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S2 Chapter 1

The school bell has rung all students
Taruna Bangsa High School live
scatter to the Ceremony field because it's a Monday like usually they will do the Ceremony
In contrast to the worried face of a beautiful girl
who keeps her car due to traffic jams.
She is Casanova one of the high school students
National cadets.
"Wow, let's go" Nova shouted who continued to honk while continuing looking at the clock on his cellphone which is now shows 7 o'clock which means Nova is already
really late.
In one of the rows you can see Mona and Ines
who keeps looking for Nova..
"Mon, Nova hasn't come yet," said Ines
to which Mona immediately shook her head his head
While some students directly shouted as the student council members walked by.
They kept shouting at those who
is the idol of Taruna Bangsa High School.
"It's finished Nova, you're being punished again
kid" Mona muttered
While Nova immediately rang the car because of the school gate
which has been closed.
"Mr Udin, please open the gate"
"Ms Nova, it's late again" said Mr. Udin
opened her gate and Nova immediately started the car.
"Kill me,what is that?" Nova muttered when she saw the ceremony had already started.
Nova immediately ran but not to ceremony field but towards the room
UKS and he will hide there.
With a sneaky step
like a thief Nova looking around hope no one sees her and her will immediately open the UKS door.
"Hm," someone's coughing succeeded
make it stop
"You're late again" said someone from the direction Nova really knows the back
Nova turned her body and smiled when you see two people standing
looked at him.
They are the high school student council president Vikenzo
Taruna Bangsa with Bhishma the vice chairman
It's not Nova if he can't
looking for reasons for the delay.
"I-I was caught in a traffic jam, there
road accident " Alibi Nova
"Classic reason" said Bhishma who had
know who Nova is
"What the heck Bis, people are right"
"You come with me" said Viken directly
walk followed by Bhishma who is always loyal
follow him
"Damn it, I'm dead" Nova muttered.
With lazy steps Nova followed
they stopped in front of the toilet.
"You clean everything until it's clean" said
Viken and instantly take Nova while roll his eyes
"It's crazy, I don't want it"
"Don't refuse, it's your own fault late"
Said Bhishma who immediately walked
leaving Nova still frozen
with his mouth that keeps muttering
we swore at them.
The ceremony is over,
Mona and Ines are already here
class but Mona is nowhere to be seen in
"Mon, where is Nova he entered?"
"How did I know that I was with you?
Suddenly Nova immediately walked in
with his annoyed face even his mouth
never stop cursing
Viken or Bhishma.
"Wow, you just arrived"
"Why your face"
"You must have been punished for
too late"
"What punishment"
"Clean your toilet, you bastard Chief
the same vice chairman is the same as crazy " I grumbled
The school bell rang again indicating
recess. All students live
rushed out to the canteen no
different from the three Beautiful Girls who
is also the Idol of the students there
because of their beauty even Nova
who has been stamped as a maker girl
trouble is still the target of all students Bakti Taruna High School.
"Hi Nova, just more beautiful"
"Nov, share your number please"
"Crazy angel, where are you going?
Nova just rolled her eyes in embarrassment
hear the words of a crowd
students he passed up to them
arrived in front of the canteen and directly
sit on the chair where they usually sit
because no one dares
sitting there remembering what the nickname was
Nova gang.
"Ordinary message, right, and You two," said Ines
and immediately nodded both of them even
Nova immediately leaned her head
because of the fatigue caused by the punishment
already got it.
Suddenly, some of the students were noisy
with the arrival of some handsome boy in
Yes they are the Viken gang with Bhishma too
Aldo and Talita are students who continue to
tail them.
"Where's Ines, how long have I been?
really thirsty" Nova grumbled and looked Ines
who came back with a tray
contains three orange juices and three bowls of meatballs
with a sauce that is almost full in
Nova immediately took the juice and
gulp it down while
his two friends just shook their heads
see the behavior of their friends.
Suddenly his phone vibrated, Nova
immediately took it and his eyes re-weld and immediately closed
his cell phone.
"Who the heck is Nov, your face is so lazy"
Say Mona
"Who else" grumbled Nova and Mona knew if
the one who sent the chat was Angga student
Bakti Bangsa High School who really likes
"Oh my gosh, it turns out there is a handsome boy in
there,, Uh,, it's getting more and more handsome every day
"Ines said when she realized that the
handsome is already in the canteen and again
make Nova in a bad mood remember always
in law by them.
"Not my mood" Nova said directly
"Nov, wait for us dong" Mona said and
It was Ines who immediately chased after him.
"Eh, troublemaker girl.. How was it the punishment.. it's delicious" said Talita who
deliberately provoked Nova's emotions.
Nova stopped her steps, she just
glanced at him and walked back
without replying as usual.
Nova today is lazy to deal
with the acting queen or Talita who
indeed the Nova Gang dubbed him.
While Viken he doesn't care
and still enjoy the drink in front of him.
"Actually she's beautiful, but it's too bad
the nature of the bar bar " said Bhishma shaking his head
Talita knit her brows with the narration
Bhishma, but Bhishma is right Nova
she's beautiful but that's why she is
also don't like it because after
Nova enters Taruna Bangsa High School
make it not return to a flower

Bình Luận Sách (486)

  • avatar
    Aisha Mae Humbit

    okay the story is very good to read no matter how many times you read it over and over again it doesn't get boring the content is good the whole story is never boring to read


  • avatar
    Unika Ningning

    I love this story....coz they care each other and spend time with each other...


  • avatar

    Is good


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