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Chương 11 PAINED

On the contrary. Storm is still having trouble accepting everything. He was completely unaware of what had occurred in Ashy's life. He avoided everything that had anything to do with her. Out of resentment, he cut off all communication with them. Especially when he discovered that Ashy had come to their house not to chat to him, but to inform him that she would be gone soon. She told his mom that she didn't want to be bothered any longer. Even if he wanted to go, he couldn't because of his resentment, embarrassment, and weakness. He can't find the right words to describe how bad it was for him.
When his mother emerged behind him as he was leaving the house, she asked, "Where are you going?"
He answered to his mother, "I simply want some fresh air, mom. It won't take long. I just need a fresh atmosphere so I can think."
Its a half lie and he knew his mom pictured it out.
"Do you want some fresh air or more trouble?" "Come on, son, I know you. You can have anything you want if you marry......" His mother didn't continue because he raised his hand, suggesting that he would stop speaking.
Saying the same words with the same person involve becamea nuissance on his part.
"Please, Mom, give me a little more time to think... I'm tired of it all. Can you just give me a little more time to think? Please do understamd mom, even a machine ce to a point of givibg up when its tired. You might be forgetting I'm just human " It reads, in his mind.
"Think? About what? Don't dare Storm. You've tried it once and see what happened. You came home with a broken heart. That woman you tried to chose over us just left you hanging. Your willingness turn your back on us for that lady who has almost ruined your life. And now you're telling me that you still need to think?" It's difficult to comprehend, yet it's true. He had just gotten off the phone with the woman he wanted to fight. He remained seated, relying on his words. How could he possibly justify it?
"I have to go mom," he said, turning to face his mother.
Before it went, the mother continued, "Think about it, Storm. Think about it."
That day, he went anywhere he pleased. He isn't actually going anywhere, to be honest. The only thing he could be sure of was that he'd drown in the wine he was holding. He just came to a halt to one side, thinking of Ashy. He believed she would adore him for the rest of his life. He couldn't wait to kiss him, hug him, and taste her delicious lips once more. It had already been missed on the first occasion when someone interfered. He also won't simply give up since he was the first to do so. But what more was there for him to do? He left on his own, and he asked for his freedom.
He's not that selfish not to give if he can hive more. To deny him the freedom he desired. "When you love someone, you're going to learn to let them go," a song states, which would have been extremely difficult to do. He only realized he was drinking less after that. What else could it be? He needed to get home. He returned home inebriated once more.
He found his father and mother waiting for him when he arrived at their home. He had a feeling he'd hear from his mother again. When his mother spoke, he was about to walk up to his room.
"Where have you been?" is a thought-provoking inquiry.
"I'm just relaxing, mom," he said, "and I'm going to cry."
"You're drunk again, Storm, what do you think you're doing?" her mother yelled angrily. His father, on the other hand, sat calmly and looked to be listening intently to what he had to say.
"What do you want me to do? You want me to marry Girlie for the sake of my family, the company, and our family relationship? Okay mom, you won. All right, I'll marry her when this is over, but don't expect me to love her." " It's a straightforward response.
He grinned as he looked at his mom and wited that long for her response.
"Who do you think you are to speak to me in such a rude manner?"
"What else, ma?" he asked, his face flushed from the alcohol. "Isn't that right? I already agreed, so what else? Is that still missing? Is there something you want me to do against my will?" He opened his arms so wide.
When hia father abruptly spoke, the mother said that she would have spoken more.
"That's enough. Let Storm take care of it first. Storm, we'll discuss tomorrow," his father remarked.
"Nothing will change," he said. "Perhaps it's easy for you to tell me to marry someone I don't love, or should I say, I don't love anymore, because you're not the one who feels this. You must learn how it feels to be inlove." With the honesty of his heart, he teaches.
"That's nonsense Storm!" his mom yelled at him for the second time.
"Because you love each other and you want to stay with one another for the rest of your lives. Anyway, how about me? What am I thinking?   What about that lady? I'd like to fight and be with me?" It says a long time, and he could only say it due of his inebriation; they claim that the intoxicated person is everything that is said.
"She's not even worth it, I told you for the first time that she won't quit her family for you. Look, she even paused here to say that you shouldn't expect anything from her, is that the woman you should be fighting?" The mother answered. Then he was taken aback. It's painful, but her mother has a point of view. This is the harsh reality. That was truth that he needs to accept.
He walked up to his room and sat on his bed. He couldn't get Ashy out of his head no matter how he tried. He could sense his own longing for her. But that's all he recalls from this place. Because he now stands to lose nothing but his rage and animosity towards the lady he once adored.
He felt pain in his head the next morning, which he attributed to the booze he had consumed. He couldn't eat any longer since he had mentally passed out. He went down to his room after taking a shower. As he walked down the stairs, he found his parents sitting in the living room, clearly anticipating his arrival.
It will travel directly to their location.
As he met them, he said, "Goodmorning, mom dad."
"Storm, sit down," his mother answered.
He don't understand if its an order or what.
Just a simple sorry nod.
"Storm, forget about it. We have more important things to discuss," his father said.
"Dad, if it's about last night, about what I said, I'm absolutely stunned," he says, expressing regret for making them think he was serious about marrying Girlie. He wanted to say how sorry he was.
"It's more than that, son. It's about preserving one's dignity and reputation while the person involved is still alive," his father replied thoughtfully, touching your shoulder as though the problem he was about to confront was extremely serious.
"Is it all about the company yet? We can still expand the company even if Girlie's parents don't contribute anymore. We can look for other investors. I can help manage the firm, I don't have to sacrifice my happiness just to keep the company successful." Yes, it is right. After all, many people desire to put money into their business. His parents, however, did not take anyone else because they were close friends.
"We know that, and we know you have a decent and big heart behind those spoilt looks, behind the playboy that other people beat you up, and that's why we want to marry Girlie," his father said, turning to his mother.
"Girlie is ill, and her mother sat down and examined her." His mom looks serious that time.
He wanted to laugh at what his mother was saying because he believed that was the only way they could get him to say what they wanted. For him it  is her wildest scheme just to make him say yes.
"Come on, mom, you don't have to go through all of this just to persuade me to marry her. You've gone to far and I was the one who almost give up. "He replied with a giddy grin.
His father abruptly spoke up.
"It's true, Storm. Girlie is really unwell, which is why her boyfriend can no longer hold her accountable, because she knows she's sick,"
He look at his dad with wonders, "But why do I still need to marry her?"
"She's the only daughter, and her parents, for some reason, want her to have the marriage of her dreams, especially now that she's pregnant," his father said solemnly.
"Once you get married, everything for her will come to you, the child will come to you because you will be the father of the child. But the most important thing about that child is that you will be able to save his honor before he even disappears,  you once loved her, and you know we hope you will be a good father to her loving children," his father says. He had no idea where to go for the emotion he was supposed to be feeling.
"She doesn't want to take medicines because she doesn't want to harm her baby, it's her choice, therefore even though it bothers her parents to give her the proper medication, they tolerate it because she chooses the child to live."
"I'm not sure what to say to Mom. Is this why she won't come here?" he wondered. He was well aware of this. There was not a day when she was on vacation that she did not see it in their home. It was really close to being here. But she was only beaten twice at the time and never again.
"Yes, she merely calls once to say hello, but you don't have time to talk to her. Son, we know your heart is tender in such situations. We know you are no fool, not that hard." His mother pleads with him. that hard.
Was he so deaf that he didn't notice Girlie's rapid transformation? Was he so hurt that he realized someone else needed his attention more than he did? Yes, he no longer loves her, but his father is correct on one hand. He was previously in love with her as well. They had a romantic relationship as well. It was enjoyable for him at the time.
As his two palms touched his handsome face, he exclaimed, "Why did you just tell me this, mom? I mean, why only now?"
"Because you never gave us a chance to open it up to you. Every time we try, you're badly drunk. If you're not drunk, you prefer to stay in your room all day and night. So how? If we haven't paid yet. Your school hasn't released your grades yet because of your absence. You don't even know that you're supposedly Summa Cum Laude. But they took it back because of your negligence." He just seemed to be improving. He did, of course, show up at their school when Ashy failed to pick him up. That was the devastating impact of his sadness on the woman he adored.
He changed the subject, asking, "Where's Girlie right now?" He didn't want to have to wait for Ashy to say something else. He tried everything he could to get it out of his head, if only for a few minute.
He wants Girlie to be hospitalized and to see her. He was eager to learn the truth.
"She prefers to stay at home than in the hospital at their house because she has no plans to have chemoteraphy, and the doctor also comes to their house for her medicine," says the mother.
He got up and went up to his room when he heard this. It came down and said goodbye after a short while.
He needs to see her. To convince her in his own way that he could.

Bình Luận Sách (217)

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    Sät ŠeÿHaa



  • avatar
    Jefrix Sacki

    so good story


  • avatar
    Salve Brenches

    good 💯


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