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S1 Chapter 8

"What? Tea party?" Say me, dyra and kayla.
"Yep" replied Tifa.
"Oh yeah, you've also been invited, right?" said
"Yes, the anantarinda family's tea party is every
the year it was held," said Dita.
"Here, tomorrow please come to that address" said
thifa then gave an invitation. Ga
Tea party.
Invited guests are welcome to come
Monday July 2nd 2018.
Address of the place: Jalan Jasmine Indah Park
mahendra complex is beautiful and charming.
The event starts at 08:00 until 16:00.
"Ok I'll come tomorrow" I said then came back
Dit, thank you," said thifa.
"Yes" she said.
"Dit, let's go buy clothes," said dyra.
"Come on" she said then we went to the mall.
When we got there we went to pusan
expenditure. We also choose the clothes we want
like. After 2 hours passed we went back to
each house.
Pn a
Today I woke up at 05:00. I had breakfast then
ironed the drees yesterday. After I finished
go taking a bath.
After taking a shower I also put on a dress
yesterday I bought. The dress is light purple
and red ribbon headbands.
After I finished I went downstairs and
waiting for a taxi.
After finding a taxi I took a taxi
to where the tea party started. When I got there I met Nella.
Hi nel" I greeted.
"Eh hi too thal" replied Nella.
Nella wears a light blue dress and
just let her hair down.
"Thal, nel" said dyra and kayla.
"Eh dyr, kay" answered me and Nella
"Where are Dita and thifa?" Ask dyra.
"Huh" I pointed. Looks like dita and thifa are
talk to a lot of people Ga
"It's like Dita and Tifa are used to it," he said
"Maybe" I replied.
"Sorry I'm late here. Was welcoming a guest
first" said Tifa.
"Don't worry, thif," said Nella.
"You are beautiful thal. You are also beautiful" said Dita.
"Ahh.. you're so beautiful. Isn't that right?" ask me
on another. The others just nodded.
"What's the stage for thif?" Ask dyra.
"Hello ladies and gentlemen. Anyone want to
shown by Anantarinda Thifa and Andita
Evaline" said the MC.
"Come on," said Dita.
We also only followed dita and thifa. They
both of them went up on stage and smiled
"Hello everyone" said thifa and dita.
"We will sing the song 'laskar Pelangi'.
Of course you know, don't you?" she asked.
Dita // thifa
Dream is a key
For us to conquer the world
Run without getting tired
Until the achievement
Rainbow Troops
There won't be time
Free your dreams in the sky
Color the stars in the soul
Dance and keep laughing
Even though the world is not as beautiful as heaven
Be grateful to the Almighty
Our love in the world
Love for life
Gives an eternal smile
Even though life is sometimes unfair
But love completes us
Rainbow Troops
There won't be time
do not stop
Millions of dreams on earth
Oh! dance and keep laughing
Even though the world is not as beautiful as heaven
Be grateful to the Almighty
Our love in the world
Today I go to school wearing a white uniform
Gray. As usual I walk from
apartment. Arriving at the gate I met
by zaki. Zaki is my high school friend. And here he is
be my class president
"Uuu.. from junior high until now still walking
legs are not capital" zaki mocked.
"Basic.. the class president just pretends to be like the president"
mock too. ga
"Oy.. zak going there spoils the fun you know"
said kayla.
"Yes, ah, I'd rather have a snack" said Zaki then
"I'm so happy" I said
"You don't remember thal? Today is payday," said
"Hehehe.. I forgot" I said.
After that the bell rang and the lesson
math starts
The bell also rings which indicates it's time to go home
school. Me and 5 of my friends got into the car
dita. Dita sat with dyra. Me and Tifa
back and Nella and Kayla in the middle.
When I'm listening to a song close to my heart
sung by RAN.
when I was listening to music, there was
someone called and it was mamah.
"Assalamualaikum thalia. How are you?"
said mom.
"Walaikumsalam, how are you, Thalia is fine
how come. How are you mom?" I said. Ga
"Thank God it's good thal. Oh yes, tomorrow mama will
go to jakarta, are you not going anywhere?" he said
"Okay," I said.
"Why does it contain so much thal. You again
where" mom asked
"Oh, I'm in my friend's car. It's been a while
Yes ma'am" I said then turned off my cellphone.
Arriving at the cafe we ​​changed clothes
At 18:00 we took
cake and eat together.
"Oy.. here's the money" said Kayla's brother.
"Thank you" she said.
I opened the envelope and I
count the money. And the money is worth 1.5
After that, we went back to our respective homes
Today is Thursday. Today I'm wearing
gray white uniform
As usual, I walk home from school.
When I got to class, I met Kayla.
"Where's Kay Dita?" I asked.
"Buying a drink first. He said he forgot to bring it
drink it" said kayla.
"Assalamualaikum" she said.
"Walaikumsalam" I and Kayla replied.
"Dit, can you take me to the station later?"
I asked.
"You can't," she answered.
"Assalamualaikum everyone" said thifa, dyra and
"Waalaikumsalam" I replied, Kayla and Dita.
After that the bell rang and the lesson was on
The bell rang, signaling school was coming home.
We left class.
"Hey, you guys take thifa's car, okay, I want to go again
take thalia to the station first. he said mama
he wants to come" said dita
"Okay," said Tifa.
After that me and dita went to the station
while the others took thifa's car to the cafe.
When I got to the station, I called my mom.
After 10 minutes later I saw
Mom I'm happy with my hands too. after
that's my mother approached me.
"Greetings," I said.
"Eh, waalaikumsalam thalia." Answer mom.
"Assalamualaikum aunty" said Dita.
"Eh waalaikumsalam" Mom replied.
"Mah introduce this to my friend," I said.
"Oh yes, you know anantalia, right?"
"Yes aunty" said Dita.
"Eh, if you wait for me, you're late for work
her" I said.

Bình Luận Sách (486)

  • avatar
    Aisha Mae Humbit

    okay the story is very good to read no matter how many times you read it over and over again it doesn't get boring the content is good the whole story is never boring to read


  • avatar
    Unika Ningning

    I love this story....coz they care each other and spend time with each other...


  • avatar

    Is good


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