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Chapter 3: What's His Problem?

I got the whole time off this morning, and maybe this afternoon too. Some professors will not meet us today because, first, there may be late enrollees, and second, the course outline was already given to us during the enrollment period. My next class would be at 10:00 am and it's still 9:15. I guess, I could go to the library to kill time, or the study area.
On my way to the library, I passed by the soccer field. It was is filled with students, there are several booths at every corner and I can hear students talking about the welcoming party this evening. Of course the welcoming party will be held at this field, this is the only area that is capable of having almost everyone at the university.
I saw the soccer team being flooded with girls. Taking pictures with them and exchanging numbers. I was scanning the crowd to find Christopher, but I cannot see him anywhere.
"He's not there."
A voice said from behind me and I looked around to see Fernandez.
"Uhm who is not there?"
"Chris" He just stated flatly.
"I was not looking for him tho?" I told him, while pretending to scan for someone or something else.
"So, who are you looking for, then?" He asked while raising his right eyebrow.
"I'm looking for a what not a who." This guy is so cold, mean and distant. He only smiles at his friends and scowl at almost everyone especially girls.
"Yeah, okay. Whatever." He walked passed me towards his team, wearing an annoyed face.
What is his problem? How come they're friends with Christopher, when they are almost the opposite. Oh wait, I'm friends with Carmela so who am I to judge then.
I continued walking towards the library when I spotted Christopher. Behind the bleachers. He was talking with a girl. I continued walking like I saw nothing. I only have a little crush on him it's not really a big deal. Well, almost every girl has a crush on him, it's not really surprising.
"Ouch! Watch it- Oh! Trish!" I bumped into Carmela as I was randomly thinking of all the girls who like Christopher.
"Yo Ella, I'm sorry I didn't saw you there. I was thinking of something."
"Nah, it's okay I didn't see you among this crowd too, since you're so cute." Ella teased.
"Are you talking about me or about my height?" I asked with a jokingly hurt expression. While she laughs at me.
"Watch out Carmela! By this time next year I'm gonna be taller than you!" I told her with more confidence.
"Yeah yeah, whatever hahaha. So where are you going?" We are now walking together with no real destination now.
"I don't know really, I was planning to go the library to kill some time. How bout you where were you going?"
"Nowhere really. It's already 30 mins before 10:00 am so maybe somewhere inside our department building?"
We just talked about random things while walking. Some people who knew Carmela would give her a high five or remind her of the welcoming party this evening.
We are now sitting at the study area. This is a good place to kill time since there are only a few people. Most people are at the soccer field, others are having classes.
"Hey Ella, I've been having this drea-"
"Having what?" I looked at Trish and saw her with a blank expression. "Trish? Hey Trish" I pushed her forehead slightly with my finger.
"Sorry, where was I?" Trish said, snapping back to reality.
"You said you're having something."
"I did?" She asked confused. "I don't really remember what I was going to say to you."
"You tired? You wanna go back to the dorm and rest?" I asked with concern.
"Nah, I'm good. We should get going now, it's almost 10:00 am. Are you going to the party?"
Am I going to the party? Parties are fun, when I feel like it. Everything kinda just depend on my mood at that moment.
"Dunno. We'll know later. Okay, see you around Trish!"
"See you."
We walked in opposite directions since we are not in the same department. She's taking BS Electrical Engineering. while I'm taking BS Psychology.
"Yo Smith! Wait up!" Aiden called out to me while running.
"Please no running in the hallways." A professor said.
"Sorry Miss."
"Hey Smith! What are you doing after today?"
"Still don't know yet."
"Wanna hang out later? The guys are planning to watch a movie at the rooftop."
"You're not going to the party?" I asked surprise.
"Nah, those parties are for freshmen. We just wanna chill later."
"Sound good. I'll just show up later at the rooftop If I feel like it."
"Nice nice. Bring Trisha with you then. I should get going now, bye."
Aiden is one of the men living next door to me and Trisha. We don't really know each other but we've bonded a lot since first year. We would hang out at the rooftop, watch movies, play games, eat. They are one of the few people who made university bearable.
Whole day was pretty much "meh". Nothing much happened. Well, except that Christopher was trying to make small talks with me every now and then while Fernandez keeps on staring at me, probably imagining 400 ways to kill me. Right now, I'm walking away from my last period.
"Yo Trish! We got no sched for the rest of the afternoon, wanna hang out with us?" Christopher asked me with a big smile.
"Chris! Let's go!" Fernandez shouted from the opposite direction.
"Wait! I'm inviting Trisha over!" Fernandez looked at me again annoyingly. What was his problem with me?
"So, are you coming with us?"
"Nah, I should prolly skip this one out. I'm gonna go back to the dorm and sleep or watch something. Thank you tho." I refused him politely.
"Oh, okay. Just chat me if you change your mind then?" He said while almost pouting. How is he so cute?
"Uhm.. y-yeah sure. Bye" I hurriedly turned my back towards him and walked swiftly. I can feel my face burning up. Good thing my skin color is not that white so it cannot be seen.
I walked back to the dorm and head straight to bed. Man, I'm exhausted though I did not really do anything today. And before I knew I fell asleep while thinking of Christopher and.... Fernandez.
"What's his problem?" I mumbled silently.

Bình Luận Sách (456)

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  • avatar

    omg..is it done already...who will Trisha choose 😔😔 i dont really like the ending though but still can understand the story just fine 👍🏻👍🏻


  • avatar

    love your story.. love the way portray their relationship between Trish and Ella in this chapter.. keep going.. i love to read more story from you..


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