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Chapter 7

As Keiran stared into the abyss, his mind wandered back to the story Uncle Fergus had told him about the dark place. Despite feeling a twinge of fear, Keiran couldn't help but entertain the idea that it was just another fanciful tale. He mulled over the story in his head, analyzing each detail with a mix of curiosity and skepticism.
As he gazed into the darkness, his thoughts were interrupted by the sight of a wolf crossing his path. It wasn't the dreaded werewolf of his uncle's story, but the encounter still filled Keiran with a sense of awe and respect for the majestic creature. The epic and various folktales that it was transformed into prove that it is a fairytale. He doesn't take his uncle's account seriously. He concluded that his uncle only scared him.
As the night settled in, the village took on an eerie stillness that left Keiran feeling uneasy. The usual sounds of nocturnal creatures had vanished, as if the very essence of the night had lost its voice. His uncle suddenly left to meet with the other hunters in the neighborhood, informing Keiran that they needed to have a crucial discussion.
The news left Keiran bewildered and skeptical, wondering if what he had witnessed was just a figment of his imagination. Growing up, he often heard tales of supernatural creatures like werewolves, but thanks to his uncle, he had become keenly aware of the mysterious events that seemed to plague the village.
The memory of the giant white wolf stayed with Keiran, its piercing gaze seeming to suggest that it knew him. He couldn't shake off the feeling of familiarity, wondering if the wolf was simply friendly towards newcomers or if it was something more sinister, like a werewolf.
The ambiguity left Keiran confused and uncertain, seeking validation from others who might have encountered the creature or even coming face to face with a werewolf himself. He knew that such a quest was fraught with danger, but the need to uncover the truth was too compelling to ignore.
The memory of his mother's warning came flooding back to Keiran's mind. She had always been apprehensive about him moving to Ark Ville, and now he understood why.
The image of those chartreuse eyes, staring at him with an intensity that made his heart skip a beat, lingered in his thoughts. He couldn't shake off the feeling that he was going insane, questioning the reality of what he had witnessed.
Was it possible that he was the only one who could see the supernatural creatures that lurked in the shadows? The thought both frightened and fascinated him, tempting him to delve deeper into the mystery of Ark Ville.
It's unclear what specifically happened to him to pique his interest in the matter, but it appears to have been a significant event that caused him to rethink his previous beliefs. Some time ago, he had dismissed everything as mere fairytales, but now he seems to have a newfound appreciation for the subject.
One memory that stands out in his mind is that of encountering a large wolf with fine, shining white fur and chartreuse eyes. Despite the wolf's potential danger, he found its appearance lovely. He wonders if the wolf is capable of understanding the concept of "romantic," given their bond and environment.
It's possible that this experience with the wolf played a role in his change of perspective, or it could be one of many factors that contributed to his newfound interest. Regardless, it's clear that he's now open-minded and curious about matters that he once dismissed.
A memory resurfaces in his mind, one that his uncle had shared with him. The tale was both sad and slightly humorous, with the most heart-wrenching part being when a young wolf got caught in his uncle Fergus's killing trap accidentally.
As he thinks back on his uncle's words, he can't help but feel a sense of confusion. The tale has left him with more questions than answers. Nonetheless, he rises from his seat with a long, profound sigh, wondering what other secrets and stories lay hidden in the folds of his family's history.
He wanted more of the tale but since his uncle rushed to go into the neighborhood therefore the ending part is unknown. He hopes that his uncle will tell him the other part of the story.
He shoves his hands into the pockets of his sweater and steps out into the night, clutching a small flashlight. The frigid air seeps through his clothes like a ghostly embrace, but he soldiers on. With each step, he moves further and further away from the safety and warmth of his home, until he reaches the entrance of the dense forest.
His hand trembles as he flicks on the flashlight, barely managing to focus the beam on the darkest parts of the woods. The trees loom over him, casting eerie shadows that seem to dance and twist in the light. He can hear the sound of rustling leaves and snapping twigs, and he wonders what creatures might be lurking in the shadows, watching his every move. Despite his fear, he presses on, driven by a sense of curiosity and the need to explore the unknown.
He took a deep breath and started walking. He walked and walked till he step inside the woods hearing creatures that make sounds that night and it was exquisite.
The crickets that make sound are indeed beautiful, like telling rhyme poems of romantic songs and he feels like it lulls his soul to sleep. A lyrics poetry of the earth and woods. Lovely and romantic in his sense of hearing, like piano lyrics falling in the sense of his hearing. The more he listened to it, the more he wanted to explore the woods, it was like a magic spell cast in his being and he fell in love instantly.
The forest doesn't feel strange to him like what he expected it should be unfamiliar but he feels like he had been there before or like intuition and the forest seems already to play in his vision, playing romantically like a song of nature.
He keeps listening to cricket chirps and as time passes by he feels a strange feeling that he couldn't move in the place where he was standing. Bewitched by the beauty of nature and its sound and he did not expect the following scene, in all his life he never expected that.
There's a voice whispering in the back of his ear. He could hear it and the voice belongs to a man, a young man with the vigor of youth.

Bình Luận Sách (129)

  • avatar

    Good story


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    Eiramesor Kom

    good 😊😊😊


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