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Chương 5 Sweet Dreams

"The absence of descendants will cause war and extinction of our race. If not, then we will be slaves," Deumitri, the head minister, uttered.
The other ministers agreed, Felix also.
Earlier, Felix walked away to go to the ministry called New Order. New Order is a ministry consisting of 12 ministers representing the 12 titan gods. Ministers often discuss descendants and Atolonʼs next steps to maintain the peace and unity of the children of the island.
Due to the intelligence of the Viglianco clan, Felix Viglianco, the current head of the family was invited by the higher-ups to help the ministers in New Order.
Viglianco is a family that was famous for centuries because of their jaw-dropping intelligence, talents, and skills. People believed that they were the fallen angels of Titus. But since the year 770, the family is on the brink of extinction and has lost its influence on the public. However, their gifts from the gods remained as well as their history in the eyes of the higher-ups. Now, in the year 793, there are officially 3 remaining family members left. Felix Viglianco is the current head of the family.
"We need to get information about the outside world as soon as possible. We need to choose someone again to send him outside. That person must be intelligent and skilled," Minister Riego suggested.
One day, the world will remember Tatius, and throw hatred again because of false accusations. Thatʼs what they feared. The descendants, the hope of the island, disappeared like a bubble last century. No one knew why the gods didnʼt choose someone to be their descendants.
"One person isnʼt enough," Minister Hades spoke. The minister is just staring at nowhere, hesitating if heʼll tell his opinion to the others. He sighed. "Vigliancos still have their gifts from Titus, we can send them outside. There is a big chance for them to survive." What he said surprised Felix as well as Deumitri.
"Are you crazy, Hades?! We are not sure if theyʼll come back alive! At this rate, we canʼt afford to lose someone again, especially the fallen angels. Not the Viglianco clan!" Deumitri rejected the idea of ​​his co-minister.
Whether everyone denies it or not, it is true that the Viglianco family has high chances of returning to the island alive. With the blessings bestowed on them by Titus, they will be able to deceive outsiders. That is if they can actually get out of the island. On the other hand, the prime minister also has a point. The departure of the Viglianco Family will be a great loss for them. They will face a huge problem when the family never returns.
"I have a lot of trust in Felix's family, Deumitri. I heard that his daughter is one of the most intelligent kids." Minister Riego looked at Deumitri. He agreed with Hades. He knew they would have to sacrifice too much but for him, that was the only hope.
"What if they didn’t return? I'm sorry, but I can't sacrifice the remaining fallen angels. I would rather let them live here in luxury and make her the betrothed of the heir to the throne. In that way, we could create another threat about the existence of the fallen angels." Felixʼs eyes widened as Deumitri mentioned his daughter.
Deumitri raised his eyebrow after noticing Felixʼs reaction. "Why so shocked, Mr. Viglianco? My suggestion is better than theirs. Going outside means risking your familyʼs life-death in other words. Do you want to risk your daughterʼs life?"
"No . . ." Felix secretly clenched his fist. "No, I donʼt want to risk my daughterʼs life—”
"Then making her the betrothed of the prince is our best option—”
"My daughter, Renata Viglianco, acts on her free will, Minister Deumitri!" The minister shut his mouth, dumbfounded. Felix clenched his jaw. "We canʼt just tell her to marry the prince. Things donʼt work in that way for Renata! She is free, she thinks she can do anything she wants. She is not a puppet for us to control. She has dreams, sir. One of those dreams is to go outside Atolon. I rejected it but her spirit is just that powerful, even I, her father, canʼt stop her.
Deumitri sighed. "I sympathize with your love and respect for your daughter. However, I wonʼt change my mind." His decision disappointed most of his co-ministers and Felix. A flashback entered Felixʼs mind. He remembered his daughter telling Stellan about her dream near the river. "If a person with royal blood and a person with a Viglianco blood collided, then that would be compelling. Their children will break the history." Deumitri took a deep breath. "When itʼs already the right time, then letʼs get them married. Renata musy bear children. I will not let the gifted bloodline die with Renata." Deumitri lowered his gaze and closed his eyes. "So whatʼs your decision, Felix?"
Felix stood up. "Iʼm not the one whoʼll decide. As I said, my daughter acts on her own free will. Renata will be the one whoʼll choose which path she will take. But if youʼre ask for my opinion, I would grant Renataʼs wish. I agree with your other co-ministers, sir because I believe in her. Renata is our only hope. I'll do my best to make her alive. And please, never underestimate Renata because she is my child." Felix walked away after saying those words.
Father, I want a chicken! Felix smiled as he remembered his childʼs wish. He immediately rode to the market. It took a few hours because his only travel equipment was a chariot.
Unlike Madreign, Atolon doesn’t have much technology. Only horses and trains were the only transportation they had.
"A whole chicken, please. Kindly chop it into pieces." Felix was ​​at the chicken shop, buying souvenirs for his family.
It's getting late. He wished he wouldn't be late going back home. He often found his child asleep waiting for him, so he tried to get home early and tell Revi what had been discussed earlier in the New Order. He knew that his wife would object but because he trusts his daughter, he would try to convince Velo. It may be dangerous, but as the gifted, he believes that Titus will guide him and his family.
He took the chicken he bought. Looking back, he saw a man selling newspapers. He likes to read the news so he immediately approached the man. When he touched the newspaper, he immediately read it. He was shocked to see the contents of the newspaper.
The town of Rajanseth was ambushed by the victors of Madreign. They bombed Rajanment twice.
Rajanseth, itʼs his town. He gritted his teeth and ran towards his horse.
When he reached the gate, the guards blocked him. "Iʼm sorry, but no one is allowed to go out."
"I am Professor Viglianco. Iʼm from Rajanseth Town, and my familyʼs there when Madreign ambushed. Please let me go out, my daughter is waiting for me to go home." Felix thought about mentioning the prince, but he didn't. Itʼs a bad idea.
"Iʼm sorry, but no one is allowed to go out until they confirm it's already safe." They blocked not only Felix, but also the other Cidgians. As a result, the place became noisier and more chaotic, doing everything to get out.
Felix was ​​forced to stay in a hotel and tried not to sleep to wait for news. He waited until midnight. When he was confirmed safe, he immediately went to the Evacuation center. It was far from the market so the morning reached him.
Upon entering the center, he was looking for his family. There were too many people so it was difficult for him. He turned around and saw Ender.
"Ender!" The young man turned to Felix. It approached and greeted him. "Son, how's my daughter?"
Ender took a deep breath, obviously tired. It was also obvious on his face that he had not slept. "She is here, come with me."
Felix followed the young man. He took her to a room and there he saw Revi with Vida.
"Father!" Revi approached her father and embraced him tightly.
Felix almost cried. The image of his wife flashed in his mind. "Where is your mother?"
To be continued . . .

Bình Luận Sách (1376)

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    é bom demais


  • avatar
    JP Llarenas Moleto

    beautiful 😍


  • avatar
    Jay Ar Riogelon

    us and the way I have no plans yet the time and try again later the store and then the time with you and I hope the weather I can do to help you 😘 the store for a few days I think it's going to get it out of my phone is not working and then I have no idea what was your address please thanks again I really have no plans I get to work the same as I know you don't I will get back with the store for some time to the time with the store now I think we need a question and I can send ka rodel to the t


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