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Chapter 5

As Keiran Smith settled into his seat on the bus, he positioned himself near the window and gazed out at the melancholic mountain that loomed in the distance. The foothill on which it stood was aglow with the twinkling lights emanating from the homes of the residents of Ark Ville village. The sight was a picturesque and tranquil scene, one that provided a soothing respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
Although the evening darkness obscured much of the detail of the scenery, Keiran was able to appreciate the majesty of the mountain and the charm of the village. He eagerly anticipated the morning when the mountain and village would be illuminated by the soft light of dawn and vowed to rise early so that he could fully experience the beauty of Ark Ville. Based on the picture that his uncle Fergus had sent him Ark Ville is indeed a beautiful town.
As he embarked on the bus on his first journey to Ark Ville, he couldn't help but reflect on how long he had yearned to visit this idyllic town. At the tender age of sixteen, he had first expressed his desire to explore the wonders of Ark Ville, but his parents had vehemently refused to allow him to venture there.
His mother, in particular, had expressed grave concerns about the supposed dangers of the town, though he had never fully understood her reasoning at such a young age.
Now, as he finally made his way to Ark Ville, he couldn't help but marvel at the sheer beauty and tranquility of the place. The town seemed to emanate a sense of peace and serenity, with an otherworldly charm that made it feel as if it had been plucked straight from the realm of the gods.
Reflecting on his mother's earlier warnings, he couldn't help but wonder what could be so dangerous about a place as perfect and peaceful as Ark Ville. Nonetheless, he resolved to keep an open mind and explore every inch of the town with a sense of wonder and reverence.
As he peeked outside again, he felt as if he were entering a mystical world of untold wonders and possibilities, and he relished the opportunity to finally experience the magic of Ark Ville for himself.
He knew that his mom told her is a fairytale. The folks on the bus with him appear amazing and hospitable, so he might fall in love with the place right away. He smiled slightly.
He leaned himself in the glass window of the bus and peeked outside, the droplets of rain that seeped and slid through the glass window sparked in the reflection of the light of houses.
He was transfixed by the hypnotic dance of the raindrops on the glass, each one carving its unique path as it slid down the surface. The play of light and shadow on the wet pavement outside fascinated him, the colors muted by the overcast sky but still vibrant in their way.
He was lost in his thoughts, pondering the mysteries of life and the universe as the bus hurtled down the road, its tires splashing through puddles and sending up sprays of water.
The sound of the rain tapping against the metal roof of the bus provided a soothing soundtrack to his musings, like a gentle drumbeat that lulled him into a peaceful state of mind. And so he remained, gazing out the window and contemplating the infinite possibilities that lay beyond the rain-soaked streets.
Upon arriving at the bustling Bus Station earlier in Ark Ville, he hesitated for a moment before reaching for his phone and sending a text message to his uncle Fergus.
He had been deliberating over whether or not to reach out to his uncle for days, unsure of how he might react to the request to stay with him. Despite his reservations, he knew deep down that he needed to take this step, to break free from the stifling environment of his home in the City and embrace the unknown possibilities that awaited him in the village.
As he typed out the message, he couldn't help but reflect on the myriad of reasons why his family seemed so intent on preventing him from making this move. He had pondered this question endlessly, turning it over in his mind like a Rubik's cube, but the answer remained elusive.
He found himself constantly vacillating between his desires and the opinions of those around him, struggling to reconcile his sense of self with the expectations of his family.
But at that moment, as he hit send and watched the message disappear into the digital ether, he felt a sense of clarity and purpose wash over him.
He knew that this was his chance to take control of his life, forge his path and define his destiny. And so he waited, heart racing with anticipation, for his uncle's response and the beginning of a new chapter in his life.
He remembered why his Mom was so strict with him. It was because he was a brat kid. He remembered the last he had been in the City before he finally decided to buy a ticket to this Village.
Keiran spent his nights frequenting the local pub, indulging in copious amounts of liquor and reveling in the debauchery that surrounded him. The dimly lit atmosphere and thumping music provided the perfect backdrop for him to lose himself in the moment, dancing and carousing with his friends without a care in the world.
Even with his mom and Dad constant admonitions to take the straight and narrow path, Keiran found himself drawn to the allure of the pub scene.
The thrill of the chase, the rush of adrenaline, and the heady feeling of power that came with being the life of the party were all too intoxicating for him to resist.
He reveled in the attention of the women who flocked to him, using his money and influence to buy their affection and attention.
But as the nights wore on and the liquor flowed freely, Keiran's behavior grew increasingly reckless and dangerous. He found himself taking pleasure in teasing and bullying innocent girls, using his physical strength and social status to intimidate and humiliate them.
His propensity for getting into fights and causing trouble only added to the mounting headaches for his family, who struggled to rein in his wild behavior.
Despite the warnings and pleas of those around him, Keiran remained steadfast in his pursuit of pleasure and excess, unwilling to heed the wisdom of those who sought to guide him toward a more virtuous path.
It wasn't until he faced the consequences of his actions that he began to realize the true cost of his reckless lifestyle, and the toll it was taking not only on himself but on those he loved as well. This was the reason why he found himself running from the city, seeking to escape the source of his inner turmoil. The reasons for his flight were complex and went beyond the superficial sounds of the bar, the shattering of glass, and his mother's screams.
Keiran Smith Walkers, a wealthy and privileged young man, felt a sense of power and pleasure in causing others to suffer. Despite his parents' success in their respective fields of business and medicine, Keiran's behavior reflected a deep-seated emptiness that he could not fill with material possessions and indulgences. Keiran had everything he could ever want, yet he still felt unfulfilled.
He flagrantly squandered the advantages afforded to him by his membership in the upper echelons of society, displaying a stunning lack of foresight or concern for his future. The prospect of tomorrow held no sway over him, for why should a privileged scion deign to acknowledge the vagaries of fate? With a careless gesture, he dismissed the uncertainties of life and embraced a nihilistic ethos.
Despite the tenuousness of his worldview, Keiran pursued a litany of indulgences with monomaniacal zeal. To him, his insouciant and self-centered behavior was par for the course for any college student worth their salt. He rationalized his actions by supposing that if he failed to partake in such pleasures, he would rue the missed opportunities in his twilight years.
He wants temporary happiness, such as hanging out with friends, getting drunk, and going to the bar. He's plain stupid, carefree, and spirit free.
He took a deep breath. Something else was tempting his mind. Perhaps that thing was one of the reasons why his whole being wanted to live in Ark Ville for a while. He never chose to, but because he want a new event in life he forced himself, he wanted an event that possibly eliminated his fears and doubt.
Another reason why he fled from the torment of his psyche, was desperate to evade the crushing weight of his fears and doubts. It was because the process of self-realization, so effortless for some, remained a puzzle that confounded him at every turn.
A gnawing ache in his chest served as a constant reminder of the wounds that refused to heal, wounds that seemed to seep alcohol with each passing moment.
The strange feeling he experienced upon waking up months ago had returned, a feeling that had first surfaced when he was but seventeen.
As he grappled with his identity, he found himself grappling with a confusing and painful journey of gender confusion. In the midst of it all, he realized that he had fallen in love with a friend, adding yet another layer of complexity to his already tumultuous inner world.
He's not gay or bisexual. He kept telling himself that he was straight. But why does he feel that he's slowly falling in love with Connor or is it just an attraction? And, why the hell he's attracted to that damn guy? What reason could he accept? That pissed him off especially when he thought that he was bewitched. Jerk!
He thought that it wouldn't ever happen again when he turned eighteen. He couldn't believe that he had feelings for Connor his childhood best friend. He couldn't accept it, especially at night when he suddenly woke up and looked for Connor and talked to his picture and kissed it. Hell, how does it come? He was confused. He asked himself; Why for thousand times? He was straight and he proved it because of his girlfriends with that he has fun.
What's with Connor that made him turn on every time he saw the latter naked body? With some confrontation of himself. Keiran against himself and his confusion found himself punching mirrors in the bathroom and wall making his fingers bruised and wounded.
He's straight. He's not gay or bisexual. He wants girls, not shit Connor.
He lost his desire for food because of confusion which led him to anxiety or insomnia. And it becomes worst, he doesn't want to go out anymore or see any friends. He locked himself inside his room with the thought he was in love with Connor for no reason disgusted him. He felt like life f*cked him up the way he messed with it, is it karma?
He asked himself why and how. Why the hell is it happening? And, how the hell he could accept himself or change it is the better thing to do. He was sick at the thought of the matter. He thinks of Connor, they grow together, they played together, and Connor is with him in all the antics in life. To fall in love with him is a kind of betrayal and he knew that Connor couldn't tolerate that damn thing. Bisexual thing. He has full hopes that it was just in his mind.

Bình Luận Sách (129)

  • avatar

    Good story


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    Eiramesor Kom

    good 😊😊😊


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