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Chương 46 SAVE ME

Desmond drew her from his bosom and held her hands, wiping her tears. Gisella stared at his face wit

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Chi phí 21 kim cương

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Bình Luận Sách (511)

  • avatar
    Jeny Francisco

    interesting story. very good really intense...


  • avatar

    nice and great, the door part really make me goosebumps, i'll keep reading ur next chapter..thanks for the stories


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    I don't know what should I say. It's a very nice story combined with sad and real struggle in this life. Everytime the characters in this story experienced sadness, my tears dropped onto my cheeks,come in feeling what they feel. Just a little bit fix for grammar and error spelling words written and it would be great story I have ever read. Keep in spirit for the writer in order to continue writing other great stories.


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