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The Stranger

Years had passed since the curse on the forest had been broken, and the village had grown and prospered. But one day, a stranger arrived at the village. He was tall and dark-haired, with piercing blue eyes and a rugged appearance.
The villagers were wary of the stranger, but he seemed friendly enough, and he soon won them over with his charm and charisma. He told stories of his travels and adventures, and the villagers listened in awe.
But there was something about the stranger that made some of the villagers uneasy. He would often disappear for days at a time, and when he returned, he would be covered in dirt and blood. He would never tell anyone where he had been or what he had been doing, and this only served to fuel the villagers' suspicions.
One day, a group of villagers decided to follow the stranger when he left the village. They wanted to find out where he was going and what he was doing. They followed him deep into the cursed forest, but as they went further and further, they began to feel a sense of unease.
Finally, they came to a clearing in the forest, where the stranger was standing over a large rock. He was muttering something under his breath, and they could see that he was holding a small vial filled with a dark liquid.
Suddenly, the ground beneath their feet began to shake, and the trees around them began to sway. They realized too late that they had stumbled upon something much darker than they had anticipated.
The stranger turned to face them, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. He laughed, and the villagers could feel a chill run down their spines. They knew then that they were in the presence of something evil.
The stranger revealed himself to be a powerful sorcerer who had been banished from his homeland for his dark practices. He had come to the village seeking a new home, but now that he had been discovered, he had no choice but to unleash his wrath upon them.
The villagers tried to flee, but they were no match for the sorcerer's power. He unleashed a torrent of dark magic, and the villagers could do nothing but watch in horror as their homes and their loved ones were destroyed.
But just as all seemed lost, the wise woman of the village appeared, wielding a powerful talisman. She had sensed the dark magic being unleashed in the forest and had come to stop it.
The sorcerer and the wise woman engaged in a fierce battle, their magic clashing and sparking in the air. But in the end, it was the wise woman who emerged victorious. She used the power of the talisman to trap the sorcerer in a magical prison, where he could no longer harm anyone.
The village was in ruins, but the wise woman used her magic to heal the wounded and restore the village to its former glory. The memory of the stranger and his dark magic lingered, but the villagers knew that they had the wise woman to thank for their survival.
And so, life in the village continued, but now with a renewed sense of appreciation for the power of magic and the importance of protecting themselves from the dangers that lurked in the cursed forest.
As the years passed, the village continued to prosper under the wise woman's guidance. She became a beloved figure among the villagers, and her reputation as a powerful mage spread throughout the land.
But despite their newfound prosperity, the villagers never forgot the lessons they had learned from the stranger. They knew that the cursed forest was still a dangerous place, and they were always wary of outsiders who entered their village.
One day, a group of travelers arrived in the village. They were a strange group, dressed in clothes that were unfamiliar to the villagers. They claimed to be merchants, but the villagers were skeptical of their intentions.
The wise woman was consulted, and she agreed to meet with the travelers. She used her magic to read their minds, and she discovered that they were not merchants at all. They were bandits who had been terrorizing the surrounding villages, and they had come to the village to steal their valuables and plunder their resources.
The wise woman knew that she had to act quickly to protect her people. She summoned the village leaders and shared her findings with them. They agreed to prepare for the bandit's arrival and to defend their village with all their might.
The villagers worked together to fortify their homes and gather weapons. They trained in combat and prepared for the inevitable battle. They knew that they would be outnumbered, but they were determined to protect their village and their way of life.
When the bandits arrived, the villagers were ready. They fought bravely, and their determination and courage were enough to hold off the bandits' initial assault. But as the battle raged on, the villagers began to tire, and the bandits started to gain the upper hand.
Just when all seemed lost, the wise woman appeared. She had been preparing a powerful spell, one that would turn the tide of the battle. With a wave of her hand, she unleashed a wave of magic that sent the bandits flying through the air.
The bandits were defeated, and the village was safe once again. The villagers cheered and celebrated their victory, but they knew that it was the wise woman's magic that had saved them.
And so, life in the village continued, but now with a renewed sense of appreciation for the power of magic and the importance of protecting their home from those who would seek to harm them. The villagers knew that as long as they had the wise woman on their side, they could overcome any challenge that came their way.

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    Asmira Tigas Manampad



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