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Chapter 3 Best Charmer

I breathed heavily when I finally went out of the club. That damn bitch had my perfect hair disheveled. My face even stings a little. I want to laugh thinking at how she much pain she must be feeling right now on her face. Her slap stings, how much more is mine?
Early next morning, I saw Mommy, Daddy and Grandmama in the living room with our family media publicist.
"For goodness's sake! This is the sixth time we're blocking another scandal of hers from being published this month!"
I can clearly see the fury in my Grandmama's voice as she said those words. The nurse behind her is trying to calm her down by rubbing her back.
"We know Mama. But we just can't let her name get ruined. She's, my daughter." Mommy reasoned out.
"How can she inherit the company if she's always around doing things like this, Stella?! No member of the board will trust her leadership! She can't handle her temper! She can't even handle some petty fights, how much more the competitions in the business world? How come she can't control her temper for even a second?"
I rolled my eyes. Grandmama could really be so overdramatic.
"Exactly, Mama. If we let these scandals reach the media, all the more her image as the company heir will get stained. All the more she wouldn't be able to gain the board member's trust."
Grandmama sighed heavily. And I think that's enough eavesdropping for me. I made my presence known to them and sat next to Grandmama on the couch. She looked at me with irritated, angry eyes.
"Oops, nope. Hold it, Grandmama. I will explain myself."
I held a finger in front of her to stop her from ranting. I've heard enough.
"It's not my fault, okay? I was just dancing and that guy started dancing behind me. I swear I did not show him any interest. I even moved away from him. Then out of nowhere someone just grabbed and pulled my hair. Of course, I just can't stand there and let her. We're not like that, right Grandmama? We aren't pushovers that would let people humiliate us in any way."
I even showed her my best puppy eyes. And I knew right then, I had already charmed her. Works every time!
"If only, you're not my grand princess. " She rolled her eyes the exact way I did it. I even saw a small grin on her lips.
I glance at Mom and Dad and they're both shaking their heads smiling.
"Block it from leaking to any media outlet." Grandmama simply said to the publicist.
At least, I gave her work to do. My family pays her with sufficient amounts of money but no one really makes problems except me. If not for me, she's just simply getting paid with no heavy work at all. That's a no, no. She had to earn her keep.
"And you, young lady! Next time leash that temper. You're stressing our media publicist so much."
She said but with less anger now. I smiled sweetly at her.
"No promises." I kissed her cheek before I stood up and went to the dining room.
"You two should really try harder to discipline her." I heard Grandmama say.
"It's not like we're not trying Mama. You know how she is. She can charm her way out of anything. You just fell victim to it right now."
"What do I do with your daughter Steve?"
"I don't know." Dad even laughs. I smirked.
I am the most skilled charmer of the century. A pair of cold, dark eyes flashed on my mind from last night. Ahh, my charm certainly does not work on him.
Not the best charmer after all, huh?
I looked up when I saw Mom walking towards me. She sat on the chair in front of me.
"We will have a family dinner tonight. Zyan's parents want to talk about the wedding date."
"Why does it seem like they're in a hurry? Scared I might slip out of their grasp?"
Mom chuckled. "You know, if there's anyone who should be scared, it's you. Imagine if Zyan would find out all of your misdeeds."
She said jokingly before standing up and leaving me there to continue eating my breakfast.
I suddenly pondered about that thought because of what Mom said. He did saw me last night. I am sure he knows already about my scandals but last night was the first time I really did saw him caught me.
Would he change his mind about marrying me? What if tonight's' family dinner was actually about calling off the engagement?
Should I be worried? Why do I find myself worrying?

Bình Luận Sách (82)

  • avatar

    Nice story. ☺️ Very interesting 🥰


  • avatar

    I never thought it would be this good bcs the title is what I'm attract to but once I read the story wow!!!! this is good 👍👍👍 highly recommended if u like romance books


  • avatar
    Jane Mercado

    Nice story!


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