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Chapter 5 Fragments of Memories

Several years ago, to be exact when Gabriel was only 8 years old. A cold winter air permeated the entire Eldelius region. At that time, the little Gabriel was in a place that was his former residence. There, he saw the white snow behind his bedroom window. As time went on, he grew lonely and cold like snow outside the window. Gabriel then went to his bed and read a fairy tale about the story of the snowman. While reading it, Gabriel then put on a blanket so he wouldn't get cold. Currently he only lives with his uncle, Thomas. And his uncle rarely came home because of work. Gabriel who lived alone did not make him feel sad. From here, his lazy nature and also a severe introvert began to form. A few days later, at that time Gabriel went to school with his friends and when he got there he followed the lessons diligently. His childhood life, which was inseparable from studying, made Gabriel the smartest child in the class. It doesn't stop there, he also often gets gifts from teachers because of his good grades. This is what causes some children to envy him and start avoiding him. Gabriel who was then alone did not make him feel sad and instead got used to it.
The day that all the children at school have been waiting for. they all wear the exact same clothes and then do a photo session together. The celebration that lasted for three days made them very happy and happy. Gabriel is no exception. There, he also dressed like the other children and started doing various activities. At the same time, a child started to approach Gabriel and the two of them talked for a long time. After it's time to go home from school they go to what looks like a field and play there. At first nothing happened until then something happened to the boy and Gabriel who was there then asked for help. When an adult came there because of Gabriel's request, then that person was very surprised and immediately rushed the child to the nearest hospital. After being taken to the hospital and then the doctor said that the child had lost his life made his parents panic and then cry in deep sadness. Since then, Gabriel has received a reproach for harming other people. Gabriel has no friends anymore and he starts playing alone. Under the cloudy sky in the city of Eldelius. Uncle Gabriel who knew about it could only apologize and promise that Gabriel would learn a lesson from him. Hearing this made Gabriel feel even more guilty and finally decided not to be friends with anyone. He was alone until it was time for his uncle named Thomas to take him to Antherius. In a new city, he can live a life that was previously lost. This time Gabriel along with children his age spent time playing happily until finally a child had an accident because he drowned in the river they were playing in. It also made some adults anxious and no longer asked their children to play with Gabriel.
“Wait a minute, it was just an accident. How can Gabriel be blamed?,” said a child who asked adults not to blame all of this on Gabriel.
"Go home. You don't have to play with that kid."
"No, it's not Gabriel's fault."
The sight was remembered until Gabriel grew into a teenager that made him anti-social. All the strange events that happened before his eyes seemed to only bring disaster. Gabriel, now thinking that it was all his fault, made himself never again make friends or join anyone during school. However, a few days later a boy started asking her to play chess and they became friends. Their friendship lasted until they were in high school. Again bad luck came to him. The child died in the art room under unreasonable circumstances. Gabriel who became a witness was actually the cause of all that until finally he had to be transferred. Looking back several years ago, the little Gabriel accidentally entered a room in his residence and saw something. Curiously he approached then, Thomas scolded him and immediately took Gabriel away from the room. After he became a teenager, Gabriel never again entered Thomas' private room.
"Yes? What's wrong Gabriel?"
"Is there something strange about me?"
"Why do you ask like that?"
"It's just weird. Everyone who became my friend always had bad things. what was it that I did that I didn't realize?"
“Hmm… it was just a coincidence. There's no way it's your fault."
"If uncle said like that, then why didn't uncle tell them the truth?"
"That's because their understanding is very different from ours."
"What's different?"
"Hear. They will only assume from one point of view only. Therefore, the best way is to make as if what is in front of them is true.”
"I don't understand what uncle said."
"Then you will understand too."
"Oh yes uncle, there is something I want to know."
"What's that?"
"Who am I?"
Thomas didn't answer Gabriel's question and instead just changed the subject. At the same time, some people started to panic because there had just been an accident that burned the whole house down for no reason. The house is not far from their residence. Thomas who knew about it then came there. Fortunately, the occupants of the house could still be saved even though it was filled with burns all over his body. This horrific incident happened at night. People are panicked and they can't sleep peacefully. Nightmares haunt them to the point of frustration. The security team carried out several investigations into the case and later found a not very clear mark on a burnt cloth. Not a few of them have started to complain to human protection organizations where they haven't helped them stop the nightmare. Gabriel who learned about the incident through television made him feel confused and then turned off the television. The actions taken by the authorities turned out to be futile. They did not find the cause of the incident despite repeated investigations. Irregularities always make them feel anxious and end up doing tight security. Thomas only helped a few people affected by the incident.
"Thank you very much for your help."
"Yes. Do not worry."
Everyone found it helpful to have several people including Thomas helping people around. The impact of the incident made several people leave the area. There is one person who assumes that this is a curse. Because bad things keep happening and make those who were there feel the horror. The human protection organizations made policies to protect them from harm and did as they promised. All of this happened until the day that Antherius was destroyed it was never revealed who the culprit was they just didn't care about it and stayed in the safe zone.
Today, Gabriel who still felt strange about himself and remembered the events of the past even though only a little made him feel relieved. When he was about to go to the room where Ilya and Leo were. Apparently the little boy had seen him walk out of the room. The boy then approached Gabriel and asked him about his condition.
"Are you okay?" asked the boy to Gabriel
"Yes. Already better. What are you doing here?"
"I only saw you."
"Oh yeah, you're right."
"Yes? You called me?"
"Eh? What? Of course I won't faint again."
The child then ran towards the stairs and then up the stairs. Gabriel who then walked towards the room where the two of them were with a slightly better face than before. It's weird all around this place. Some of the things that decorated the room and even the atmosphere was horrible. Gabriel who assumed this was just his feeling then entered a room in front of him. This time he quickly entered the room. Behind the door that was opened by him there seemed to be a pile of old books. Gabriel who felt lost then found a note filled with dust. Slowly he opened the note.
“What did the boy do. why suddenly faint and troublesome," Leo grumbled
"Weren't you worried just now?" ask Vincent
"Worried about what? Hah. I was just surprised."
“After you meet Lucius, what will you do?”
“That… I don't know.”
"Apparently you guys didn't prepare anything huh."
"Isn't it obvious? We just need to stop this tragedy."
"It won't be as easy as you think."
“I know, at least this can be done instead of just sitting around. I don't know when it will end."
"Your decision is not wrong. Just be careful."
"Of course, we will be careful."
"Wow why are you suddenly being so generous," said Ilya with a slightly mocking tone
"That's what it should be," said Vincent
Mckena this time entered a room. Inside was heard someone was speaking loudly. Slowly he listened to her. Then, a man came to face him and then they both faced each other.
“What are you doing there? The trainees shouldn't be in this room," the man told Mckena
"Forgive me. I am lost."
"Then go back to the training ground."
"Good. I'm sorry."
Mckena quickly left from there and then he breathed a sigh of relief that his disguise was not exposed. When he started down the floor then saw something.

Bình Luận Sách (350)

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    Dhejay Gainsan

    waiting for the next episode


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    história clichê,mas gostei


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