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Chương 13 JOB FOR HER

DESPITE the bitterness of Ashy's ordeal, there are some good things that have happened in her life that she deeply cares about. One of which is that she graduated from Magna Cum Laude. Secondly, it was not difficult to find a job. She is currently working for PSB Company because she is smart in a high position and she is content with that.
They were busy that day because they expected their loving boss to come. According to rumors that he is the son of the company owner, he will be the one to handle the business.
Everyone was excited with mixed fear because they didn't even know it.
"How is my friend who was conceived with courage?" One day, while she was in the canteen for lunch, her friend Jem stood next to her and as usual was about to start her naughtyness.
"You're a terrible sissy," she laughed. She has been used to calling it that since they worked for the company. Especially when the two of them talk to each other.
"Of course, given the amount of time you've been through, if your personality wasn't strong, you wouldn't have been able to handle all that. You are one of a kind and I am so proud to have you as my sissy," she replied it. Once, she hugged her she always do that to make her feel loved.
"Ohh really? I'm scared the way you acted., if I know ... do you need anything?" She looked at her with a crazy smile. She knew her friend would ask for favors.
She just smiled meaningfully. "Sissy, come with me later to the mall, let's buy clothes, maybe we'll have a party because we will formally introduce our boss," she began biting her  lips at the same time. Still can't stop herself with a smile.
She deliberately asked her friend, because she knew that someone was planning it again. This is how the friend is, although she knows she can afford the new equipment because her parents are financially stable. 
"I heard that the new boss is cute," she replied with a twisted laugh.
"So you will going to hubt him? You will going to turn yourself like a superhuman to catch his attention," she twisted her lips.
"I'm not going to flirt with him for the first time. I'll make a way. I'm not getting any younger, I want to have a family. " It is a serious answer from a not so serious person.
"Did I really say that? What are you threatening? You know sissy, it's not really what you're looking for, it's just coming. And when it's there, you'll feel like it's him." It's a long answer.
"Crazy!  I haven't even seen it yet. What's that like for you? It was Storm and yours back then, wasn't it?" It was too late when he realized that he shouldn't talk about it anymore. Because her friend is fine, there is no need for a Storm to be mentioned.
"Sissy, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," she apologized once her mouth was covered. 
"It's okay sissy, it's been a long time. Besides, I'm okay. I forgot about Storm. " she replied that she even held Jem's hand. Though she's right,she didn't make her noticed.
Yes, and that has been a long time. But is it true that she is okay? Is it true that he has forgotten their past? Or she just tries to forget it because she knows he is happy with the woman he chose. She will be hurt at the same time. Sometimes she thought that life was unfair. Why are some people so deceitful? Why are there people who seem to be throwing all their problems at them? Why, with so many people in the world, why her still?
"Huyyy! You look far away again, sissy. Don't worry if the new boss likes you, I promise. I'll leave him to you, "Jem joked to her.
"You're really crazy, I don't think about that right now. It's more important to me now that we're okay at home, mom and Andrea." Her sister is what she is referring to.
After they ate, they went back to their own job, her work they did. Later, their head called her. This is to say that she is the one who will be the MC or Master of Ceremony at their boss’s welcome party. She immediately agreed.
They were walking into the mall to buy something. 
"It's okay, I also have something to buy, I also need to buy something to wear," she replied while just looking at the road. 
The friend stopped walking. "Did I mention that you can't stand it either? Wow, are you also worried that you won't be able to get married? So you also need to make yourself beautiful. " she asked angrily and patted her on the shoulder.
"You're really crazy, do I need to do that? The truth is that the head talked to me earlier in the office. I was told that I was one of the MCs. Of course, who am I to refuse? That's why I have to look at some descent dress to wear, " she answered to her friend, who was still looking at her.
"Hmmm yes, you can still do that. It's just so sweet of you, sissy. " Her answer was that until now she was still very much in love with her.
"I know you're going to say that. You've always, since then, always touched me," she replied at the same time with her friend. 
"Should you buy the clothes you earn? I mean the one where your clevage will be shown?" Jem joked as they walked.
"Do you want mama to die when she see me wearing that? Maybe I won't be let out of the house then?" It's just a laughable answer. The friend knows that she doesn't like to wear such clothes. Yes, and she wears sexy ones, but it still looks wholesome.
She just bought a simple dress to wear. She is not used to wearing clothes that are too artistic. That’s the one Storm liked about her, her simplicity when it came to the things she wore. She shook her head to get the man out of her mind. Why does it always enter his brain? something he most disliked thinking about.

Bình Luận Sách (217)

  • avatar
    Sät ŠeÿHaa



  • avatar
    Jefrix Sacki

    so good story


  • avatar
    Salve Brenches

    good 💯


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