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S1 Chapter 6

Even on the third day the weather doesn't seem to be
support for activity.
And now it's 8 o'clock and I haven't even
shower at all. me and dyra still
lazing on the bed.
Dita: Has anyone taken a shower?
Me: blm. Really cold
Kayla: ugh. I swear it's shaking.
Tifa: let's get together
Dira: where?
Nella: crazy thif, can't see it's raining. ga
Thifa: Let's just go to a restaurant. I'll pay for it.
A hot drinker.
Me: I haven't showered
Dita: the others haven't showered yet thal
Kayla: Yes, we meet at half past nine, okay?
Dyra: sip
"The one who showered me first, did you first, thal?"
Ask dyra.
"You go first. I want to find clothes first"
I said.
In the end, Dyra took a shower first and then I
take a shower too. Soon, we were ready.
I was wearing a pink t-shirt with a denim jacket and jeans.
Meanwhile, Dyra wears knee-length jeans and a white t-shirt and a plaid shirt.
"Are you cold dyr?" I asked.
"No. I'm used to it," answered dyra.
Finally we left the hotel room. As
Usually, we gather at the restaurant.
We got together. Coincidentally, Kayla brought an uno so we could have more fun chatting
"Uno" I said as I put down my second card.
I have one card left.
Dita took a sip of her coffee. He also put
the last card is "uno game" said dita.
"Huhh patient" said dyra. he got a +4 card
until he has to add 4 cards.
"Hahaha" Tifa laughed.
We also had fun playing. While filling
the rain seems to be getting heavier.
"Well.. lost" I said. I fold my hands
I sat on the table and covered my face. Well, like
a student who wants to sleep in class.
"The loser is given a challenge," said Nella.
They all nod
"What's the challenge?" I asked.
"You stand up and keep on giving up, okay?
crazy people" suggested kayla. All of them
I just followed their orders.
And the game continues even if it rains
still pouring.
Okay today I woke up at 06:00. I also
look at my phone and join the group.
Kayla: hello guys
Dyra: hello kay
Me: where are we going today?
Dita: dufan kuy. It's been a long time.
Tifa: yep. It's been a long time.
Nella: when there?
Me: now bell
Nella: since when did my name become bell?
Kayla: kringg kringg.
Dira: wkwkwk
I: sorry. Wrong bell
Me: eh nell not bell :v
Nella :-
Nella : when is it there?
Dita: to the restaurant at 8. Gc woy. After that we go
new dl road to dufan.
Kayla: ready ma'am boss
I took a shower and got ready. I
wearing a red shirt and jeans.
I'm wearing a jacket made of jeans and wearing
white sneakers. I tie my hair
Dyra wears a white shirt with sleeves
short and wearing jeans. she wears
the purple jacket and the hair are just hanging.
He wore a plain black hat.
I also put my cellphone, drinking water,
wallet and others into my bag. I also
go to a place to eat with dyra and
met 4 of my best friends.
"Eat first right?" Ask Nella
"Yes, yes, what do you want there?
hungry" she replied.
"Let's just let Nella starve" said thifa.
"It's fine" she replied.
"Yeah, what have you eaten?" I asked.
"Just eat rice and fried chicken. Drink it
tea shoots" said dyra.
"Yes, I ordered it first," said Kayla then
15 minutes later our food is ready
immediately ate it. 30 mins later
we finished eating. After that we entered
to the car. ga
Kayla is driving the car, because she already
I have a car license and have it next to it. Dyra and
while nella is in the middle of me and thifa is in
Once there we went down and
parked the car and entered the dufan.
First we play carousel, second we play
play doll castle, 3rd we play pinwheel
wind, the 4th we play greenhouse and the 5th
we played Kora Kora.
After that it was noon. We also
have lunch while taking a break.
"What do you want to buy?" Ask dita.
"Just buy me pop noodles," said dyra.
"I'll go with dyra," said thifa
"Me too" I said.
"Well, who wants to buy popmie?" Ask dita.
"Me" I said, Dyra, Thifa, Nella, and Kayla.
"Ok, I'll order 6 popmie, okay? Kay, let's help me"
said dita.
"Ah man.. I ordered Thalia, weh," replied Kayla.
"Yeah okay" I said then helped Dita.
After that I also helped Dita pick up
liquor. After arriving at the table, we too
eat poppies. After that we continue
After eating, we played roller coaster, playing ke
ice age, slanted house and others.
After the day started in the afternoon we too
back to the hotel. Arriving at my hotel too
take a shower. I'm wearing colored pajamas
green with rabbit and dyra in pajamas
Today I woke up at 05:00. I'm already in
apartment. I take a shower and have breakfast as well
wearing uniform.
After I was ready, I went to school. I
walk from the apartment to the school.
Most students bring motorbikes.
Arriving at the gate as usual I walked to
direction class. ga
I also immediately present a bag next to Kayla's bag.
I'm in touch with Kayla too.
"Kay... take me for a walk, let's go home from school"
take me.
"Sorry, I'm helping my brother at the cake shop
or a cafe like that" replied Kayla.
"Yeah..." I said
"Just let it go, thal" said Nella
"Kay, I'll come with you later to the cafe," said thifa.
"Yes, I just used my car," said Dita.
"Thank you dit .." said Kayla then not long, the bell was
The teacher came. He put down his books
at the table and then leaked all of us.
"Morning children. We have a new student. Come on,
introduce your name son" said the teacher.
From the direction of the door, a female student appeared. She
walking with your head down.
"Thal.. that's dyra" whispered kayla.
I was the one who didn't really care too much
divulge to new students. And sure enough, it's dyra
"Assalamualaikum, I'm Brunella Dyra Athifa.
Nice to meet you all," he said.
"Okay dyra, you can sit next to dita" said
female teacher. Dyra also sat beside Dita then
the lesson begins
Kriiinggggg..... krriiinggggggg........
Even the school bell rings which indicates the time
rest. Me too with 5 of my friends walking
to the canteen. Arriving at Dyra's canteen and asked
order food, kayla and nella are sitting
while me and thifa went to the toilet.
While on the road... me and thifa are
"Hi thalia... long time no see. Dyra is still
with you and the answer, dyra, is the same
I..." said Alya.
"Sorry I'm busy" I said then Aliya held back
"Relax, just talk for a while," said Aliya.
"Eh, Aliya can't you just shut up, you don't have to act nice, okay?"
Said thifa curtly.
After that Aliya just kept quiet and I walked to
The direction of the toilet after that we went to the canteen.
"Ihh.. it's really annoying the Aliya," said thifa.
"That aliya isn't a thal?" Ask yourself.
"Yep.." I answered.
After eating the food we ordered
enter the classroom and the lesson begins.
2 hours passed, our lesson was over
Goes home together. I am now at the gate
along with 4 of my friends.

Bình Luận Sách (486)

  • avatar
    Aisha Mae Humbit

    okay the story is very good to read no matter how many times you read it over and over again it doesn't get boring the content is good the whole story is never boring to read


  • avatar
    Unika Ningning

    I love this story....coz they care each other and spend time with each other...


  • avatar

    Is good


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