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The waiter placed the food on the table as Marica had ordered before I came.
“Thanks for ordering my favorite,” I said, diverting the topic.
“NO problem. We have the same lunch. Have a good appetite.”
“Thanks, you too.”
I paused before touching my food, enjoying the cozy ambiance of the cafe. Potion cafe is our favorite.
“Marie, would you like to check our latest work? We are organizing a wedding venue; it must be done before 5 O’clock.”
“Sure, I’ll drop by before I meet a supplier later after lunch.”
“The team would appreciate that.”
“I know you guys will do great. I’m confident your work will satisfy our clients even if I’m not around.”
“Thanks for trusting us. When will the opening of a new branch of Salon be?”
“Before the month ends. I’ll be talking to a supplier later to finalize a deal and then check if the interior of the new salon is ready. You have to be there at the opening with Royce, okay?”
“Sure. I’ll ask Royce if he can make it. His schedule is hectic.”
“I’m sure he’ll find a way to be with you.”
I nodded in reply.
I wasn’t focusing on my food, weighing if I should tell Marica about the flashback I had when I saw Royce wearing a black leather jacket. If I decide to share it with her, it should be in a calm way. The last thing I want from her is to overreact.
After two years of the incident, I was still puzzled why the man didn’t show up in the investigation. The incident was all over the news, impossible for him not to hear it. I have reasons to believe that he might have done something for the car explosion.
“Nelly, problem?”
I was jolted by Marica’s sudden question, taking me out of my reverie.
Marica’s forehead creased as she pointed at my plate.
“Oh, it’s messy.” The pasta I kept twirling was almost thrown on the table.
“What’s wrong? You seem trouble”
“Nothing, don’t mind me. Care to share about Leo?”
Marie showed a wicked smirk. She instantly blushed at the mention of Leo.
“What about him?”
“Marica, come on.”
“Well, I don’t know where to start.”
“Are you one of the reasons why Leo is staying?”
“No…you heard him last night. Leo has to help his parents manage their businesses. It’s like an apprentice in their company. His parents are semi-retired and he is the oldest among 3 siblings so, he is responsible for running the business when his parents retire.”
“I didn’t know he was the eldest. Leo is quite irresponsible sometimes. No offense.”
Marica laughed. “You don’t have to say that. I observe how he behaves in front of me. I concluded that he wasn’t for me the first time I met him. Leo was too immature but I feel I can communicate with him better. I love to be with him and he is someone I can talk to comfortably without pretensions.
“That’s it. That’s what I want to hear. Maybe you guys can start from there.”
“I don’t know. How about you and Royce? How was it last night?”
“About that…” My thoughts turned to Royce in his bed with only his briefs on until I lowered down his underwear. I forcefully closed my eyes thinking how Royce embarrassed I was when he caught me staring at his shaft.
“Hey, you should see yourself in the mirror. Besty, you are red as an apple.”
“Let’s not talk about last night. It wasn’t as good as you expected.”
“Seriously? I highly doubt it wasn’t.”
“Marie, I have a favor to ask,” I said, my facial expression hardened.
“What is it? Is this concerning Royce?”
“You guessed it right. Let’s finish our lunch first.”
Marica nodded as he seemed to understand I was serious.
We were full enough with the great lunch in the potion cafe when I decided to talk about the favor I wanted to ask.
“You have to promise not to share this with Royce yet. Okay?”
“I promise,” Marica said, raising a hand in swearing.
“Royce’s parents invited me for lunch yesterday. It was her mom, Lucy who called me. She had me picked up by her driver and when I went there Royce’s dad was already waiting for me as well.”
“Then why do they have to hide this from Royce? Are they not on good terms?”
“That’s right. The night we went home from Royce’s party they showed up in his condo unannounced. I can feel the tension among them but Royce talked to his parents alone in his library. Even though I tried to help and ask if we should offer his parents dinner. After they talked Royce didn’t open a topic about his parents so I didn’t try to bring it up.”
“That’s weird but we can’t judge him as you know Royce didn’t have a good relationship with his parents and left him with his grannies. So what favor do you need from me?”
I heaved a sigh, recollecting my thoughts.
“Lucy and Min asked me if I could help them in reconciling with Royce. I told them I’ll do my best but I can’t promise anything. I was hoping you could ask your cousin Andi about Royce’s past relationship with his parents before they abandon him so that I can start from there.”
“Shouldn’t you ask that to Royce? Are you guys not that open? Nelly, you have opened up your past trauma with Royce. Isn't it enough for him to trust you with his?”
“I know. I only want more info about it and I will talk to Royce when we get more time together. The right timing is very important, I’ve been in his shoes so I understand how he feels. I won’t force him.”
“Well, what can I say? You are such a good girlfriend.”
“So, are you going to help?”
“How can I say no? I’ll see what I can do. Just give me some time.”
“Thanks. And one more thing.”
“Hmm…What is it now?” Marica asked like he was slightly irritated.
“Do you remember what I shared about my dreams? A man was wearing a black leather jacket who showed up in my brother’s car before it blew up.”
“Have you told me about that? I’m sorry besty, I barely remember it. Why are you talking about this now?”
“Last night, Royce was wearing a black leather jacket, and the flashback from the incident repeated like it was just yesterday.”
“Nelly, what are you trying to point out? That Royce…”
“No, I think that the man wearing a black jacket was real. It confirmed my hypothesis that the man had put something in the car, making it explode.”
“Besty, the way your brother’s car was damaged was probably the cause of the explosion. You can’t conclude without evidence.”
“The man in a black leather jacket gets on my nerves every time I remember him. I swear he won’t get away with this.”

Bình Luận Sách (72)

  • avatar
    Ness Galleto

    Interesting story! Highly recommended! 🔥😊


  • avatar
    Daisy Jane Saycon Buglosa



  • avatar

    The structure of the story was well the words that the writter used was easy to understood


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