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Chapter 2 The Bitchy Fake Heiress

"If I could go back in time, there's nothing I want than to be my old, fake self again."
*A week before....
"You, whore!"
I heard the high-pitch, angry scream, followed by the pain I suddenly felt on my scalp. Someone just grabs my hair and pulled it without mercy. I struggled to get her hands off me and pushed her away but the moment I freed myself from her grasp, a stinging slap landed on my face.
I was shocked beyond comprehension. Shocked and furious. Like a small twig, old and weak, my patience broke and snap. My eyes turned to slits as I gritted my teeth while glaring at the woman in front of me. Her chest reddened as she breath heavily in anger. Her eyes glared at me with such intense jealousy and I knew right then, she's not yet done assaulting me.
Without wasting another second, I pounced on her. I punched her gut making her crouch over in pain, while holding her stomach. I grabbed her hair and pulled her up making her face leveled to mine. Her face is crunched up with pain, tears almost falling from her eyes.
"You're nothing but a slut! A whore!"
She screamed angrily. I smirked. I am proud of her for being able to scream in my face after I just twisted her intestines with that punch. But because of that, she just angered me more.
I slapped her once, twice, thrice, and so on...
Until someone pulled me away from her and stopped me. Her red and swollen face filled up with tears as she tried to break free from someone holding her. When I deliver a slap, it's not just for the fun of it, I make sure it'll bruise and hurt so bad she'll be staying at home for a couple of days trying to hide the ugly bruise.
I freed myself from the bouncer's grasp and look at the poor girl mockingly.
"You, thick-faced bitch! You're a fucking home-wrecker and a slut yet you have the audacity to hurt me?! I will fucking sue you! You whore!"
"Go ahead. I'll see you in court."
I smiled sweetly at her and glanced at the guy who was just dancing behind me a while ago. He looked away immediately and tried calming the girl. Obviously, this mad woman is his girlfriend.
Fucking cheaters!
I am very much aware of the camera recording everything. I even saw familiar media personnel also taking a video of what just happened. The woman kept on screaming her hysterics. I heard some people murmuring about how a disgrace I am to my family name and that I don't deserve everything I have.
Sucks to be on their shoes, right? Because that is all they will ever afford to do, murmur and whisper. They will never have a voice of their own. They will never have the courage to say it to my face. They will never have what it takes to be me.
So, in order to spite the girl more, to entertain the people more, I stride sexily towards the guy from earlier. One pull on his collar and my lips met his. I shoved my tongue inside his mouth and kissed him torridly. He couldn't even stop himself from groaning.
I hear the fast flashes of the camera as everyone gasp in shock at what I did. I let him go in a snap before glancing at the girl again. Her eyes are wide and she's breathing heavily with so much hate in her eyes. She's wriggling and trying to break free again from the two men holding her but to no avail.
I smirked and blew her a kiss, then with my head held high, I walked out of the scene. I stopped in front of the guy who I knew works in a famous media outlet.
"You know you will never be able to publish an article about my scandals, right? But I commend you for even trying."
I swipe the imaginary dirt in front of his shirt and smiled at him before walking past him and head out of the club. I thought I had enough of everything tonight but I was wrong. My eyes met with a pair of dark and mysterious eyes looking straight at me. I stopped on my tracks for a moment but immediately gathered my composure and continued walking.
I would be lying if I would say his stare did not bother me. Zyan Xzander Elizaga, my fiancée, just witness everything I did there.
He even looked a little bit disappointed at me. We're not a thing. Yes, he's my fiancée but we're only arranged. He's been my fiancée for a year but we had never gone out for a date. Not even once. The only interaction I had with him was during the family dinner where our engagement was discussed.
He always talked to me in a formal way like we're dealing with business. We would attend company parties and celebrations together but we don't talk to each other that much. He would always be busy talking with other businessmen and I would be busy faking enthusiastic conversations with other fake and plastic socialites.
The first thing he said to me the night our engagement was decided was...
"Do you really want to marry me?"
He had been so close to me and I can smell his manly scent. His dark and serious eyes staring straight at my own and I was a little bit intimidated.
I didn't find my will to respond and just stared at him like a lovestruck teen. When his gaze dropped to my lips, I was so lost at all the tingling sensations I felt. I gulped and lick my lips.
And then he kissed me. It wasn't an innocent kiss at all. He was devouring me and I was so stunned. I even held on to him and had pulled him closer to me. I would have moaned his name if he didn't stop and pulled away from my lips in an instant. His hazy eyes stared back up to mine as he smirked devilishly.
"At least I know you're attracted to me. Our sex life wouldn't be so bad. It would be a good start."
And he left me there confused and still so lost with his kiss. When my mind had cleared and I've process everything that happened, all I felt was anger. He played me. And damn him.
After that, I tried my hardest to avoid him. He's a player and he know any woman would bend for him. I make it a habit to show him that as much as I am attracted to him, I am also attracted to several other guys.
He did not say anything about it. Although all of the articles written about my disgraceful actions has been blocked from being published, I know he knows all of it. He's a man with all the resources. And I also know he does not care. He does not have any sort of feelings for me and the feeling is mutual. I know that's the main reason why his only concern about our marriage is our sex life. Although he can always have other girls. I won't mind. I won't care.

Bình Luận Sách (82)

  • avatar

    Nice story. ☺️ Very interesting 🥰


  • avatar

    I never thought it would be this good bcs the title is what I'm attract to but once I read the story wow!!!! this is good 👍👍👍 highly recommended if u like romance books


  • avatar
    Jane Mercado

    Nice story!


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