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Chương 12 Who’s Gabriel?

“So... Who’s Gabriel?” he asked, looking at me while patting a bag of ice on my cheek.
“Do we really need to talk about this right now?”
“It’s fine if you don’t wanna answer my question. I’m just... Curious.”
“Why are you so curious about it, anyway?”
“Hmm... Just look at what happened, Claire. If only I knew about this earlier, we could have avoided that scenario at the office.”
“It’s your fault. You didn’t tell me that you’re engaged to Kate. You should have told me that at the first place.”
“Okay... I’m sorry. I just didn’t know that you two have already met before.”
“She’s my high school bestfriend...”
“So what’s the story between you two? I’m badly curious about it. Don’t you think I deserves to know the truth after what happened?”
I looked at him. He was staring intently into my eyes before he averted his gazed towards the other direction.
“Please tell me, Claire. I hate to be clueless. I’m afraid I wasn’t gonna be able to sleep if you don’t tell me your story... So please... Just tell me, even just as your temporary husband.”
I sighed before I nodded.
“Fine, fine. I’ll tell you. But please... Don’t be mad at me. It was all my fault that Kate loathed me so much. I’m the one who should take blame for that incident earlier.”
“I will never get mad at you, I promised. Just tell me all about it.”
I sighed again, heavier this time. This is the first time I’m going to tell this high school story of mine to someone. I didn’t even tell this to Alexa or Elijah. It was a secret I tried to keep after all these years. But now, I already found someone I could trust... Someone that maybe... Just maybe, could be my deepest and darkest secret’s safe home.
“As I’ve said before, Kate and I were once best of friends. We never leave each other’s side and we always share our secrets together. She told me that she has a very huge crush to this guy... Some guy that I didn’t know,” I started.
“Because we are schoolmates, I discovered the name of that guy. He’s Gabriel, he’s a student in a same grade level like us. Most people think that I’m a very friendly person. And I believed it. That’s why I told Kate that I wanted to help her get close to that guy. So I did as I promised. I befriended Gabriel. And whenever Kate was around, I’ll leave them all alone so that they can have some time for knowing each other more. As time passed by, I thought I was doing a really good job. Kate and Gabriel were always together, some people even thought that they’re already dating or something. But they’re wrong. I was wrong.”
“Why? What happened? You almost succeed, Claire. So... What happened next?”
“Gabriel... He... He confessed his love for me... In front of the whole school. I don’t know why. I keep asking myself why not Kate? Why me? All I ever wanted was for her to be happy. But I ruined everything. I ruined our friendship. Sometimes I’m wondering, what if I didn’t befriended that guy? Those crazy what ifs...”
I looked at him, prepared for hearing such a hurtful words. But it didn’t come. He just stare at me blankly, his eyes are still wondering.
“How come it became your fault? Kate shouldn’t blame you for that.”
My mouth fell a gap because of disbelief. How can he say that?
“It is my fault, Darren.”
“No, it’s not. There’s no reason for her to blame you. It’s not your fault that Gab or whoever he is confessed his shitty feelings for you. There’s no one to be blame for that.”
“What about you? I took the chance of her having a husband and a happy married life. I ruined everything.”
“It’s my fault this time. And I’m taking blame for this. Please don’t be so hard on yourself. So tell me, what happened after that cringe confession?”
I sighed.
“Kate started to avoid me. Of course I didn’t accept Gab’s confession. So I avoided him too. I apologized to Kate, but I only made things worst.
“I tried to convince Gab to turn his affection towards Kate, but he didn’t want to. He said that he really loves me, and he couldn’t stand seeing me avoiding him. That’s why he decided to leave abroad. Kate lost her last chance on making him fall in love with her. And it was all because of me. Ever since that day, our friendship came to an end. Thankfully, I met Elijah, the only friend I have since then until now.”
“You have me, Claire. You can treat me as your friend.”
I smiled at him before mouthing the words, “Thank you.”
“So that’s your story...”
He sighed before patting my cheek again with a bag of ice. I wince at the pain while remembering the weight of Kate’s hand on my face.
“Does it still hurt?”
“Just a little bit...”
My heart skipped a beat when he brushed the back of his hand on my bruised cheek.
“You still look beautiful, don’t worry.”
I blushed before averting my gaze on another direction.
“I already told you one of my stories... How about you? How did you met Elijah?” I asked, avoiding the previous conversation.
“Oh. I’ve known Elijah since grade school. We’re best of friends, you know. But my Dad wanted me to study abroad when I was nearly high school that’s why we got separated. After I finished studying there, I went back here in the Philippines in order to run half of our company. I met Elijah in one of our charity events and it happened so fast. Just like that, we’re best of friends again.”
“Why did your Dad wanted you to study abroad?” I curiously asked.
He gulped several times before avoiding my eyes. It is now his turn to divert our conversation from my curious question.
“Nothing. Anyways, let’s call someone to fix what happened to your face. You’ll meet my Dad later tonight and he couldn’t see what Kate have done to you.”
I just nodded before trying to stand up. I nearly loss my balance but thankfully, Darren quickly caught my waist helping me to regain my posture.
“Please be careful.”
“I’m sorry... It’s just that... I need to see Alexa and my Dad.”
“Do you want us to go there?”
“Is it okay with you?”
“Of course, why not? Our meeting with Dad is still hours away. We have some time to spare.”
I look at him before smiling unconsciously. He smiled back that almost melted my heart.
“Thank you, Darren.”
“You’re always welcome.”
He help me walk towards his car before we hopped inside. He started the engine and we drove all the way from Herrera Corp. to the hospital.
We stopped at the drive thru and he ordered tons of foods for us.
“Darren... Isn’t this too much?” I asked while he is handling his card to the crew.
“These are for your little sister, Claire. I’ve already met her earlier. And for once, I wanted to feel whatever it is that you do when you see a child smiling.”
I nearly laughed at his response.
“Why? What’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing... I just... I thought you hate kids.”
“I do. But I’m not gonna lose anything if I try to love them like you and Elijah did.”
For the very first time, I felt happy for him. Well at least he’s not afraid to try new things.
“Let’s go. I hope Alexa’s hungry...”
He laughed at my remark before grabbing his card and the purchased foods. We continue to drove through the hospital and finally, we arrived. It was already one in the afternoon and I hope Alexa hadn’t eaten lunch yet. I don’t want Darren’s effort to go on waste.
We went straight to my Dad’s private room without knocking. I saw Alexa sitting besides Dad who’s now asleep.
“We are here–”
“Shhh!” It was Alexa, signaling us to be quiet.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered.
She look at me and then to the person next to mine.
“You’re the guy I saw earlier,” Alexa declared.
“Have you eaten yet?” I asked her.
“Nope. But Dad already did. The nurse delivered a food for him earlier. And I already made him take his meds.”
“Thank you so much, Alexa. I know I can count on you. You’re so responsible.”
I kissed the top of her forehead.
“Are you staying now?”
“Uhm... Not yet–”
“She still needs to work. You know what, your sister is working very hard to pay the hospital bills. She’s doing everything for you. You’re very lucky to have her,” Darren said as he kneel down in front of my little sister.
“I know... I’m just worried about her. I know she’s tired,” she answered.
“It’s alright. I promised I’ll take good care of her.”
“Are you working with Claire?”
“What about Elijah?”
“Uh... He’s with us too.”
“Then I trust you. I’m Alexa, Claire’s little sister,” she finally smile widely at him.
Darren just stared at her, his face slowly lit up as he saw Alexa’s pure and innocent smile. He offer his hand as he properly introduced himself.
“I’m Darren Herrera, your sister’s friend.”
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Herrera,” she said like a professional employee closing a big deal as she reached out his hand.
Darren chuckled at my little sister’s response before shaking their hands.
“You can just call me Darren. And... We brought something for you. I know you’re hungry.”
Darren get the food and stuffs that he bought earlier. He and Alexa prepare all of it in a small table beside of our sleeping father.
“Come on, Claire. Let’s eat,” Alexa stated.
I sat between Alexa and Darren. He looked at me with a genuine smile on his face. A real smile, not a smirk or a grin.
“You’re indeed right. Their smile makes anyone’s heart melt,” he whispered closely to my ears.
I felt shivered down to my spine when his breath touched my neck.
“Why are you blushing, Claire?” Alexa asked out of nowhere.
“M-me? Blushing? I’m n-not.”
“Yes, you are. Maybe it was because of Darren. Are you two dating?”
My sister didn’t hit the brakes this time. Darren look at me playfully, enjoying the attention of my little sister.
“No, we’re not–”
“Well, actually, I’m still courting your sister. And I’m hoping that she would say yes someday,” Darren cuts my sentence.
“Really? Then I love to be your sister so that I can call you brother.”
“Alexa!” I tried to stop her.
“Don’t be shy, Claire.” Darren held my right hand at the top of the table.
“What do you think you’re doing?” I whispered questioning to him.
He just winked at me but didn’t gave any response at all.
“Do you love Claire?” Alexa asked, making the both of us shocked.
“Darren doesn’t need to answer that question, Alexa. It was too early for us to think–”
“I do.” My heart skipped a beat as I heard his serious voice. “I do love your sister, Alexa. I love you, Claire.” He look directly at me with his deep, mesmerizing eyes.
“I love the way she smile. I love how willing she’s does everything for you, for your family. That’s what matters the most right? She deserves to be loved as much as she loves you all.”
That really did it. My heart starts palpitating and I couldn’t control my breathing anymore. My forehead produces too much sweat and I started questioning myself. Am I just doing this because of our deal or because I wanted to be with him as much as how I wanted to stay with my family?

Bình Luận Sách (139)

  • avatar
    Mat Daud

    very good sentence and the story very interesting also good plot.


  • avatar
    Nat Nat

    butiful story


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