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The Guy in the past

The Guy in the past

Felicette And Craion

Chapter 1: A wonderful day?

"I can't go with you Lois, we talk about this right? After I graduate, me and Fianna will get married" A guy said to another guy in front of him
a guy in front of him named lois cross his arm and smirked
"you really choose that girl craion! over me? who always give what you and your family want!? " lois said with a tone of a girl
the guy talking before got mad and turn around to lois
"lois! I told you before that I love Fianna and I also said that I will back everything you gave to us but you said no and threat me with a words that you will d*ed if i do that" craion said and start to walk
lois point a gun to craion and smirked
"then if i can't make you mine, I will not let fianna happy, you'll die"lois said and shot craion
(beng beng beng)
craion shucks when he looks to lois and cry
" Fianna.... sorry.... sorry for not.... for not... for not marrying you... Fianna... aaa-i lo--ve y-oou" craion said and close his eyes
"I'm sorry Fianna" craion last word
[ Minami no shimawaa atakai 🎵 Paina-puru-puro, Atama boka boka, Aho Baaaakaaaa!🎶 Ni ban! kita no shima wa--.....]
"Hahhhh!? it's just a dream... so it was just a dream...what a relief" a girl said after she wakes up and stop his alarm in her point
"Felicette? go down and eat, you will late to your class" her mother said down stairs
felicette stretch her body and walk out to her bed
"yes, I will" she said and walk down
Felicette's Pov
I see my mother preparing foods in our kitchen table
what a weird dream, I can make that a story but I'm tired already
"do you have a nice dream? it's first time for you to wake up late" my mother said
I just sit and bite the bread in front of me
"I don't want to say it's nice but it interesting" I just said and drink the milk in front of me
My dream is really nice because it's interesting but at the same time i don't want to look bad to others but i just feel that is not just a dream and its true but maybe right? but that's impossible
after I drink my milk I get up and walk away from them
"I will go now mom" I just said in a cold tone and start to walk to my room
I need to go in bath
{A few moments later}
I finished bathing and I also wearing my uniform
who is the guys in my dream?
I go down thinking who is the guy in my dream why he said he love Fianna, I'm thinking if that's just a coincidence or maybe it was destined to me because I'm Fianna daughter, if that's not a dream what is that?
"ayyshhh, why I'm thinking to much in just a dream" I moaned softly
I start to walked in the door and open it
"I'm going to school now mom! bye-bye! " I said and close the door again
"wh-aat!?" I said in shuck after I see my friend rico
"good afternoon felicette" he said in smile
i just ignored him and start to walked
"how's your dream? " he ask and walked behind me
you really know how to scare me m*ron
"still a dream" I said and looks in the sky
I automatically smile after I see the beautiful of the sky
"I mean good or bad? " he asked again I just smirked at him and walk
"guess? " I said and walk
" HA HA HA! I guess you're not in the mood" he said and he start to walk backwards while facing me
"look in your way, if something happens to you I'm in charge" I said to him and rolled my eyes
he just smiled and run behind me
"you're concerned to me, I appreciate your love" he said with smile
I mocked at him
"don't get me wrong rico" I say
he laugh and touches my head
"don't worry the only things that I allowed to happened to me is to fall for you" He said and gives me a thumbs up
Crazy rico
"I can't catch you" I said and walk faster than him
he run to me and hugs me
"because you don't right? " he said with a smile and nodded to me and I remember that I always say that to him
"I prepare that you're honest felicette" he said and he hold my shoulders
"i love you felicette"
aaa-i lo--ve y-oou
aaa-i lo-ve y-oou
aaa-i lo-ve y-oou
I hold my head and closed my eyes
"da*n why I still remember it" I said and everything to my eyes is black
{Few moments Later}
"finally you're awake" she said
wait who is she?
"who are you old woman? " I asked and she punched my head softly but still it hurts
I hold my head and look at her "What is that for!? " I said to her
she smirked at me and she act like she will punch my head again but someone entered the room where i belong
"grandma... be patient to her, she is just a teenager" she said and I stock looking on her
if I'm not mistaken she is my mom right? and if she's my mom
I looked to the old lady in front of me and point her my finger
"you're the grandmother of my mother! " I said and she punch my head again
"hah! I don't know who's your mother but I'm pretty sure she is not my grandchild! you st*pid girl! how dare you to point a finger on me and high your voice hah! do you know how to respect hah!? " she said and punch my head softly
da*n this huge old woman
"I only respect who respected me! " I loudly say
that make her mad
she gets her baston in my mom and she act that she will kicked that to me and I start to run
"Ahhhhh!!! what's that for old woman!" I said while running
she runs to me while kicking her baston in the air
I was lucky to not let her to kick her baston to me
" to give you a lesson! you idi*t!" she said with Angier
I start to run over her house and See a door then I run and run to be their at the time then I open it and run until I lost her sight
I sit in the tree and breath like my life is in the end
"Hah! do you think you can escape me! " she said and I close my eyes
fu*ck if this is a dream wake up if not Bring me back!!
"FELICETTE! thanks you're awake! " rico said
is that mean that I was just dreaming?
f*ck that old woman she's more scarying than my mother mother
"felicette? are you here? felicette in the earth? " rico ask
I looked at him
"what happened? " I asked
he just mocked at me and cross his arm
"I'm the one who supposed to ask that, but as you see, you're at the clinic of our school because I don't know why but you just collapsed in the middle of our walked" he said then I remember that my head feels hurt because I remembering a guy I love you to my mom
how i say that is for mom?
"did she know" my auntie ask to my mother while they are in the kitchen
I'm about to go there to get my milk but I don't know I just feel to stop and hear everything they talking about
"why would I say that to her, she don't need to know that Alison" My mom said and drink her coffee
i know tha is coffee because it's not just in a mug but also she is a coffee lover
"to let her know that if craion is alive she is not your daughter so she will be thankful to you" my auntie said
my eyebrows miss each other and can't stop my self to let them meet
I know they're talking to me because I'm the oldest among my siblings and also they having a hard time to control me
they can't do that I know because the only person I respect is just the one who respect me and my self
"someday she will be thankful not because she is the reason why I'm suffering to her father now but because I'm her mother" she said with a smile to my aunt
my tears can't control her self and start to drop in my cheek
I started to walk in my room like I didn't hear that I'm the reason for her suffering
-end of flashback-
"earth Felicette are you here??! " rico said I looked at him
I remember the guy name in my dream is craion and I just remember now that is the name my aunt said to mom a years ago
"Sorry... I'm just thinking something" I said to him and he looks at me like he was shuck
what the f with this man
"i-i-its your first time to say sorry to me Felicette! is that mean? " rico said
I smirked at him and rolled my eyes
"you miss understood me again m*ron" I say I was supposedly to get down so I can go now in the classroom but I don't feel my body
"I can't move my body" I said to rico he laugh to me and nodded
"dr.doctor said that your body is tired and needed a rest so just hung in that bed and rest" rico said with smile
now I'm thinking if that's just a dream or maybe it's true maybe right?
"hayst! why this day you're always not in our earth Felicette? " rico said to me
"what are you talking about? " I ask
how my body can't move because of tired? when I'm at home I don't do anything? maybe that's not just a dream what if it's not?
"Felicette!! do you hear me??? are you here!?? felicette in our earth! " Rico said
ayyshhh! he is to loud
"what is your problem!? " I said to him
he crossed his arms and smirked
"why your mind is flying? I'm talking to you about what I'm talking and you start flying your mind again and again, see, hayst felicette!! " Rico said and he touches my shoulder then he shake it like he waking me up
"f*ck off! I heard you! I heard you this time, I was just letting you continue what you want to say mor*n" I loudly said to him and he stop shaking my shoulders then laugh
"it's miraculous" He said then he sit besides in my bed
"what miraculous? " I asked
he smiled and wiped my hair
"you're, you're the miraculous Felicette" He said then he kiss my forehead
I feel something in my stomach and I was shocked to what he did
he smiled at me and pinch my nose
"I'm happy that you're starting to changed but don't changed to much okay?" rico said to me and hold my chin
"I love you Felicette since the first day we met in high school and btw happy six years being together, even you don't care to me I also don't care because in six years we have each other you never treat me as your friend and that's my inspiration" rico said then he wiped my hair and smiled he look to my eyes down to my nose to lips and his face start to go in my face while he was looking to my lips
I didn't feel I want him to stop maybe because I can't move my body
Rico face is 1 inch away from my face now I close my eyes and I feel to much feeling when his lips touches my lips too my heart is racing and their is something in my stomach that I feel but this is deferent I feel that I want him to do that every single days if this what you called love do I really love this man?
"sorry... i didn't mean to take advantage in your situation but I'm sorry felicette" rico said to me and I started to laugh
"hA HA HA! Crazy rico" I said and smiled rico was shuck and pouting
"why are you laughing? " he ask with confusion
I was just smiled at him
"You can kiss me every time rico I'm allowing only you" I said to him and he still in a shuck and my eyebrows want to meet each other again
"is that mean? " he said and I nodded
he can't believe what is happening and I also can't believe but I already miss his lips
"really? " He asked again
I nodded and smiled
"can you kiss me again lahlove?" I said with a cute tone he was shuck again the way I pronounce it and confused
"Are you really felicette? " he asked
i pout at him and cross my arm
"no I'm not, because I'm your future wife" I said and look to other place
he laugh as hard as he can
what the f*ck with this man
"HAHAHHAHA! YOU'RE CUTE hayyst! alright I love you too" rico said and kissed my forehead, nose, left cheeks, right cheeks, chin, last is my lips
I respond to his kiss and now we are tasting our own mouth liquid.

Bình Luận Sách (95)

  • avatar
    Ian Serandon



  • avatar
    YoungMary fe

    thank u author


  • avatar
    Renlyn Toling

    wow very nice


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