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Chương 3 Deceiver

I yawned. We're currently walking here in the market to buy some food and I'm getting bored. Fritz and Dion are at the stalls, searching for foods they want to eat later for the picnic near the river, while Stellan and Leones are with me, watching the two brats who were excited to eat and fight over foods.
I looked at Leones. He has been quiet since ealier. Maybe he’s thinking of something or maybe his father’s words continued bothering him. Sadness can be seen on his face. I can do nothing but stare at him. I'm not a clown to make this dude happy—or maybe I can, just manipulating myself that I can't.
I sighed. "Do you want an ice cream?" I looked at him and smiled.
Leones looked at me, he gave me a crestfallen look. "Huh? What is that?" I was stunned. They didn't even know that, nor did I. It just suddenly entered my mind. I don't want to be embarrassed so I have to invent a reason.
I looked at Stellan. He’s taller than me actually. He raised an eyebrow as I stared at him intently. I shook my head and averted my eyes.
Suddenly, I felt a headache. Everything kept flashing in my head when I looked at him. I sighed and put my hands behind my head. "It is a cold yet delicious dessert. My mother said that if you tasted it, you'll forget all of your problems and you'll be relaxed. . ." I remembered that Vida, a girl whom I treated as a sister, was the one who told me about that desert. That's why ice cream seems so familiar to me, to the point that I mentioned it to Leones.
Although, I said Mother told me, that's the only way to deceive Leones with my words because my friends hated Vida as much as she hates them. I don't know the reson but that hatred wonʼt stop me from communicating Vida.
". . . I want to eat that dessert but sadly, the desert is only available outside the island." At first, I didn't know why Vida knew the dessert since itʼs outside Atolon. She said that there was a vendor who sold outsidersʼ foods and I immediately believed it even though I'm still confused.
None of us dared to go outside except for those who were chosen by the higher-ups. However, the chosen ones never went back to this island. It's either they were captured and died, or they betrayed us.
"May I ask you, do you want to taste that delicious ice cream?" I looked at the two boys beside me. I want them to get my point here with the help of the desert Vida told me.
"Yes," they both answered.
I smirked. "Good then, but the desert is outside the island so we must overcome the enemies outside first before we can have that ice cream. Weʼll make that desert a trophy of victory." I looked at Stellan, he just sighed, while Leones lowered his gaze.
"But I'm a loser, I can't help you to fight them." Argh, here we go again. Leones has the lowest self-confidence. Obviously, it’s because of his family. They had extremely high expectations which he could not reach. Then, they were disappointed and called him a loser or useless.
The first thing I hate on Leones is his low self-confidence. He thinks heʼs not an honorable son to his parents, not an honorable Cidgian to his hometown, and because of that, he does not have the guts to do what he wants, he doesn't have the guts to fight. Itʼs his negative mindset that brings him down. I hate it.
"All creatures can fight, Leones. I know you can do it." I sighed and looled for Fritz and Dion. I canʼt see them, maybe they are looking for food at another stall. "Mother said that losers canʼt taste ice creams. You said you want it. Now, how will you get it?" Losers canʼt taste ice creams isn't true. I'm just trying to light him up.
"I must not be a loser," he answered.
"Wrong, think that you're a victor who can do everything. That way, you wonʼt be a loser anymore." Silence reigned between the three of us. Geez, what kind of line is that? Whatever. I'm willing to deceive my friends or anyone just to make them fight against the enemy. That might sound evil to others but I donʼt care. How dare the outsiders forget the sins they committed.
Stellan pulled me towards an apple store. "Apples, Revi. Try one!" He gave me a whole apple, as well as Leones. He no longer paid because the vendor didn’t accept any payments from him. He knew he was a prince, the king's grandson. The vendor was a fan of the royal family.
I accepted the apple he gave me and ate it. "Mm, this is delicious, but potatoes are more delicious than apples." Stellan shook his head. He likes apples, and my favorite is potatoes. We have different favorites but that is not a reason for us not to get along.
I was startled to hear a voice not far away. I turned around and smiled when I saw them. I knew it was them! "Vida, Ender!" I raised my hand and waved it in the air. They turned to me and smiled. They also waved their hands when they saw me.
Stellan sighed and left with Leones. I was no longer surprised. I know they don't get along. I hope that one day, they will get along. I'm the one stuck here in the middle of their fight.
I approached and greeted them both. At first, I thought Vida and Ender were siblings, but they weren't. To be honest, I ship them. Not literally a ship in the ocean, just . . . I forgot what to call about that.
They are older than me—older than my friends, but they prefer me to call them by their names. They said that they arenʼt comfortable when someone calls them sister or brother.
To be continued . . .

Bình Luận Sách (1376)

  • avatar

    é bom demais


  • avatar
    JP Llarenas Moleto

    beautiful 😍


  • avatar
    Jay Ar Riogelon

    us and the way I have no plans yet the time and try again later the store and then the time with you and I hope the weather I can do to help you 😘 the store for a few days I think it's going to get it out of my phone is not working and then I have no idea what was your address please thanks again I really have no plans I get to work the same as I know you don't I will get back with the store for some time to the time with the store now I think we need a question and I can send ka rodel to the t


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