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Chapter 3: He's Alive

I just got home and I'm in my room already to be honest I don't want to talk to rico I don't know why but I really hate him hayst and now I'm thinking why I accept him to be my boyfriend tss
[tok tok tok]
"Felicette... rico is here he said that he is your boyfriend already is that true? congrats my daughter" my mom said while his in the door
I lay my body down to my bed
"tell to him that I'm sleeping already but if he said he will go don't let him mom, he can go here in my room" I said and unbutton my uniform
"ALRIGHT if you said so, I'm going down now"Mom said
I closed my eyes and think
I'm pretty sure that is not a dream but why I don't have any scratch hayst
[tok tok tok]
" Felicette, it's me" rico said
I rolled my eyes and turn around
ughhh i feel tired
"you can come in, my door is not close" I said and closed my eyes
I don't know but i think my soul wants to get out on this body and have some cool travel
"I didn't expect that you can leave me there" I heard that rico said
I smirked while my eyes is closed
"And I also didn't expect that you let me walk there" I said with a normal tone
I hate him
so much tss
"that's your reason!? da*n what if something happened to you in the street hah!? do you really think! " he said with a anger tone
i get up and looked at him and he was shuck
I forgot that I unbutton my uniform
Rico shuck and of course I was shuck also
I close my uniform
"you pervert! " I said
he chuckles
"I Am not! beside, I didn't know that you are not wearing your bra" He said
I rolled my eyes and sit to my bed
"why you're here" I said
he goes to me and sit behind me
"To look if you're safe" He said and he lay down his head to my lap
"you really look beautiful in that view" he said I slap him softly
he chuckles
"I never thought that this would happend" He said and close his eyes
I played his hair and I see him smiling
he is looking hot in that smile
"I'm sorry for being immature" I said and looked in the wall
I heard his chuckled
"nope it's fine because at the same time that's the real you" he said and pushed me at the bed
he is on top on me then he hugs me, his head is on my chest
"I love you since first day please don't leave me just like you did to all of your exes" He said
I see him crying and I felt his tears dropping in my chest
His hug is tighter than before and his tears getting my chest wet
"If you only know how much it's hurt seeing you with them" He said while huging me
I Idolize how he respect me, when he pushed me in a bed my uniform is automatically open, I didn't expect that he only hugs me and cry like a baby
I smiled and played his hair and I got his attention , my eyes can't help to drop a tears, he looks at me and wiped my tears and I hug him now my body is closer in his body
"Cry my baby" I tease
he was shuck and hold my shoulder
"what did you just said? " He asked
"I said Cry my baby" I tease again
He hugs me and start kissing me
why he's not affected?
don't tell me?
"Thank you for accepting me to your life" He said and hugs me again
I plunk his forehead
"id*ot! that is not a compliment" I said
he just laugh and kiss my forehead
"I don't care Felicette" He said and he put my head in the pilow of my bed then he lay down his head to my chest and hugs me again
"just let me do this, I want to sleep in your chest, I love to hear your heart beat" he said and moved a little then closed his eyes
I played his hair and smiled
I really feel tired
I closed my eyes and lay down my hand in rico haid the I put my other hand to hug him
"hoi Fianna! your boyfriend is out side let him in" I look who's speak and it's old woman
I looked everywhere to the point I realized that I'm not with rico
"how I came here again" I said and hold my head
I'm about to cry but someone kick baston to me
"awwttts! what is that for!? " I said and see that's old woman
that ayyshh!
"you m*ron, id*ot, stup*d! who gave a permit to you for hurting your self hah! stup*d mor*n" she said, I cover my head and moved because she's acting like she gonna kick her baston to me again
I run after I moved
"auughhh hell---Awts! " I didn't continue what I supposed to say because I bomp to someone
someone give a hand to me and I take that
"next time you should looked to the place you are going ms" he said I look up on him and I can help my self shuck
He's hot!
He is handsome!
"I'm craion and you're? " he said I still stock in a shuck
why my mom boyfriend is handsome like this huhu?
I shake my head and slapped my face
shut up self you have a boyfriend and he is rico be loyal
but my mom boyfriend is more that hot and handsome compare to my boyfriend but I didn't say that my boyfriend is not hot okay he is but it's just happened
"I-I'm Felicette, nice to meet you hah! you're craion!?? " This is bad i didn't notice his name because of his handsomeness ughhhh! my heart is beating fast
I thought he was dead but what the hell he's doing here
"huh? Fianna you have a weird guess but Is that only me who noticed that you have a similar face" he said and walk to the destination of my mother and old woman
he get old woman hand and put it in his forehead
"bless me" my mother boyfriend said to old woman
"god bless you" old woman said and take off her hand to my mom boyfriend
wahhhhh! he is not just handsome and hot! he is also a good man! wahhhhh now I know why my mom like him I'm sorry rico but you are not like him
I run to them and hug them
Mwahahahaha! sorry rico but I fall to someone else
-Rico's Pov-
"hoiiii! Felicette! da*n it she really leave me here aysh that girl tsh! be thankful that I'm your boyfriend now stup*d" I said and run to the gate
I get the key in my pants and put it in the lock but its not the key
"dam*it it's not fited " I try the other one but still not fitted then I try the other one but stil not
"ayyshh!! I need to go with felicette as early as I can! what if something happened to her sh*t! I wouldn't forgive my self for letting her go in her own! " I panic and I try every key that i have and I stop when someone fitted on the lock
I opened it then I walk outside and closed it again
I run as I can and thinking I can see Felicette walking in this street but I stop when I see a grop of men drinking an alcoholic
"no... what if they do something to my girlfriend? what if something happened to her while she's walking in this street? what if they'd try to... no! I will never forgive my self! " I run to them and breathe like this is my last life
"excuse me do you see a girl walking here with uniform? " I asked to them they stop drinking and looked to each other confusing
"I'm in the outside earlier but I don't see a girl, maybe she use the other direction" I looked to the woman in the store
I refresh and smile
"that's good so I'm just over---whaaaaahhh! if she didn't go in this street maybe she goes in the dark street, noo!! I'm a polish boyfriend after all" everyone is looking on me and don't know what I'm doing
I run to go in the dark street
what if someone no! chill rico! felicette is not like other girls! she can protect her self, but what if this time she can't protect her self because its dark
"if something happened to her, I will never forgive my self for letting her go" I run like crazy and thinking i can get to see her but I stopped when I see no ones walking and I remember that felicette house is only three gates away from here
I can't help my eyes to get in tears
"stup*d rico why you didn't notice that felicette is in safe zone, stup*d rico you're a stup*d person that's why felicette Don't care to you" I wiped my tears and run to the three gates
I stop when I reached my destination, I click the doorbell and a minute later her mother open the gate
"ohh rico it's late what came you here? " Aunt Fianna said
I get his hand and put it to my forehead as a sign of respect because she's the mother of my future wife
wahhhhh! future wife! felicette is my future wife! my heart can't help to beat fast
"god blessed you" Aunt Fianna said
I nodded and get down my hands
"aunt... I mean can I call you mom now? as a respect of being your daughter boyfriend? " I said she laugh and smiled at me she put her hand to my head
"if that's the reason sure you can call me mom, so you came here for your girlfriend? " She said with A smiled
"I just want to check if she got home safe mom, your daughter is really know how to get me panic but it's fine mom" I said and slap my forehead
she laugh at me and waved my hair
"sorry for my daughter attitude,but trust me that's her way to show you that she loves you, wait I'll make her down here so you can talk to her" she said and let me in , she close the gate and guide me inside his house
she go upstairs and gone in my sight
I walked a little bit and breathe long
"she said she was sleeping but if you said you will go home you can go in her room"felicette mom said
I chuckled and nodded
"mom.. I'm going home" I walked in her destination and she just chuckled and nodded
I walked carefully until I came to the felicette door room I knocked but why it's taking so long? I knocked again "Felicette its me"
"you can come the door is open" she said
I opened it without thinking and then I closed it carefully and locked it
of course we don't know what will happened
"I didn't expect that you leave me there" I said and crossed my arm
[Fast Forward]
"Felicette? are you sleep already? " what the he*k with this girl she really sleep already
I realized her hands to my head and shoulder
I get up and sit to the bed and looked to felicette
she's beautiful with or without clothes
I decided to go up and change her clothes
I walked to her closets and find her pajama
I see a beautiful fitted pajama and I decided to get that
after that I walk back to my girlfriend and sit beside her
I carefully turn out her uniform and I inserted the clothes even she don't have a bra I just have a research before that girls should sleep without that and that's maybe the reason why my girlfriend doesn't have one because she feels tired even she sleep long
I smiled when I see that her beautiful chest fitted in her sleeping clothes I bite my lower lips then slap my forehead
"da*n I was luck to have you" I removed his shoes and socks then I also removed her 5inch waist line skirt I bite my lower lips then put the pajama until it cover her lower body
I smiled and get the blanket then cover it to her
"looks like taking care of you is not bad at all, right lahlove? " I kiss her forehead, nose, left cheek, right cheek, chin and his lips
I wipes her hair and smiled
"good night I love you" .

Bình Luận Sách (95)

  • avatar
    Ian Serandon



  • avatar
    YoungMary fe

    thank u author


  • avatar
    Renlyn Toling

    wow very nice


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