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You'll Start Interacting With Boys

I devoured my pasta hungrily, ignoring all the glances a few students were stealing at me. I wouldn't deny the fact that their pasta really tastes delicious, not compared to my mom's, though; she's the best cook ever.
Furthermore, I gulped more water as the thought of mom welled up in my heart, I sincerely regretted my actions towards her this morning.
I better apologize to her when I get home.
“Hey, dummy” I watch as Crazy Blondie snapped at the girl from earlier.
She stopped walking and turned to them, with her tray of meal. “Go get our food” She ordered her, my eyes bulged at once as I sat up very well. “But… I want to… Eat” She stutters, raising her tray of food to their faces.
“And how's that our business?” Red-headed butts in and my jaw tightened.
“Go get it, will you?” Crazy Blondie half yelled.
She bowed quickly and turned to walk away.
“If you take one more step, then I'll deal with you personally” I said, loud enough to everyone's hearing. She retreated her steps, turning to me with a sympathy look.
“How on earth would you allow your classmates to boss you around?” I asked her huskily as I stood up in anger.
“Are you dumb?” I yelled, walking close to her.
“And how does that affect you, crazy?” Crazy Blondie also yelled, standing on her feet.
I turned to her with glinted eyes.
“You want to know how it does affect me?” I asked, my voice echoes, the whole place had fallen in silence.
“Then try to make her move from this spot” I told her as we both stared angrily into each other's eyes.
“Go get our food, Kwan” She ordered again, without looking away from my eyes.
The girl didn't budge, and I raised a brow at her with a smirk lingering on my lips.
“Whoa, whoa” She removed her eyes and turned to the girl. “It's good to know you now listen to someone else's orders” She began, with her arms crossed on her chest.
“But in case you have already forgotten, your secret is still in our palms and I guess it's time we let it out” Crazy Blondie said with a smirk appears on her lips.
The girl lifted her head to look at them, shaking with fright. “Please don't” Her voice wavers.
“I'll go get your food right away” She added and wanted to walk away, but I held her arm. 'You're not…” “Please Audrey, let me just get their food” She cut in with pleading eyes and I slowly let go of her arm. They let out a hysterical laugh as soon as she left. “How cool is that, pumpkin?” Crazy Blondie winked, and I watched as they all returned to their seats.
My fist tightened up in anger and I stormed out of the cafeteria.
“You're so good, Jin” Soo commended as we settled on our seat. I just smiled and tucked the loose strands of my hair behind my ear.
“Look at her face back then”Ryung added with a light chuckle, and we'll laugh quietly again.
“We already told her about you yesterday, but I guess she'd thought it was a joke” Soo continues. “Here's your order” I looked up to see Kwan dropping two flatwares, containing our orders- Hamburger with French fries.
“So you can't bring the three flatwares together, right?” I eyed her, irritatedly; she just bow lightly and walked away.
“That was quite harsh, Jin” Soo smiled, and I rolled my eyes. She picked her Hamburger and took a small bite.
“I need to return to my seat, girls” I suddenly say and they both looked up to my face.
“You both know how much I've been longing to have a chance with Min Jun. And now that I'm at the verge of getting close, one ostrich is just going to ruin that?” My eyes got soaked.
“Don't let down your tears, Jin” Soo says.
“We're going to do something about it” She assured, patting my hand on the table.
A tear dropped and I sniffed back the rest. “I like Min Jun very much”
“It's okay, girl” Ryung says this time and I just gave a nod.
Min Jun was every girl's crush, but mine is extreme. I've been having a massive crush on him since he had resumed with us, and I made it so obvious to him and even to the whole class, letting my ego aside. Yet, he never acted like I exist.
Although, that's how he was.
He barely talks in the class,, and I've never seen him talk to a girl before. Strange right?
But I've promised myself that no matter what it takes, I'll have Min Jun all for myself and no one was going to stop me.
I stepped out of the bathroom, dripping wet.
I just returned from school, I was disappointed that Mom wasn't home because I was so eager to be in her arms.
I sought for a free dress and finally settled for a pink flowery middle length gown, Yeah.
I brought it out from the closet and put it on at once, humming to one of the Nicki Minaj songs that blares from my phone.
I quickly dried my hair with a dryer and packed it in a rough bun.
“Perfect” I muttered as I stared at my reflection in the mirror.
All these time, Chelsea eyes didn't leave my figure. I smiled as I approached its cage, crouching. “I'm sorry I didn't let you out immediately I returned from school” I told her, unlocking its cage.
She barked, waggling her tail happily as she came out. “Aww, missed me?” I cooed, picking her from the floor.
“Do you know when mom left the house?” I asked her and she barked again.
I say as I walked into the kitchen, thinking of what to eat.
“Did she tell you she was leaving?” I asked her again,, but she just licked my arm with her tongue.
I laughed at her silly self.
“You love food, Chelsea”
What can I eat? I thought, with my eyes raking around the kitchen.
I saw my food flask and I quickly walked up to it, hoping mom would've kept something for me.
And Yeah!
She did.
What a sweet mom I've got.
It was evening.
I heard a car honk from the living room that I was sitting, and I'm sure it was Mom.
The door creaked open after some minutes, I looked back to see her walking in.
I sprang on my feet and rushed to her, gleefully.
“Forgive me, mom” I cried in her chest.
She giggled softly, “I'm not mad at you, Audrey” She strokes my hair tenderly.
I sniffed and stood right to stare at her.
“You still won't permit me to visit the States?” I asked in a crack voice. “You'll only get to visit the States again on one condition” She said and my brows furrowed.
I stared at her face for a moment. “What condition, mom?” My voice came out very low.
“You'll start talking to guys” She said with her shoulder up and my heart sank immediately.
“What?” My eyes popped.

Bình Luận Sách (1636)

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    LacanlaleMc raven

    love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I love you too baby girl I!


  • avatar
    T MA CK

    goods wr


  • avatar

    Best storyy!


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