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S1 Chapter 13

did you come here after noon?
I work?
Kayla: Sorry
Me: Yes, okay, after this I'll go straight there
"Oi" call me
"Why are you?" he asked
"Do you want to come to the cafe?" I asked
"Want" he said
"Yes, I'm ready there" I said.
We immediately went to the cafe.
"Assalamualaikum" when I arrived at the cafe
"Waalaikumsalam who are you thal" asked dyra
"This is my cousin whose name is the most unclear
qeiza" I said then went to the changing room.
"So why are we here, sis? He said he was going to the cafe
Why did you even go to the changing room?" Geiza asked
"Sister want to work you don't go anywhere ok?
watch out" I said and went to work.
Yeiza pov
Hffff ... regret that I went to the cafe. Guess I want
in tlaktir eh know he was told to sit in the dressing room.
I peek outside ah...
I also saw my sister was there
with one of the waiters maybe his friend?
I do not know.
Yep, thalia and I are like brother and sister so
I call him my brother because I'm a child
first while my sister is the only child. ga
So, why do you look like sis, dyra? Oh no
maybe. Oh you know. I am dizzy.
My sister approached me.
"Why is your face like a tangled thread" he asked
my older sister.
"Why did you send me here" I said
"Yeah, just go outside so you don't wrinkle your face"
my sister said.
Hahhh... the wind is fresh outside too, isn't it. many
tree again.
Ah, I'd rather just play TTS. Yep I was wrong
one who likes TTS. Because I'm a man when it comes to application
After I was satisfied playing TTS, I saw the sky
outside which is starting to turn orange. I also
look at the clock on my phone.
"Oei" someone called Ga
"Napa sis?" ask me
"Come on, you want to stay here" my sister said and left
met his friend who I had heard.
"Oh, thank you for giving me the cake
even though I didn't" said my sister.
Ha cake for me?
"It's okay, it's just a little bit," said my brother's friend
"Eh, I brought a car to go with me" asked a friend
my other brother.
Today I woke up at 04:00. I wake up
That dream. As if it will feel very real. Yes,
like because I woke up at this hour.
I also wipe my face and I'm more
good for bathing. Relieve pain in
my head. (2
I also wear a white shirt with a picture
pineapple and knee-length jeans. I'll be right away
clean my house. I almost 1 hour
cleaning the house.
At 06:00 I made breakfast.
Breakfast this time I will make fried rice
with beef eye eggs.
After 15 minutes passed it was ready. I
even fried rice on a plate. Moment
prepare me to see the geiza walk.
"Wow, you're really cooking," said Geiza
"How is it delicious?" I asked in between meals.
"Hmm.. delicious" replied geiza which made me
"Ok, when you're done washing the dishes," I said.
"Yes it is," said Geiza resignedly.
After eating, the geiza washes the dishes
while I'm going to the room. I opened too
WA and there is an incoming message.
On line
It's s3
what dyr
I'm playing at your house
Grab me
Yes thal
I'll wait
How many km are you stuck here?
At least set 10's
Uh huh
"Hey" I called.
"Napa sis" replied Geiza
"Where are you?" ask me
"I'm taking a shower" replied Geiza.
After geiza shower I watch tv
with him. Oeiza wears colored clothes
orange that says / LOVE YOU and shorts
dark blue with a checkered pattern.
Knock knock.
"Oei, you open the door, brother, I want to take it
Mimi" I said.
"Who are you?" Ask a geiza
"Sis dyra" I said and replied with a nod.
I immediately took a drink in the kitchen.
After that I returned to the living room. I also
she was sitting in the living room.
"Assalamualaikum Dyr" I said as I sat down.
"Eh waalaikumsalam Is that your cousin?" Ask
"Yeah" I said and we started talking.
"Yes, how else the child wants to go there" I said.
"Oh yeah, you're going to college, aren't you?" Ask
"I don't know if you want to go to college, do you?"
I answered while asking again.
"I don't know," said Dara.
"Dyr" I called.
"Why?" Ask Dyra
"I dreamed I was in an accident. At that time I didn't know
riding a motorbike. Then someone hit me and
I fell... my body hurts so bad and
After that I woke up" explained Thalia.
"Motorcycle?" Ask Dira. I nodded.
"I don't know either. I'm in a bad mood. So I can
I'm asking for help, dyr. Please leave the house first
me" I said while leaking Dyra
I have no intention of expelling. But my mood is right
really bad. My head is so dizzy.
Dyra also took his bag and leaked it to him
I said "Okay, okay. I'll say goodbye Thal"
Today is farewell at my school. I
wake up early as usual. And of course I
wake up Qeiza first.
I also make breakfast which is fried rice
with oxeye eggs. While Qiza is currently
bath. Finished making breakfast for me and Qeiza
even breakfast.
"Hmm.. Sis what will I wear?" Ask
"Yes, I'll choose the clothes later," I replied.
"Oh yeah, what are we going to ride on?" Qeiza is back
ask. ga
"At most online taxis" I answered then continued eating
Then he said again, "I'll take a shower first, okay?
After 15 minutes I finished my make up. I
immediately took my cellphone then
online taxi booking. After ordering me too
get out and go by taxi
on line.
15 minutes later
Now that Oeiza and I have arrived at the building ordered by the school. I sat together
my friends then see the results of the value.
Fortunately, my score is quite satisfactory
After farewell I left the building
approached Oeiza. He's waiting outside
he said male in the palace, as usual Oeiza
is a person who gets bored quickly.
"How are you?" Qeiza asked curiously
"Pass Oei" I answered with enthusiasm, friend
The other me also approached the two of us
"Eh, Thal, let's take a walk" Dyra
"Where's Dir?"
"Hm, let's go to the cafe" Dita suggested suddenly. They
everyone nodded including me
"Sis, I'll just go home, okay?" Oeiza said goodbye to me. I
nod "Oh yes, be careful yes" I message to
Finally we went to the cafe. No, this is not a cafe
where we work. This is a big cafe that
is in the middle of the city. We go with
tifa car.
When we arrived at the cafe, we entered the cafe. We
sat down and ordered food. I'm in love
chocolate drink, wafer steak and lava cake. Dira
and kayla is the same as me. I'm included
chocolate lover.
While thifa, dita and nella ordered coffee
and chess cake.
"Hey, where do you want to study?" Dita started
"I don't know, Dit," I said.
"Eh, near here there is a famous campus," said
Thifa while leaking her laptop.
"Yeah, just go there, it's pretty good. At that time
I've seen it" Nella chimed in.
"Yeah, we'll be there later," said Dyra who
approved by another.
Finally we realized it was on campus. We also
about anything. Yes approach us that
"Guys, looks like I have to go home first, Oeiza
everyone is at home because" I said and stood up.
“ If in oneself there is still a sense of shame and fear to do something good, it is a guarantee for that person is not going to the meeting he had with the progress of a single step.”
“ People who managed to take advantage of the mistakes that he did, and will try again to perform in a different way. “
“ The real threat is actually not when the computer begins to think like a human, but when humans begin to think like computers. “
“ Learn from the mistakes of others. You can not live long enough to do all the fault itself.”
“ If people hold on to the belief, then there goes skepticism. However, if people have already started to hold on to skepticism, then there goes the belief.”
“ Because humans will love him, being saved him disgrace for himself; does not seem real to him though. The outlook despite how small the amount.”
“ The absence keyakinanlah that makes people afraid to face challenges; and I believe in myself.”
“ Our greatest pride is not never fail, but bounced back every time kitajatuh.”
“ Be the man who at birth everyone laughing happily, but only you yourself were crying and the death of all the sad cry, but only you yourself smiling. “
“ We will not never know how big the love of our parents (against us), until we become parents”
“ The most important thing to do in this world is to get the food, beverage and someone who loves you”

Bình Luận Sách (486)

  • avatar
    Aisha Mae Humbit

    okay the story is very good to read no matter how many times you read it over and over again it doesn't get boring the content is good the whole story is never boring to read


  • avatar
    Unika Ningning

    I love this story....coz they care each other and spend time with each other...


  • avatar

    Is good


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