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Chương 5 Happy again

They managed to console her and send her to bed in her room
Mrs Hayden patted her back till she sleep off and also went back to her room
( in Mr&Mrs Hayden )
Mrs Hayden: what do you think about that little girl, I see her as a witch, I never for once like her
Mr Hayden : don’t worry my love calm down all the properties will be ours very soon let’s sleep
you know tomorrow is the share holders meeting at my brothers company so we need to rest so they won’t see us as sicker tomorrow
Mrs Hayden : alright, good night my love
( Layla’s room)
she was having a recollection of how her parent was killed by an accident
she clearly saw the pity and struggle for life on her parents face
but they were unable to save thmself and she was unable to save them also
while they were calling for help, the driver of the truck was smiling and enjoying their death
as the Camry who came to pick the wicked man was driving she woke up panicked
there was sweat all over her body , she started crying
praying she should die and go meet her parent wherever they are
but she gather her thought back, she wanted revenge and she must have it
even if she should die she must revenge for her parents death before anything happen to her
Then a memory flashed abit, Twas a time she dreamt about monster after watching horror movie in the night, her mum told her to pray whenever she have a bad dream or night mare
then she knelt down beside and pray
“ Heavenly Father, I know am young but now I don’t have parent, and the person who killed them are living happily now
lord please help me revenge my parent
so I can be happy and be able to die happily
thank you lord for answering my prayers”
after the prayer she was unable to sleep and the night was still early, she went to Chack the time and saw it was just after one in the midnight
so she decided to force herself to sleep but as she sat on the bed to sleep she spotted a book on the table in her room she reached out for the book and saw Twas a novel
Layla loves reading novel that she can’t do without it but due to what happened this last few days she didn’t think about it reading novel.
like two hours later she fell asleep as she was reading the novel
yawning 🥱 awwn the day is bright today will be a great day for us said Mrs Hayden to her husband
“ yeah surely we will be giving the post of tye CEO today we just have to convince them” mr Hayden replied
“I think we should meet eye shareholders before the meeting so we can speak with them and negotiate with them so they would be able to support us during the vote” said Mr Hayden
Mrs Hayden : you right,wow you are so smart my love I didn’t think about this before, that’s exactly what we will do, this company must be in our hands, we have been working so hard towards this moment .
Mr Hayden: let’s dress up so we can go downstairs for breakfast
Mrs Hayden : alright honey
Mrs Hayden was the first person to enter the bathroom , as she was taking her bath she remembered something, so she washed the soap on her face
Honey I forgot to tell you that Mr Collins who is your brother’s driver is the head of the shareholders
you know he is loyal to your brother do you think we will be able to bribe him or convince him?
she said with a worried tone
“ don’t worry, if others can vote for us he won’t be able to decline, he will just have to accept us, there are like up to twenty five shareholders
at least if we can gain the vote of 15 or more he won’t have any other choice but to accept his downfall and our lifting up” Mr Hayden replied her with an confident face
minutes later when the both of them was done dressing
they went downstairs for dinner
Layla and zoey was already on the dining table, spotting her parent, they both went to hug them and greeted them
Layla voice and expression was different this morning she was happy to meet them after concluding to the fact that they were not the one who was behind it but they wanted to implicate her
Layla : mum dad good morning
how was your night
hope you slept well
Mr &Mrs Hayden answered in unison : yes babe we both slept well
layla: can I follow you out today,when my parent was alive they use to take me out with them during holidays
yes mummy, layla is right let’s follow you to work today, have never followed you to work before” zoey said with a doll face as if begging her parent to accept what she asked of them
they were unable to resist their daughter’s plea
so they agreed
the children was already dressed perfectly to follow them, earlier that money they already planned to tell their parent about it, so they already dress up in an outing outfit so they won’t delay their parent
After they agreed to the request of the children they sat down to eat dinner , as they were about to eat Layla intrrrupt them
“ my parent do pray before eating, don’t you pray ? Layla asked
“ oh darling we do pray but we are in an hurry to work that’s why it escaped our mind” it was so obvious Mrs Hayden was lying because she was taken aback by what Layla said , she immediately adjusted her facial look but Layla was focused on her so she took note
but she didn’t say anything and let them eat
is she wasn’t happy with the family she wouldn’t have talk and just stare at them with a bad look but since she came up with that conclusion she has been free with them and happy with them
she tells them what her parent does and what they don’t do at home
she played with them, tell them stories about her friends in school, when her parent came to school to meet her friends during her birthday and so on
everything was said on their way to the company.

Bình Luận Sách (217)

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    Prasenah Subramaniam

    Good storyline


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    Sousa cruzElivania

    uma história que você pode contar para os seus amigos Era Uma Vez um grupo de xadrez pois só duas pessoas foi os ganhadores e apostaram um dinheiro


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