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Chapter 6 The End of His Life

A few moments ago when Antoni was observing a group of people in a location that looked like a narrow deserted street in one of the districts in the city of Eldelius. The place was quiet with dark conditions because it was night. When he was carefully walking around the place it wasn't long before someone startled him and then Antoni looked at him. Apparently he was found out. the person in front of him was a man wearing a black robe. Cautiously, Antoni then took out the gun he was carrying. The man then issued some kind of magic which turned out to be so strong that he was hit by the attack. Antoni also put up a fight against the man by firing several bullets but was dodged easily. Not long after, after Antoni was overwhelmed against him, someone came over to them and then a battle ensued between the three of them. They attacked each other until finally Antoni was hit and injured quite badly. Not only that, the man then stabbed him with a spark of magic attack that shot out from his hand. Antoni who was covered in blood was then carried by the two of them and there was only his cellphone left. Arriving at a place which is their headquarters. There, the two of them put the dying Antoni on a table that had a strange crest on it. With blurry vision, Antoni tried to recognize the two of them. But it's not all that obvious. The two men then tied him to the table with chains. Antoni, who felt that he was about to end, in his heart apologized to those who were currently waiting for him at his residence.
"Let's get started," said one of them.
"Yeah, because the full moon is about to end."
A voice that sounded clear to his ears. And moments later they came. apparently the number is increasing. In front of all the offerings begin. Antoni who was about to die saw the magic circle in front of his eyes and then he screamed loudly. Those who were making offerings to the Abyss expended a lot of energy to strengthen the magic circle. There, Antoni died immediately and his body had also disappeared. The ritual lasts for 30 minutes. Under the full sky which then felt so dark. They managed to make offerings and then immediately left the place. Out there, everyone felt a strange sensation and then shut down all their activities. Not only that, some people who are believed to have a deep trauma of the dark make them hide under the covers. The situation that seemed to signal destruction made them feel frightened. The awakening of the fear within them deepens. Deep in his subconscious awakens a memory that does not want to be revealed. In the depths of darkness, someone was there and trapped.
"How strange, why does it feel cold tonight and like being in a graveyard?" said a middle-aged man in his residence.
"Don't say such horrible words."
"This is real. Don't you feel it too?" the man asked his wife who was relaxing.
"Of course it feels."
"It's better not to say it. That's how it should be. it's just your feeling. You know it's just how you feel."
At that time, some people who realized it tried to close their eyes and ears. Eldelius does have quite a few secrets. Berberda at Ilya's residence at that time. There, he felt it too and then looked up at the sky through the window which was getting darker and darker. While looking up at the sky, Ilya then came to his study and sat on a chair. His gaze showed something was about to happen. Besides that, he just did a seance and it turned out that the information Ilya received was indeed similar. Before the spirit was finally returned, Ilya had time to ask a few questions and it turned out to be related to the strangeness of this night.
"Miss, are you inside?"
"Yes. What's wrong, Kennedy?"
"Now it's time for you to have dinner. I've prepared everything."
"Okay, I'll be there."
Kenendy then called him to immediately go to the dining room. Ilya then got up from her seat and walked towards the dining room. In his mind several possibilities that happened and it made his appetite lost for a moment. Kenedy who saw this immediately asked Ilya who was eating.
"Did something happen?"
"You seem to have only been paying attention to the food. Is there something wrong."
"Not really. I just suddenly remembered something.”
"That's how it looks."
“Oh yes Kenedy, what about them? Did they come back here while I was gone?”
"No miss. I told them not to come."
"Good. That would be annoying.”
Somewhere that turned out to be a bar. There, Judith was with the woman and saw what was happening. They both enjoy dinner while accompanied by alcohol and several men. The two of them who realized this then got up from their seats and headed somewhere. Their gazes suddenly turned serious.
“Ah, just troublesome. You'd better go back and leave it to me," Judith said
"Are you sure?"
"Of course. Let me meet him."
"Fine if that's what you want. I will be back."
At that moment, Judith immediately came to see someone and she got a mission. The night where he had to slaughter many souls in a predetermined area. No need to wait long, Judith immediately came to the location using the ability to move places. There, the sight that looked impressive in an instant turned shattered. The flames devoured the entire place and after it was confirmed that she was dead, Judith immediately left to return. Not long after, the security forces from the human protection organization realized the incident and immediately brought a lot of help to carry out the rescue. However, it was all in vain. Not a single soul can be saved. The flames devoured them to the bone. Judith who saw them from a height then took out her fire again and burned those who were there alive.
"Do not disturb. Fools," Judith mumbled
In the midst of dying, a man who is a member of a human protection organization sees Judith before dying. With a smirk, Judith looked up at him and at that moment her vision began to blur. The incident that made the next day excited and all the media spread the news even across the country.
Today at the Vincet residence. Leo and Ilya who were in Vincent's room and chatting with him apparently didn't realize about Gabriel. In a room filled with lots of documents, Gabriel then found something and read it right away. It contains a document regarding dream interpretation. Behind the first page, there was a lot of information and it made Gabriel feel grateful to have found the book. After finishing opening and finding the information, Gabriel then went to the room where the three of them were. By walking slowly around the area he finally arrived at the room and met the three of them who were chatting.
“Oh Gabriel, you've come to your senses. Are you okay?" ask Vincent
"Yes. I'm starting to get better than before."
"Did you feel a burning sensation earlier?"
"Yes. That's right. I feel like I'm going to die."
"I understand."
"Then what does that mean?" ask Leo
“Gabriel got a mark and then felt like he was on fire. That means the sign is reacting. That painful reaction has something to do with his supernatural abilities.”
"What? what ability? I have absolutely no abilities other than that nightmare,” Gabriel said in surprise.
"Nightmare is your ability."
“There is no such thing as impossible. That's what you're capable of. How could you still not be aware of that?”
“It feels weird to call it an ability. Can't everyone have bad dreams?"
"Not everyone has dreams that come true," said Vincent, who emphasized this.
“What he said was true Gabriel. You have the ability to see the future with that dream. Unfortunately, only bad things can be seen," said Ilya
"I'm going to go crazy if I continue like this."
"You shouldn't be crazy. All you have to do is accept it," said Leo
"Not. It's still difficult for me."
"It's only natural that you are like that," said Vincent
The three of them discussed casually and continued to talk about many things. There, Gabriel, who is still experiencing an identity crisis, keeps himself thinking about consequences and even trivial things that shouldn't make him suffer from frustration. They intend to meet Lucius as Ilya said before. However, outside the rain fell heavily and made them trapped in this house for a while. Ilya who kept talking about the concert and then Vincent laughed at him. The sights were quite crowded and they didn't know why it felt so warm even though they were just people they had just met. Gabriel who saw a sight that had never existed in his life made him feel so comfortable that he could barely control it. The atmosphere is so awesome. Leo, who had been busy commenting on Ilya and was then scolded by him, made Gabriel laugh happily.
“You guys please drink the tea. This will help warm the body,” said Vincent
"Yes, we are very grateful."
"Oh yeah, I haven't felt a crowd like this in a long time," said Vincent
"Is that true?"
"Of course. Because it's just me and my nephew here."
Hearing that gave Leo goosebumps in the blink of an eye. His expression changed and he tried to calm himself down. Vincent continued to talk about the boy and of course made Leo feel an unusual sensation.

Bình Luận Sách (350)

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    Dhejay Gainsan

    waiting for the next episode


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    história clichê,mas gostei


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