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Chương 10 Meeting

The meeting went well and Martina felt sudden relief because of Randell. But still, she can't ignore

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Ủng hộ tác giả để mang đến cho bạn những câu truyện hay

Chi phí 38 kim cương

Sự cân bằng: 0 Kim cương ∣ 0 Điểm

Bình Luận Sách (277)

  • avatar

    i really like the words that writer used. a simple word make easy to read and understand .


  • avatar
    Shanum Nariswari

    im so lucky to know this novel. it makes me increase my words in english. im so happy maybe i will recommend this story to my friends and my familly


  • avatar
    jihahi haha

    the story is very good


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