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Chapter 3

One decade later...
On the first flush of April's morning, Mr. Fergus celebrated his fiftieth birthday, displaying his continued strength and vigor. As the most skilled hunter in town, he had earned a reputation that preceded him. However, despite his impressive abilities, some people criticized him for not settling down and starting a family.
They claimed he was wasting his time by not marrying and having children, who could eventually care for him in his old age and inherit the vast hectares of tea and apple orchards he had planted. Despite these criticisms, Mr. Fergus remained committed to his chosen way of life and continued to thrive in his pursuits.
Mr. Fergus led a life of hunting and farming in the tranquil town of Ark Ville. Though it is unclear whether he had ever been married, his heart was burdened with the memory of a tragic incident that occurred three decades prior.
The woman he loved most had fallen ill and died in his arms, leaving him with a deep emotional wound that never fully healed. As a result, he vowed never to fall in love again, choosing instead to devote himself to his work and to the simple pleasures of life in Ark Ville.
Despite his heartache, Mr. Fergus remained a respected member of the community, known for his unwavering dedication to his craft and his quiet strength.
Tears streamed down Mr. Fergus's face as memories of the woman he had loved flooded his mind. Even after countless hours had passed, the pain of her loss still felt fresh, causing his heart to ache and break all over again. Though it had been many years since she had passed, Mr. Fergus could never forget the woman who had brought both joy and sorrow into his life.
As he heaved with emotion, Mr. Fergus couldn't help but wonder what might have been if she were still alive. Perhaps they would have stayed together and had children, building a life together in Ark Ville. But fate had other plans, and her untimely death had shattered his dreams and left him to carry on alone.
Mr. Fergus has been longing to see his adopted werewolf son, Liam, for quite some time now. Despite not having any biological children of his own, he considers Liam as his own son and has a deep love and affection for him. However, Liam seems to have little or no interest in visiting Mr. Fergus, which is causing him great distress.
Mr. Fergus has been anxiously waiting to tell Liam something important, but Liam's lack of interest in visiting him has made it difficult for him to communicate this message. Mr. Fergus's love for Liam is unconditional, and he cannot fathom why Liam would forget about him. He has tried reaching out to Liam several times, but all his attempts have been in vain.
The relationship between Mr. Fergus and Liam is a complex one. On one hand, Mr. Fergus's love for Liam is boundless, and he sees him as his own flesh and blood. On the other hand, Liam seems to be struggling with his own issues, which have caused him to distance himself from Mr. Fergus—perhaps his werewolf nature. Despite this, Mr. Fergus remains hopeful that one day Liam will visit him, and they can reconcile their relationship.
Mr. Fergus had no idea where Liam was or how to find him. He had searched high and low, but Liam remained elusive. The old man hoped that Liam would visit him someday, but he couldn't help but wonder when that day would come. He had no idea what had happened to Liam or where he had gone, and this uncertainty weighed heavily on his heart.
The old man knew nothing about the life of werewolves, but he knew that Liam was different from other werewolves. Liam had been his son, and he had loved him as his own. The old man's heart ached for Liam, and he prayed that he was safe and happy wherever he was.
Over the past ten years, the village of Ark Ville has undergone a remarkable transformation. Gone are the days when the sound of a terrifying howl would send shivers down the spines of its citizens. Today, the village is a place of peace and harmony, where people walk the streets with smiles on their faces.
One of the driving forces behind this transformation has been the acceptance of werewolves by the village's inhabitants. While there was once a time when werewolves were feared and shunned, today they are a normal part of life in Ark Ville. Kind werewolves mingle and interact with the villagers, and there is no longer any need to be afraid of them, as long as they are not feral.
Yes, they used to be afraid of werewolves but when they realized they were kind they lived with werewolves and the werewolves were the strong buyers of their goods in the village. They trade business with them.
Mr. Fergus heard once about the wolf war, and there was a belief that the wolves attacking them years ago came from a bad pack of wolves and according to the rumor there was a pack of werewolves who saved them against the ferals. He didn't know if that was true or just hearsay. The only important thing is that the village life system gradually returns, to a simple way of life yet productive.
In the morning you will hear melodious music, up to the music of nature. Every night you will hear jazz music. Three o'clock in the morning people turn their radio on for early morning programs and 90's music.
The people in Ark Ville have returned to farming which is one of the ways of life of the people there, the farming practices there were previously stopped by the residents because of the mystery that spread then but now they have continued the system. Everyone rejoiced, however, it wasn't Mr. Fergus who feel single happiness.
Every day he was longing for Liam, his son. Poor Liam what if he was no longer alive and had been killed by some other hunters from Freckeld village? Why the hell he was thinking of that? Liam opted to live in the jungle, and these werewolves were living in an expensive Villa and they were riches kind of living supernatural beings in their village. Liam might be one of those so-called packs. But the thought that Liam was hurt can never be dissipated in his thoughts.
That's what he often thinks even though he always avoids it. What if the hunters had already killed Liam? Everywhere he went, and even as he lay on his bed he always saw Liam and in his peripheral vision, he saw his sweet smile. A welcoming smile that spells hospitality and kindness.
He could still remember Liam's perfect visage and features. If he was still alive, he didn't want to think that Liam wasn't living anymore, werewolves can live longer than ordinary humans like him. He knew that Liam had grown into a handsome man. He hopes he gets a chance to see Liam because Liam needs to know something.
He's nowhere to be found and that made old Fergus depressed for a long time. But he always thought that Luna was alive and he would be glad if she was alive and for these past years she was the one who took care of Liam. The old Brad Fergus clearly remembered a scream of a woman the night he saved Liam, a scream that tears the air. So she wasn't alive but he was hopeful.
Mr. Fergus went out of his house with the shotgun dangling from his back. He walked and walked further. That's what he always did when peace finally returned to the village. Hunting and farming was his hobby or a job that he thought is the most satisfying. In the acres of his tea and apples, and oranges he has trustees there. Every time he goes into the forest to hunt he always thinks that he might be lucky and see Liam again.

Bình Luận Sách (129)

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    Good story


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    Eiramesor Kom

    good 😊😊😊


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