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Chương 55 His Home

Everyone looked so happy and was smiling, so obviously, he was grinning back at them, despite his co

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Chi phí 38 kim cương

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Bình Luận Sách (1176)

  • avatar

    Thank you, author, for creating this masterpiece! This is the first LGBTQA+ story that I've finished and I really enjoyed reading this. Everything about this story is wonderful. The plot, the characters, the lesson, the story line, the feels, everthing was perfect. I can't wait to see more on the Book 2 of this story and I hope I will enjoy reading that as how I enjoyed reading this💗 for the new readers, I really recommend reading this story, it's worthy of your time. Thank you again, author<33


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    Ariq Hazeem

    this story is best and nice


  • avatar

    I think it's really nice to read this novel


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