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Chương 6 Smelling Memory

[Kiau’s point of view]
That time, when she fell over. There were so many blood coming out of his body. From the top of the stairs, I have smelled it. But not just the smell of blood like a rusty iron or rancid. At that time, I saw a flash of memory.
In that memory, I was looking at my right hand, my left hand was holding an umbrella. I am wearing gloves with lace. There was a bottle in my right hand, a bottle of medicine, like sleeping pills. I put that sleeping pills in my right pocket.
And then I turned around. Strangely I saw myself. Me, Kiau, was standing in front of me, on the other side. He is at the top of the stairs. He said ‘What are you doing? Why are you still doing it?’ I feel dejavu, but from different point of view.
Suddenly the image blurred, and stopped. I same back to reality. I walked down stair one by one. And another memory came again.
This time, I saw a tree. I sat down there, and then looking at the window. That was my window. And I saw myself again, he looked so flat and didn’t smile at all.
This time, I was looking at a ground. And then I look up. I see my own window. And then I tried to climbing the wall. Suddenly I back again to reality, It was creeping me out.
I walking down until I reach the bottom of stairs. In front of, laying on the ground, Emna’s dead body. I sat crouched. The pungent smell of blood entered my nostrils.
And I saw memories again. I was in a room, I don’t know whose room this is. I was looking around, there were a picture in the wall. That was Kiau, It’s me. I touch it with my hands, I was wearing a lace gloves again.
I opened the cupboard looking at the clothes, and then hug it and rubbed it to my face. And I was looking at the bed, until there are noise from outside the room. I turned back, looking to the door. The door isn’t open yet, but somebody outside there trying to open it.
I hastily looked for a place to hide. I went under the bed looking to the door from down there. There was someone enter the room. He didn’t know there is someone else under the bed.
He approached the window. He knew it. ‘Where are you?’ he asked. I looking to my hands, my hands trembled. ‘Who are you?’ he shouted it, while searched around his room. He looked in the cupboard, in the bathroom, and he is walked close to me.
He lifted up his bed sheet. And I see me, he is myself, Kiau. He grabbed my hands and pulled me out. ‘Kiau! I love you! Why you didn’t like me?!’ I hear a lady voice from my mouth.
He looked disgusted with me, ‘What?!’ he really mad. ‘I’m a beautiful girl, My family is rich and respected! And I love-’ her words were cut off, when she(me) saw his face. h so scary. Even that was myself, Kiau, I’m scared.
And I turned back again. Here I am, with Emna’s dead body. I stood up and walked away.
“Like I said.” I came to her again. “I don’t want to see you again if you don’t go now.” I put her parasol over her head. Covered her face from the rain. And then walked out, leaving Emna’s body on the ground.
I entered the house with my hair and body drenched because of rain. I want to the telephone, but there was someone standing there. Rudal looks worried and scared at me.
“I-I-I have called the police and an ambulance.” Rudal stuttered.
I walked up the stairs, to the second floor. I bathed and sat in front of the window. It took an hour and a half hours before the ambulance could pick up Emna’s body. They carried Emna’s body by walking to the front of the road.
There were a police under there. I accidentally crossed my eyes with police officer which I already know. Izen looks at me from down there, with his hand on his chin. He looking at me with a smile.
I didn’t smile back.
They knocked our house. They took me to the police station. Rudal also went there.
[Third person point of view]
“What’s next? When is the next episode?” Izen looked excited.
Kiau looked with flat stare, “This is not a story that will be published the next episode.” Kiau confused.
“So you saw someone memories from their point of view, right?” Izen use two his index fingers trying to explain it, he played with it. “That’s cool. Like a fantasy story” and now he yelled. He looked so happy. His eyes beamed, like Rudal’s puppy eyes.
“I really hope there is a fantasy case like this happen in my life. You know right? There is nothing like that case in this small distrik.”
Kiau looked so done with Izen’s reaction. There are many weird people around him, especially Morris.
Kiau’s first impression on Izen was a sly person or full of deceit like Morris. But he was like blend personality Morris and Rudal.
Kiau looks little startled, “What? I didn’t expect you will believe it.”
“I am not fully believe it,” Izen smiled, he leaned on the table.
“But your story is the same as Morris told, although some details like sniffing clothes are unknown to anyone other than the culprit.” Izen put his hand on his chin, trying to deduce the similarities of Kiau’s story with some of the truths that have been revealed.
He continued, “And it was true there was sleeping pills in her pocket. You know it even down to the position of the pocket. Even though it was only known by the police and the perpetrators.”
Izen asked, “But why she brought it?”
“I don’t know too. But I guess she want to drink it to me, that’s because she really wanted to drink together at that moment.” Kiau answered according to his thoughts.
“Your story seems believable. But...” Izen looked serious, “We need to do a test.” His smile looked fishy. He smirk. Kiau didn’t feeling good about it.

Bình Luận Sách (956)

  • avatar

    I love the way the author made the plot unguessable. It makes me more in love with this novel. Keep it up 😉


  • avatar

    I Can't Wait For The Next Chapter!!! 😍❤️✨🍀🌸


  • avatar
    Jian Patiño



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