real rico is not here I know my daughter felts that something changed to rico but because she don't care to rico so much she can't see that
I go to my daughters room and smiled, I goes to the bed of felicette and sit behind her
I touched her hair and smiled
"how's your old woman my beautiful daughter? she's hard to control right? I can't believe that your love to craion and his love to you can bring here in future, what will happen if you know who the real person who killed him? long time ago when I was a 23 years old, I see you, the first time I see you, I was shuck, because you and I are really look a like, it was just I'm looking to the mirror, then grandma said, she believe that you're my daughter that she feels like you're from future, at the first time I am happy and because of you I love craion so much, Because I think she is your father but I didn't know you liked him, grandma tell me that I should distance craion to you, because she have a bad feeling that craion is not your father, but I didn't believe that because we have a promise that after he graduated we will get married and he will distance his self to lois, maybe you still didn't know lois at this time but I know soon you will know him, my grandma tell me that everything happened to my life, I should write in my diary, because she said if something changed, that memory will lost, but if I read that again , I can remember that instantly, you're twenty years old felicette and craion died twenty-one years ago, everything changed because you came there" I kiss her forehead and waves her hair
I put the bracelet she gave to me the day she confessed everything to us, I love her so much more than I love craion and craion love her more than he love me that is the reason why everything got changed
I get up and start to walk to get out in her room
when I'm in the door of her room I smiled and close the door
I goes to my room and I see the father of felicette is already sleeping, I go to my desk and get my diary and in the last page I write
"Craion Is Alive"
I close my diary and can't help my tears to drop in my eyes
Felicette's Pov
I'm walking around the house when someone got my attention
I run over him
"hei! wait " I shouted
he just look at me a second and he started to walk again
I follow him until he was gone in my eyes and now I'm gone
"why he looks like rico? but that's impossible HAHAHAHA! MAYBE I'm just missing him" I speak to my self and sit behind the tree
did he get home already? hayst thinking him is a bad idea hayst now I miss his lips and his touch, I miss everything
I looked in the sky the star is shining
"what a girl like you doing in this place? " I looked to the person who said that and I was shuck
why I'm always get shuck?
"Actually I see you following someone earlier that's why I reason to Fianna that I need to go home" Craion said
he sit beside me and look in the sky
"It's just... I see someone and I thought I know him but it's impossible to see him here" I explained to him
he smiled to me
da*n why he looks so hot
"Impossible things can be possible" He said and lay down his body to the ground
he put his two hand to his head and watch the sky
"do you believe in time traveler?" I asked
He looks at me and smiled
why he always smiled
is he happy with me?
"the one you follow is a time traveler, you know him right? but not the real him" he said and he looks in the sky again
huh what?
"huh? what do you mean" I asked
he smiled again and closed his eyes
"what if something happened? like you fall in love to someone and you will know that the one you love is willing to do everything even to cost someones life, what would you do?" he said to me and looked at me seriously
I was shuck when I see in the far away place the face of the person I followed
"Rico?" I run to his place and leave craion alone
I smiled when he didn't move and run faster to him
"we both willing to do everything even we can cost someones life but the question is who you will gonna pick" he said I look confused because I don't understand what he said
I was supposed to hug him but he turn back on me
I was shocked because I didn't expect that he can do that to me
"I tried to go back xercial but I didn't expect you to be happy with him" he said and walk away
what do you mean by xercial?
"why its not felicette? why xercial? you are not rico, of course you're not because the real rico that I know can't hurt me" I said and I can't let my eyes to not cry
It's hurt
"you know, but not everyones know" he said and disappeared
my knee automatically went down to the ground
"I can't accept this rico"
I was about to wiped my tears but my eyes went black and I feel tired
"You will understand it soon but not this early"
Craion's Pov
I inject felicette to have a sleep and I planned to say that he was just dreaming about rico but I know soon he will find out that I lied but the more important now is she don't feel the pain that rico gave, I know everything because rico save my life, he killed someone special to him just to make sure that I was going to married Fianna, I was aware for everything because he said that to me
I run to Follow rico
And I did
"why did you do that? " I say
he smiled and smirked
"Don't asked me like you don't know anything caion.... because I know what's happening in the middle time" he said and point me a gun
"what do you mean, I don't know what you're talking rico, put that down" I said and get the gun in the back of my pants
"I just realized if you and fianna get married there's a chance that felicette cannot be born so Letting you alive is a big mistake" he said
I decided to not take out my gun and smiled at him
"everything that happening to the middle time, I don't know that, it's not my fault if the craion in the time of felicette is genius that the real rico in felicette time got tricked" I said and walked
he is about to shoot me but I turn around to face him again
"you're still here because felicette is still not yours right? Haha I suggest to you that focus on the craion in the Middle time, instead of focusing to me and what would happened if felicette will known that you killed me? remember you're here because she break up with you knowing that your tito lois is the one who killed me, that's the reason why you're here right? and felicette is here because you said I called her, that's mean she came here for me to save" I said and smile he put down his gun and smirked
"you have a point" he said and disappeared
tsk what a waste of time
I run to the place were I leave Felicette
and I finally see her
I wake her up
"felicette....sleeping here is not a good idea" I said and waved her hair I smiled she really looked like fianna
felicette move er body and woke up
"what happened? " she asked
I smiled at her
"we are talking about the thing impossible and you pell at sleep and you know when you are sleeping you are saying rico chuchu" I lied
she shuck and nodded
"oww so it was a dream, that was good! At least it's just a dream, okay! " She said and thumbs up
she started to walked
"Craion I'm sorry for sleeping while we having a talk maybe I'm just tired bye-bye" She said with a serious face
I just nodded
she smirked and turn back
well compared to fianna, she was a cold one HAHAHAHAHA!

Bình Luận Sách (95)

  • avatar
    Ian Serandon



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    YoungMary fe

    thank u author


  • avatar
    Renlyn Toling

    wow very nice


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