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The Fake Heiress [English]

The Fake Heiress [English]


Chapter 1 The Real Heiress

I wish nightmares are real. And I'd give everything to make this one of them.
People say that when we're drunk, we keep saying we're not yet drunk. I don't think that's true. Because right now, when I say I'm out of my wits, that's pure and utterly the truth.
I feel so amused for whatever reason unknown to me. My body feels so feather-like that right now, walking is almost impossible. I could swear, the air is making my body float and taking me along with it as I went out of the car. However, I could not ignore the strong pair of arms that immediately held me to keep me on my feet. Hmm. Damn! He smells good.
I heard him utter a course when he saw me sniffing his neck obviously. I chuckled, like the drunk woman I am.
"Stop it!"
He reprimanded me with stern and dark eyes. I couldn't keep my eyes away from his. Even with hazy, drunk vision, I can still see how gorgeous his eyes are. Those are the kind of eyes that would make you a prisoner willingly. Anyone would be so captivated to even object succumbing to those deep, dark, and mysterious pair of eyes. I smiled, still couldn't find the courage in me to stop staring at him. He shook his head and sighed, exasperated.
"We're here."
I tried so hard to lift my head up to see where we are. Squinting my eyes, my brows furrowed when I notice an odd-looking motorcycle in our garage. It looks cheap and old. Why is it in our garage? Did my parents hire a new gardener? Or a janitor?
Again, I find it so funny for no reason. Shaking my head at that insignificant thought, I walked towards our main door with Zyan's arms firmly holding me to keep my balance. I'm sure I'm doing a poor job at walking when he just couldn't take it anymore, he picked me up and carried me like I'm his bride. Ohh! I might as well marry this man. Silly, silly thoughts! I must have fallen asleep or had simply zoned out in his arms after that.
I couldn't remember how I went in or when, everything was a blur to me. I had only gathered my consciousness to the sound of pained cries and sobs.
"Is this really true?!"
My brows scrunched up hearing Grandmama raising her voice. I opened my eyes and automatically sat up. My head aches like a bitch from lying down and suddenly getting up in an instant. I was holding my forehead in pain as it registered to me that I am in the living room with Mommy, Daddy, Grandmama, Zyan and with two other people I do not know.
I was confused seeing my mom and Dad crying. And the unknown girl in our living room sobbing like crazy. It must have been the alcohol because it took me a long time before I recognize the woman. Or maybe because of her battered and fully bruised face and arms.
"Why are you here?" I asked with pure annoyance.
"If you're here to tell your made-up story and claim that I am responsible for all that hideousness in your face and body, oh please! Stop the bullshit!"
No one said anything to that. I look at everyone around me and just felt more confused seeing the pity on their faces. I didn't know why I felt like it was for me when I know it should be for the other woman.
"Mom, Dad, I did not do that to her. Remember the girl I had a bitch fight with the other day? That's her. But I didn't beat her up like that!"
I glance at the girl with raised brows and furiously glared at her. It's really amazing just what people can do for money. Did she get herself beat up into a pulp to get compensated by my family? Claiming I did that to her? I know for sure it's a ploy to squeeze money from my family. The spread of this incident will be a scandal to my name so Mom and Dad would gladly pay her to shut her up. But that's absurd because I did not do that to her!
"If you're here for the money, you can leave. Take your scheming ass right outside our door. You can't fool anyone here. Everyone knew I did not do that to you. As much as I want to beat you up that night, I am way above that. I am a woman with class. Beating you up is unworthy of my time." I said with my bitch-face on.
Her tears continued to flow on her bruised face and it's irritating the hell out of me. What a drama queen! She looked at me with those teary eyes and all I wanna do is pull her hairs out.
"Why would she be here for the money she rightfully owned, in the first place?"
The guy who was with her said proudly. Must be her boyfriend, here as a supporting actor for this show they're doing. I sneered and laugh mockingly. I rolled my eyes. He was also with her that night. What a loser! Does anyone really fall for this? Do they earn a living by doing this? Did they approach me on purpose that night? But my chuckles died down when I saw how serious my family is about this. Zyan tried to hold me for whatever reason but I pushed him away. Why is he still here anyway?
I stood up. I am totally done with this shit.
"Don't believe her, Grandmama. We can talk about this tomorrow. For now, escort the bitch out. My head is throbbing."
I was about to leave, head for the stairs to get to my room when Dad grabbed my hand to stop me.
I did and glanced at all of them. They were all looking at the fake-scheming bitch, except for Zyan whose eyes never left me.
I rolled my eyes and sigh. "What? Spill it!" I almost shouted at her.
She dramatically took a deep breath trying to control her sobs which is so much more annoying, really.
"The one I treated as my mother did this to me. She ---"
"Are we supposed to give a damn about that, bitch?" I cut her off.
She flinched like I just slapped her. She must have been a real actress to act this good. I'd give that to her.
"She always beats me up. And I know it's because I am not her real daughter. I'm a nobody to her...but it's just so unfair because it is not my fault why I am with her." She sobbed.
I was about to cut her off for the second time but Dad squeeze my hand, urging me to listen. All of this is making my head ached more. I don't know why the hell do we have to listen to her sob story?
"All my life, I didn't hope to find my real family. Hey must have a reason for giving me up. I forced myself to accept and be grateful for even the slightest amount of love I received from her. Even when it was close to nothing. Nothing at all... Even when I couldn't feel it, even when not even once, she was worried for me. Still, I was happy. I thought to myself, at least I have a mother who was raising me knowing I am not related to her at all, knowing I am the daughter of the people she loathes the most. I accepted all of it. But recently, I found out the truth."
She inhaled deeply as tears started streaming down her face again. She sobbed once more before continuing.
"She planned all of this. She exchanged us Blaire. She instigated the car accident that happened when we were still young. My mother... or the one I thought was my mother did that. I didn't know why..."
She cried and sobbed and slowly, her story started dawning on me. I don't and would never believe any of it but seeing my family's facial expressions made me doubt. My heart and everything inside me started breaking into tiny pieces. I started panicking, started losing myself...
"I know this is hard to believe, but I am the real daughter of your mom and Dad, Blaire. I did not deserve to go through all of this. I shouldn't have experience such pain and heartaches. And I should have owned everything you have, everything... even your name." She cried.
My Mom cried and hugged her. Dad tried to calm Mom.
Everything in my world started shattering apart. This is not my life. This is not my family. This is not my identity. And I don't even know who I am... I was frozen with shock. My heart felt like someone just rip it out with no mercy.
This is all a lie... As tears started falling from eyes, I heard the shrill scream of my mother.
I watched still frozen and unknowing as my Grandmama dropped down on the floor clutching her heart...

Bình Luận Sách (82)

  • avatar

    Nice story. ☺️ Very interesting 🥰


  • avatar

    I never thought it would be this good bcs the title is what I'm attract to but once I read the story wow!!!! this is good 👍👍👍 highly recommended if u like romance books


  • avatar
    Jane Mercado

    Nice story!


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