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Chapter 7 Openness

Today the three of them are still at Vincent's residence. Behind the iron fence surrounding the vast land was a house that looked like a mansion. The location which is quite far from urban areas makes this place feel like being in a different world. The three of them are now in a room that turns out to be Vincent's meeting room. That person is suspected to be a professor who chose to stay in the area for a reason. The first reason is because he is no longer active in a college and the second is because he prefers solitude. Even so, Vincent lives with a small child who is suspected to be his nephew. From the beginning the boy was always there with a sweet look and made Gabriel friendly to him. Likewise with Ilya, looks like he treats her well. Vincent has a big secret that makes Gabriel curious. It didn't stop there, considering that the person was a homoculus and seemed to have a long life. The three of them who were with Vincent in the room enjoying tea. There, Leo felt a sensation that bothered him. Leo tried to cover it up. However, Ilya already knew about it first and then kept an eye on Leo.
“Leo, are you all right?” Ilya asked him
"Oh, of course. Is there something wrong?"
Not long after Leo rose from his seat and then headed out of the room. Seeing this, Ilya then followed him. While Leo was walking alone in the corridor, suddenly Ilya came to surprise him. And that's when the two of them chatted. Their conversation was quite long and it was like they were being watched by someone.
"Gosh, you just startled me," said Leo to Ilya who was now in front of him.
"What are you doing here?"
“I was just taking a walk. Especially."
"How long are you going to hide it?"
"What do you mean by saying that?"
"You're in trouble, aren't you?"
"Who said that. no kidding."
"I am not kidding. Just so you know, you've been acting weird ever since."
"I think we should get out of here."
"We will indeed go. So wait a little longer. because of the heavy rain we will be in trouble.”
“There is something strange about this place. Are you really that oblivious?”
"What's weird?"
"It's probably just my feeling. But, it feels like I'm not in the human world and again that kid seems to have something on him."
"You mean Jonathan?"
"Who else if not the child."
"Your instincts are fine too."
"Don't make fun of me. It's real."
"What you say is true," said Ilya with a smile
"Why are you looking at me like that? it's scary."
"You don't really close your sixth sense."
“What has that got to do with it? stop saying weird things Ilya.”
"There's nothing strange about that. You just need to get used to it.”
"What to get used to."
After talking, Ilya then left in front of Leo. In his mind, Leo was still ambiguous about Ilya's words just now. He paused and then swallowed hard. Not long after, Ilya returned to the room and joined Gabriel and Vincent as well. They then continued their conversation and began to devise a plan. In front of Vincent, Gabriel was still confused by the marks that appeared on his body.
“If it continues like this, will I be okay?” Gabriel asked Vincent
"Depends on your condition. If that sign starts to give off a reaction like that earlier, you're probably done for."
“Then, what is the meaning of this?”
“That sign that appears marks the rest of your life.”
"What? no kidding."
“That is reality. Because before, someone also experienced the same phenomenon as you and ended up tragically.”
"When did it happen?"
“About 80 years ago.”
"Wait a minute, how old are you?"
"That is not important. What's clear is that I've outlived you guys. Because of that, I saw a lot of things.”
“Am I going to end up like that?”
“If you're rash it might just be like that. you better not act arbitrarily if you still want to live.”
“Wow, that's awful. You shouldn't have said that, sir," said Ilya to Vincent
"Not. You must know the truth.”
"It is true. it's just that it's too cruel," said Ilya while placing the glass on the table
"So that's how it is, alright."
"You've started to accept it?"
"Isn't that how it should be? It's impossible if I continue to be in despair and deny all these realities. Really painful."
"If you're like that, I feel relieved."
"Eh? Why?"
"Because maybe you'll end up like that guy if you're reckless."
“Gosh, I thought why. Oh yeah, actually there's something else I want to ask.”
"Can this terrible incident be stopped?"
Hearing Gabriel's words made him pause and immediately put down the glass he had been holding. Vincent's gaze instantly changed and then looked at Gabriel seriously. The atmosphere changed in the blink of an eye. Likewise with Ilya who then looked at Vincent with a sharp gaze and was waiting for his answer. Cold sweat dripped down Gabriel's forehead which added tremendous tension.
"Maybe," said Vincent
His short and ambiguous words made them both freeze. Gabriel then swallowed hard and remembered something that was none other than the words of the woman in his dream. Not long after, Leo came into the room. At that moment the tension ended with Leo's presence in front of the three of them. Seeing them looking serious, Leo then asked something while sitting on the chair next to Ilya.
"What is this?" said Leo confusedly
"Where have you been?" ask Gabriel
"Just a little walk."
"What's going on here? The atmosphere was tense.”
"You'd better be careful and don't be easily swayed," Vincent said to the three of them
It doesn't seem like the rain has stopped. Outside it looks bright again. Somewhere that was none other than the border between the city of Eldelius and Antherius. All the members of the human protection organization who were doing their job there before long they were all just corpses. Several people in black robes came there and killed them all mercilessly. On the other hand, there was one member who was still breathing and then asked the headquarters for help before finally dying. The message was successfully responded to by the headquarters and they are sending assistance. However, it was too late. Those who were there had already been destroyed and again not a single one of them had managed to survive.
"Unlucky. Again, it ended like this," said one of the leaders of the security forces in an annoyed tone while looking around what was already like a sea of ​​corpses.
The group of people in black robes disappeared in an instant without leaving a trace. Those who were currently in a predicament made him feel like he just wanted to die. This time the human protection organization started to spread protection even to the corners of Fedelion. In addition, they plan to arrest all those who are suspected to be those who have been the perpetrators of the incident. The craziest thing about all of this is when no one believes in curses. The destiny that binds them is only what they should live. They all endured suffering even today. Not a few of the people are getting frustrated and they are also slowly starting to leave this world. One of the people who still held on to his resolve was an old man who was presumed to have lived a long time. He was at his residence in downtown Hilton in the north. His life which does not escape the guilt of having run away makes him haunted by despair. However, all that did not make him give up. Until the man sent his grandson to join the human protection organization based in Antherius.
Gabriel, who had started to open up and accept himself, finally made a big decision. Where he is sure of what is his responsibility. This time Gabriel really wanted to fix whatever was his fault. Something he wanted to know about the past and even the secrets buried in lost history. His determination began to rise again with full of confidence. Leo who had started to prepare himself finally got an answer which had previously made him feel tremendous pressure. Vincent honestly said that Jonathan was not a living human but a spirit that was summoned to accompany him. Hearing that fact, Leo was almost speechless and so was Gabriel. Unlike Ilya, who had realized it from the start. They were already starting to prepare to go to meet that person. This time, Vincent also came with them and planned to protect them in case of any danger.
"Are you sure you're okay?" ask Gabriel
"Does not matter. I've been waiting for this for a long time after all."
"And you're just going to leave Jonathan here?" ask Leo
"Yes. Jonathan will protect this place. I trusted him.”
"I see. Oh yeah, will this trip be very dangerous?” asked Gabriel again curiously.
"Who knows. I can't predict that."
"Okay then, let's go."
They finally departed from Vincent's residence to a land where that person was. this time the location is quite far and again can only be accessed using a teleportation portal. Vincent then took them to a portal in his residence. No wonder, all this time Vincent was in this place and it wasn't a problem because he did have access to it. Moreover, in this place it feels so full of mystery. Their departure began with a fairly interesting journey. Before long they were in a strange place.
“This is… impossible,” Gabriel said

Bình Luận Sách (350)

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    Dhejay Gainsan

    waiting for the next episode


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    história clichê,mas gostei


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