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Not Willing To Change

“What are you even saying, mom?” I questioned calmly, but she just smiled and slowly held my hand. She began, “Mi Cha, I just hope you could change for good” She said, wryly. “Of course, I do understand why you're being like this, but don't you think it's time you change for good?” I only watched her lips as she talks.
“Fine, your father hurts me rather he hurts us, but it's been years already, Audrey. You should let it go”
“No, mom!” I cut in rudely. “I'm never letting it go” She stared at me as tears welled up in her eyes, I removed my hand from hers and walked away.
I sobbed quietly, raking my fingers through Chelsea's fur; memories of me while I'm growing up with my mom started to flashed through my head.
“Look, Ashley” I stretched out my chocolate to her. “My mom got it for me” I said happily, and I watch as she chortled before opening her backpack.
She brought out two chocolates. “Here”
“My mom got me this and my Dad got me this too” She showed the two bar of chocolates to my face before running along, happily.
I shut my eyes, letting the tears flow freely from my eyes. I can never forgive that man.
He made me like this, he made me dislike guys so much.
“Forgive me, mom” I mumbled, lying on my back.
“Goodnight, Chelsea” My voice croaked.
I switched off the bedside lamp and relaxed my head on the pillow.
I yawned softly as I strode towards the kitchen, I still wonder how I slept off when I returned from school. I entered the kitchen and met the maid, still cooking.
“I'm sorry sir, the food is almost ready” She bowed lightly and turned to what she was doing.
Who told her I'm here because of food? I twitched my lips, counting my steps towards the refrigerator, I was actually thirsty.
“How's she?” Dad asked, and I looked up from the piece I was drawing, squeezing my brows.
“Psychopath” He winks, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the moment. He smiles, “What?”
“Tell me something, is she pretty?” I kept mute and returned to what I was doing, he better say something else.
He nudged my arm, “Come on son, you don't have to be shy” “Dad, stop it!” I cautioned, without lifting my head.
“Uhm mm, I just hope you could turn a new leaf, son” He said sadly. “You're nineteen and…”
“I'm eighteen” I butt in. “And you're turning nineteen soon” He retorted, it was so clear in his voice that he was pissed.
I slowly lifted my head, and I was right, his face was not smiling anymore.
“It's been years already Aaron, Until when are you going to let the past be and move on with your dear life” I sighed ruefully as I watched his solemn face.
He stared at me for a while and stood up. “Dad” I called…” Goodnight” I watch as he walked out of my room.
I dropped my painting brush and buried my face in my palms, trying all the best I could not to allow any sad memory came in yet…
“My mom loves to prepare my lunch, and I'm used to it already” Jake said with all smiles, opening his lunchbox.
“Me too” Ryan added, bitting on his baked chicken.
My throat burnt as I watched them chatter happily. “What about you, Aaron?” Jake turned to me and asked.
“What about me?” I possum.
“Why don't you bring food from home?” He asked, munching his toast. I gulped.
“Come to think of it, Aaron, I've never seen your mom in school before” Ryan also said.
Tears rolled down my cheeks and I quickly stood up and left their midst.
I shut my eyes as tears streamed down from my eyes. I'm sorry, Dad.
But I'm never forgiving that woman, for she made me like this.
The-following morning.
Audrey POV.
I cussed loudly as I rushed down the hallway. I was f**king late.
How could I have overslept?
Mom actually left the house very early for an urgent appointment. Damn you alarm!
Suddenly, I heard soft whimpers coming from somewhere, and I slowly halted my steps, looking around the hallway.
I listened carefully again, and it was truly a soft cry. Who was that, though?
I counted some steps backward and found an empty class, the door was slightly opened.
I opened the door widely and saw someone, sitting on a chair with head placed on the desk.
Furthermore, I walked in, and I guess the person noticed my presence, she lifted her head abruptly, gosh!, her eyes were reddened.
She looks younger than I though, but why would she be crying all alone here?
“Who are you?” She choked out.
“Why are you crying all by yourself here?” She wiped her tears with her palm and stood up.
“No one cares about me” Her voice echoes.
“Shush” I hushed her.
“Slow down, girl”
“Who doesn't care about you?” I asked her calmly as I moved close to her.
“My parents” Tears rushed down from her eyes again. “They're always busy with work and careless about their only child”
I felt sad immediately upon hearing that.
“And even my classmates doesn't like me because they think I'm the most brilliant in the entire class” She chokes on her words and I could feel water in my eyes too.
I snuggled her in my arms, making her feel comfort. “It's okay dear” I cooed.
“Your parents are working hard all because of you, you shouldn't blame them”
“And as for your classmates, I'm sure they'll come around sooner” I made her stood right and wiped her tears with my thumb.
“What's your name?” I asked her with an amiable smile. “Kwa- young” She answered, I smiled broadly.
“Cute name for a beautiful girl like you” I commended. She smiled a little and I felt glad.
“I'm Audrey”
“What grade are you?” I asked again.
“Grade nine”
“I'm in grade 11”
“If you need anyone to talk to Kwa young, do not hesitate to come to my class during break, okay?” I explained and she nodded with a smile. “Now hurry to class”
She waved me a bye and hurried out of the class with her backpack.
What a kid!
I shook my head sideways and walked out of the class, only for me to bumped into someone, causing me to land my ass on the floor. Jeez! I looked up to see Duffer staring down at me, dumbly. My eyes bulged as I quickly got on my feet; someone's really going to hear from me this morning.

Bình Luận Sách (1636)

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    LacanlaleMc raven

    love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I!


  • avatar
    T MA CK

    goods wr


  • avatar

    Best storyy!


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