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Chương 11 Unknown Fiancé

I prepared myself for our welcome party tonight. I make sure that Mr. Herrera’s son is going to have a good first impression upon me. I wouldn’t waste this opportunity to have a great night with him.
“Kate...” my Mom called from the other side of my door before I heard several knocks coming from it.
“Yes, Mom?” I asked.
“Can I come in?”
“Sure, of course. Just open the door. It was unlocked.”
I heard the door swing open and my Mom’s mouth formed an “O” shape as she saw my outfit. It was a very revealing dress matched by a high stilettoes. I also used a dark, crimson red lipstick that will gave anyone a hint that I am a sexy yet sophisticated woman.
“What was that?” she asked.
“Uhm, my outfit?”
“Kate, are you sure you wanted to wear that one?” Mom asked again as her brows furrowed in confusion.
“Yes! What’s wrong with it?”
I was merely annoyed by the fact that my Mom obviously didn’t like my outfit. I mean, what harm would it bring if I tried to look pretty in front of my unknown fiance?
“What’s the commotion is all about?” Dad asked as he entered into my room.
“Armando! Look at your daughter! Don’t you think her outfit is a bit inappropriate for the occasion?” Mom complained, trying to get Dad on her side.
“Come on, Katheryn. What’s wrong with you? Look at our daughter. She’s very beautiful. Darrel’s son will surely be impressed.”
“Thank you, Dad.” I smiled at him and she did the same.
“So, I’ll go downstairs now. People are already waiting for us at the venue. And Katheryn, please don’t bug our daughter. She’s already twenty-four for Pete’s sake. Let her wear whatever she wants.”
Mom just glared at him as he made his way outside. Then Mom looked back at me in disapproval, and I feel like she still wanted to say something but she chose to remained silent.
“You know what...” Or so I thought. “It’s your choice if you really wanted to marry that unknown fiance of yours. But only for a piece of advice... Kate, tying yourself to someone you barely even know... It’s hard. Believe me, I know it.”
“Thank you, Mom.” I looked at her. “But I know what I’m doing. Promise.”
She just nodded before giving me a kiss on my forehead. And then she grabbed her purse, before she decided to go downstairs as well.
“I’ll wait for you at the car. Don’t take too long now. Your Dad is probably there at the venue right now.”
I smiled and finally, she leave. It didn’t take me too long as she said to finished fixing up myself. As I rushed downstairs towards where our driver and Mom is waiting for me, I saw that Dad’s car wasn’t in our driveway anymore. Maybe Mom is right. He already went there alone.
I hopped inside of the car where Mom is currently in right now. Our driver started the engine, and we finally made our way to the reception of our welcome party. After fifteen minutes or so, we arrived at our elegant destination. There are so many people inside and I wonder how would I find Dad or even Mr. Herrera.
“Go... Don’t make your Dad wait for you too long. You know how grumpy he could gets.”
I chuckled at Mom’s statement. I waved my farewell to her before going in alone. People are staring at me, and as I made my entrance in the reception, I could hear their whispers out of amusement.
And there, I finally saw my Dad, talking to Mr. Herrera... And his son. The man I’m going to marry sooner or later. I can’t believe that I finally got the chance to talk to him tonight.
“Kate, you’re finally here.” Dad greeted me with a hug and smile. I even did the same thing to Mr. Herrera.
“Good evening, Mr. Herrera.”
I looked at the man with mesmerizing blue orbs and I can’t help but to be amused by his handsome face. Indeed, I’m lucky to be his instant fiance. Even though he looks so dominant, it didn’t change the fact that I wanted and I chose to be his future wife.
“Good evening, Kate. I will be please if you meet my son, Darren Herrera. The future of Herrera Corp.,” Mr. Herrera proudly stated.
“Hi, Darren. You looked ravishing tonight.” I smiled at him, feeling very delighted to meet my future husband for the first time.
“Thank you,” he coldly answered.
Mr. Herrera got closer to him before he whispered something into his son’s left ear. I didn’t heard it that clear but I think whatever it is, it had brought annoyance to him.
“Fine, fine,” Darren muttered under his breath, sounded more like annoyed. “You look good as well, Ms. Frias.”
I blushed, hearing him complimenting my looks. I did a great job. I impressed him. I wonder if did I make my Dad so proud tonight. But I can already see it on his face. He looks so happy for the first time.
“Thank you. And there’s no need for you to be so formal. You can just call me Kate,” I stated.
“Yeah, since my daughter and you will be living at the same house soon enough,” Dad added, making me blush out of embarrassment. He doesn’t need to say that in front of him.
Darren looked bothered, but I chose to ignored it. Maybe he’s just thinking about their company and other business related stuffs.
“Let’s enjoy the night, Armando. And let us leave our children for them to talk.”
And without any more words or even a bit hesitation, Dad and Mr. Herrera leave us there, alone. I’m feeling nervous, not knowing how to start a conversation with him. To break the defying silence, I gained enough courage to take the first step and ask him about something.
“So... Did they tell you about it?” I asked, flashing a bashful grin.
“What do you think?” I curiously asked. I badly wanted to know his reaction.
He stopped for a moment, thinking about something before he said another word.
“Well, I honestly don’t know what to say. No offense,” he whispered.
“Oh,” was my short reply.
I was amused when he started to asked me about something... Our upcoming marriage, to be specific. I thought I would be the one who will always start a conversation.
“How about you? What do you think about it? Do you really want our parents to decide about our marriage?”
I looked at him. Seems like he wasn’t sure about this marriage. But I am. And I wouldn’t change my mind anymore. Without hesitation, I answer him with full of confidence.
“Of course it’s fine for me. Who wouldn’t want to marry a man like you?” Again, I smiled at him sweetly.
He didn’t answer me. So from that moment on, I just stick myself with him during the whole night. I often try to get close to him, hoping that something might be develop between the two of us. But after a few minutes or so, he stopped, looking at me straight in the eye.
“Excuse me, Kate. I need to go home right now. I have a lot of works to do.” Now I know that reason why he looked so bothered lately. I felt shy, knowing that maybe I had taken too much of his time.
“Oh. I’m sorry, Darren. Maybe we can see each other again sometime?” I asked, making a puppy look out of my little eyes.
“S-sure, I g-guess,” he agreed, only making me smile wider than before.
“Then let me have your cellphone number.”
He sighed, but he reached for his pocket to get his phone. We exchange our phone numbers before he left, and when he finally vanished out of my sight, I felt glad and overwhelmed. I didn’t know that I can do that.
I’m not the same person as I am before. Now I can face any man without a bit hesitation and a help from anyone. I can do anything all by myself now.

Bình Luận Sách (111)

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