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"Not again." I turned back to look at the man behind the voice to confirm it was correct. It's him, again. How could I say NO? I can't be late.
"Hey," I said as I drew nearer to the car.
Royce raised a hand in greeting, opening the door for me. I didn't hesitate because I only had 15 minutes before my breakfast meeting with Marica.
"I'll put your bag in the back compartment."
I suppressed the guilt inside for not saying yes to his offer. Maybe tomorrow.
"Thanks, I thought I was gonna be late for my meeting," I said as I made myself comfortable while fastening my seat belt.
"No worries, I'll just drop you at your meeting place," he said as he maneuvers the car.
"Where will you meet your friend?"
"At the office in Trinity building, can you take me there?"
"Sure," he said, meeting my eyes.
He got me hypnotized. I looked straight ahead to avoid his piercing eyes as if they would cut me half. I don't know if he did it intentionally, but I find him so seductive. My face burned thinking about it again.
"So, are you going home or having breakfast outside?" I said, diverting the topic.
"I don't feel like eating alone outside, so I'll head home after I drop you." He showed a quick smile when I glanced at him.
Even in a second, I noticed sadness clouded his features. I suppressed the guilt again.
Why would I be guilty? I don't owe him anything. I exhaled to ease my chest. I know I'm not lying, but it seems to me that I did something wrong.
"I'm sorry about last time." I finally said it after a moment of silence in the car.
"Sorry, about what?" he inquired, without a hint of an idea in his voice.
"I mean, the last time you talked to me on the phone, I called you names. I'm sorry about that. I think I've been so hard on you since the last time we met. I didn't mean that." I narrated.
"Don't worry about it. I understand. I just thought I don't really know you, so I don't know where you're coming from. I am not here to judge." He glanced at me and on the road, back and forth.
This is the first time I heard someone not judging me in almost two years. The only people who truly understand me are my parents and my best friend, Marica. Hearing those words from a stranger like Royce means a lot.
"Thank you. I wasn't expecting you'd say that. People these days are quick to judge."
He nodded in agreement. "Let's be different; let's not be someone who throws our opinions without knowing the whole story of people. And besides, I wasn't brought up that way by my grannies. They were the nicest people I know. They taught me to treat people equally regardless of their status, not by measuring how fat their bank account is. And I strongly believe that we have different views and opinions about people and things around us, possibly because we were molded in different ways when we were young."
Why do I feel I assumed him to be like the other men I know, and now I'm proving myself wrong? "That's good to know. I have never met someone like you for ages except my best friend."
"Really? So how have you seen me since the last time we met? Arrogant? Gentleman? Sympathetic? or Just HOT and HANDSOME?" he said with a hint of a tease, emphasizing his last choice.
I rolled my eyes, hearing the last choice. "HOT and HANDSOME? I repeated his latter option with a trace of sarcasm. I heard him chuckle.
"Do I really have to choose?" I said as I looked at him. He glanced at me. "Yes, please," he said, throwing me a nasty wink.
I shook my head in disbelief. His confidence is on a different level. Although he has reasons to do so, especially with his looks. He is one of the few gorgeous men I laid my eyes on that has a good personality at the same time.
"Anyway, I think I must choose the second one."
"Fair enough." His tone says he was satisfied. "How about you? Do you want to know how I see you?"
"Hmm...Me? How do you see me?" I repeated his question. "How about then and now?"
"Are you sure?" He asked with a hint of a tease in his voice again.
"Yeah, why not."
He cracked before he finally spoke. "I have a secret. I actually made a nickname for you—a forgetful little doll." He chuckled at the mention of the last phrase.
I rolled my eyes at him when he glanced at me. This idiot. Does he really think it's funny?
"Not funny."
"I'm sorry, but it started when you left your phone in my car. I didn't even think of it. It came out of my mouth. Sorry about that. But isn't it cute?"
"Nah, I don't think so," I said, crossing my arms on my chest.
"But now, you seem like a really nice person," he said, looking sideways. "I mean it."
I nodded in response. I can't comprehend if Royce genuinely means it or just compensates with his little nickname for me. The atmosphere between us turned awkward. It's getting too serious. "By the way, I hope you don't mind me asking. You seem so close with your grannies. Did you grow up with them?" I asked to change the topic.
"Yes, I have been with them since I was little. My parents separated when I was 8, and soon they had their own family, so I was left with my grannies. I spent my whole life with them. They're the best. Whenever I feel under the weather, I think of those times when they were with me." His eyes sparkled as he spoke about his grannies.
"So, you're alone having breakfast at home later?" I felt terrible for what I did to him. At the same time, I thought to myself, I am still fortunate to have my parents. All along, I thought I was the loneliest human alive. And here he is, he has the luxury in life, yet he could be sad and lonely sometimes.
"I am not unless you change your mind."
I shook my head in disbelief at what I heard. Did he just say that? I was fast enough to investigate if he really did. I shifted my eyes in his direction when I saw him already looking at me. He is wearing his evil smirk again.
"You know, I can't," I said as I avoided his gaze. Just when I thought we were good. Here we go again. I exhaled to clear all the annoyance he inflicted on me.
He suddenly burst into laughter. "I was just teasing you, okay? Easy."
Before he could continue, my phone rang. I picked up the call when the screen appeared, Marica. "Yes, dear, I'm on my way to the office," I said, glancing at my watch. I'm almost late. "Why are you calling?"
"Well, I've changed my mind. Let's meet at Potion Cafe. We can talk about business while having breakfast. How does it sound?"
"Sounds good to me."
"Okay then, I'll wait for you. I'm almost there."
"I'll be there any minute. Bye" After hanging up, I shifted in Royce's direction. It was against my will, but I was left with no choice. "Can we just turn to the Potion Cafe?" I asked in hesitation.
"What's in there?"
Is he deaf? He was literally a few inches away when I was talking to Marica on speaker mode. I exhaled and squeezed shut my eyes to suppress the annoyance. "Marica wants to have a breakfast meeting instead, so can you possibly take me there? If not, just drop me here; I'll find a taxi."
"Sure, stay calm. I'll take you there." He said as he maneuvers the car, heading to the Potion Cafe. But that time, he sped fast as he curved to the left.
"Thanks, but can you drive a little slower?" I said, clenching my fists.
"You said you don't wanna be late, right?" He said with a hint of sarcasm. "I'll take you there on time; we only have 5 minutes. Tighten your seatbelt," He said as he continued to drive fast.
It was the fastest ride I've ever been on in my life.
"No, it's okay; I can explain why I'm late. Just lower down the speed. I can't take this anymore," I said as I squeezed my sweating hands even more. I shifted in his direction. Our eyes met. His expressions dulled up when he seemed to get my pleading message.

Bình Luận Sách (72)

  • avatar
    Ness Galleto

    Interesting story! Highly recommended! 🔥😊


  • avatar
    Daisy Jane Saycon Buglosa



  • avatar

    The structure of the story was well the words that the writter used was easy to understood


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